80 research outputs found

    Construction of the first snp-based linkage map using genotyping-by-sequencing and mapping of the male-sterility gene in leaf chicory

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    We report the first high-density linkage map construction through genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) in leaf chicory (Cichorium intybus subsp. intybus var. foliosum, 2n = 2x = 18) and the SNP-based fine mapping of the linkage group region carrying a recessive gene responsible for male-sterility (ms1). An experimental BC 1 population, segregating for the male sterility trait, was specifically generated and 198 progeny plants were preliminary screened through a multiplexed SSR genotyping analysis for the identification of microsatellite markers linked to the ms1 locus. Two backbone SSR markers belonging to linkage group 4 of the available Cichorium consensus map were found genetically associated to the ms1 gene at 5.8 and 12.1 cM apart. A GBS strategy was then used to produce a high-density SNP-based linkage map, containing 727 genomic loci organized into 9 linkage groups and spanning a total length of 1,413 cM. 13 SNPs proved to be tightly linked to the ms1 locus based on a subset of 44 progeny plants analyzed. The map position of these markers was further validated by sequence-specific PCR experiments using an additional set of 64 progeny plants, enabling to verify that four of them fully co-segregated with male-sterility. A mesosynteny analysis revealed that 10 genomic DNA sequences encompassing the 13 selected SNPs of chicory mapped in a peripheral region of chromosome 5 of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) spanning about 18 Mbp. Since a MYB103-like gene, encoding for a transcription factor involved in callose dissolution of tetrads and exine development of microspores, was found located in the same chromosomal region, this orthologous was chosen as candidate for male-sterility. The amplification and sequencing of its CDS using accessions with contrasting phenotypes/genotypes (i.e., 4 male sterile mutants, ms1ms1, and 4 male fertile inbreds, Ms1Ms1) enabled to detect an INDEL of 4 nucleotides in its second exon, responsible for an anticipated stop codon in the male sterile mutants. This polymorphism was subsequently validated through allele-specific PCR assays and found to fully co-segregate with male-sterility, using 64 progeny plants of the same mapping BC 1 population. Overall, our molecular data could be practically exploited for genotyping plant materials and for marker-assisted breeding schemes in leaf chicory

    Super-Genotype: Global Monoclonality Defies the Odds of Nature

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    The ability to respond to natural selection under novel conditions is critical for the establishment and persistence of introduced alien species and their ability to become invasive. Here we correlated neutral and quantitative genetic diversity of the weed Pennisetum setaceum Forsk. Chiov. (Poaceae) with differing global (North American and African) patterns of invasiveness and compared this diversity to native range populations. Numerous molecular markers indicate complete monoclonality within and among all of these areas (FST = 0.0) and is supported by extreme low quantitative trait variance (QST = 0.00065–0.00952). The results support the general-purpose-genotype hypothesis that can tolerate all environmental variation. However, a single global genotype and widespread invasiveness under numerous environmental conditions suggests a super-genotype. The super-genotype described here likely evolved high levels of plasticity in response to fluctuating environmental conditions during the Early to Mid Holocene. During the Late Holocene, when environmental conditions were predominantly constant but extremely inclement, strong selection resulted in only a few surviving genotypes

    A Meeting of the Minds: John Bowlby Encounters Jean Piaget

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    John Bowlby has several times asserted the complementarity between the theory of attachment and both ethology and Jean Piaget’s theory. However, it remains unclear why the contribution of ethology and psychoanalysis on Bowlby’s thought has been underlined by numerous authors, whereas the influence of Jean Piaget has been systematically neglected. In this article, we focus on the points of contact between these 2 outstanding scholars. To this purpose, 80 of Bowlby’s writings have been perused (books, book chapters, and articles). Subsequently, the writings in which explicit references to Piaget’s work appear have been selected. In particular, evidence of the influences of Piaget over Bowlby’s thinking has been tracked down through the numerous quotes Bowlby made of Piaget and also analyzing the participation of both of them in an important interdisciplinary group during the 50s, the International Interdisciplinary Meetings on Child Psychology, convened by the World Health Organization. Furthermore, we have analyzed the Piagetian concepts which Bowlby used in his theory, such as object permanence and egocentrism, and the conceptual similarities between the 2 authors. Finally, we have highlighted the analogy between the Bowlbian concept of Internal Working Model and the Piagetian concepts of the development of knowledge through the processes of assimilation and accommodation

    Orientamento inclusivo nell’ottica del Positive Youth Development: il ruolo della positivity e dell’autoefficacia scolastica nella scuola secondaria di secondo grado

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    Un costrutto che si inserisce pienamente all’interno del macro-paradigma del Positive Youth Development è quello di positivity, caratteristica che tiene in sé aspetti di autostima, ottimismo e soddisfazione per la propria vita. Al fine di rendere operativo il ruolo di tale disposizione personale nella costruzione del percorso di carriera degli adolescenti, adottando una prospettiva social-cognitiva (Bandura, 1997), il presente contributo intende esaminare il ruolo di caratteristiche individuali come l’autoefficacia scolastica e di caratteristiche del contesto come il clima scolastico. L’obiettivo dello studio è quello di analizzare il contributo concorrente della positivity, dell’autoefficacia nell’apprendimento autoregolato e della percezione di coinvolgimento nella scuola sulle aspirazioni e sulla persistenza degli adolescenti nei loro percorsi scolastici. Hanno partecipato alla ricerca 13 classi prime dell’Istituto Tecnico “Pascal” di Roma, per un totale di 260 studenti (età media = 14,36; d.s.=0,78), in prevalenza maschi (78,5%). Gli strumenti sono: 1) Positivity Scale (Caprara, et al., 2012); 2) Self-Regulated Learning Self-Efficacy (Bandura et al., 2001); 3) Percezione del coinvolgimento nella scuola (Pastorelli & Vecchio, 2009); 4) Scala delle aspirazioni degli studenti; 5) Scala dell’intenzione di persistere nel proprio percorso scolastico (Hardre & Reeve (2003). Sono state effettuate due distinte analisi di Regressione Gerarchica multipla, che hanno considerato come variabili dipendenti le aspirazioni degli studenti e l’intenzione di persistere nel proprio percorso scolastico e come variabili indipendenti la positivity (Step 1), l’autoefficacia nell’apprendimento autoregolato (Step 2) e la percezione del coinvolgimento nella scuola (Step 3). I modelli di regressione spiegano complessivamente il 26% della varianza delle aspirazioni e il 19% dell’intenzione di persistere nel percorso scolastico. L’analisi del modello finale evidenzia come la positivity, (β = .17), l’autoefficacia nell’apprendimento autoregolato (β = .33) e la percezione del coinvolgimento nella scuola (β = .20) contribuiscano alla spiegazione delle aspirazioni degli studenti. Per l’intenzione a persistere nel percorso scolastico, la positivity (β = .21) e l’autoefficacia nell’apprendimento autoregolato (β = .28) esercitano un ruolo significativo, mentre il contributo della percezione del coinvolgimento nella scuola è tendente alla significatività (β = .11). Nell’ottica del PYD, i risultati confermano l’importanza di un atteggiamento positivo verso la vita ai fini di uno sviluppo armonico, evidenziando anche il ruolo di alcuni aspetti individuali, come le convinzioni di saper regolare i propri processi di apprendimento e contestuali, come il sentirsi parte del proprio contesto scolastico, nell’arginare l’abbandono scolastico, promuovere una maggiore persistenza lungo il percorso ed incrementare le aspirazioni degli studenti. Ciò sottolinea la rilevanza di modelli di orientamento improntati al Life Design, che mirano allo sviluppo delle potenzialità individuali e contestuali ai fini di un apprendimento ottimale e di un orientamento fondato sulla conoscenza di sé stessi

    Impact of the SARS-CoV-2 on the Italian agri-food sector: An analysis of the quarter of pandemic lockdown and clues for a socio-economic and territorial restart

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    The recent outbreak of a new Coronavirus has developed into a global pandemic with about 10.5 million reported cases and over 500,000 deaths worldwide. Our prospective paper reports an updated analysis of the impact that this pandemic had on the Italian agri-food sector during the national lockdown and discusses why and how this unprecedented economic crisis could be a turning point to deal with the overall sustainability of food and agricultural systems in the frame of the forthcoming European Green Deal. Its introductory part includes a wide-ranging examination of the first quarter of pandemic emergency, with a specific focus on the primary production, to be understood as agriculture (i.e., crops and livestock, and their food products), fisheries, and forestry. The effect on the typical food and wine exports, and the local environment tourism segments is also taken into account in this analysis, because of their old and deep roots into the cultural and historical heritage of the country. The subsequent part of the paper is centered on strategic lines and research networks for an efficient socio-economic and territorial restart, and a faster transition to sustainability in the frame of a circular bio-economy. Particular emphasis is given to the urgent need of investments in research and development concerning agriculture, in terms of not only a fruitful penetration of the agro-tech for a next-generation agri-food era, but also a deeper attention to the natural and environmental resources, including forestry. As for the rest of Europe, Italy demands actions to expand knowledge and strengthen research applied to technology transfer for innovation activities aimed at providing solutions for a climate neutral and resilient society, in reference to primary production to ensure food security and nutrition quality. Our expectation is that science and culture return to play a central role in national society, as their main actors are capable of making a pivotal contribution to renew and restart the whole primary sector and agri-food industry, addressing also social and environmental issues, and so accelerating the transition to sustainability

    Effectiveness of a Brief Online Mindfulness-Based Intervention for University Students

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    Objectives: The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a dramatic increase in Web-based education, lacking face-to-face student–teacher and student–student interaction, and consequently impairing students’ sense of belonging to a community, interoceptive awareness, and academic self-efficacy. This study examined how a brief mindfulness-based intervention in an online university course can be effective in enhancing attention resources, developing a stronger sense of academic self-efficacy, and improving the sense of belonging to a community, which represent critical factors affecting students’ participation in online and blended courses. Method: Four-hundred and eighty-six participants (Mage 22.88) completed a battery of measures at pre- and post-treatment. One class (experimental group) participated in a brief online mindfulness-based intervention (42%), whereas the other one (control group) did not take part in the intervention (58%). The intervention included breathing meditation at the beginning of class, sharing of experiences, mini-lectures on mindfulness, and daily practice, and lasted for 28 consecutive days. Results: Participants in the experimental group when compared to controls showed a significant increase in the feeling of influencing the course activities (F = 9.628; p < 0.005), in the self-regulation of attention (F = 19.133; p < 0.001), in academic self-efficacy (F = 9.220; p < 0.005), and, particularly, in their self-efficacy in regulating learning (F = 12.942; p < 0.001). The students’ adherence to the assigned practice could partially explain the effectiveness of the intervention. Conclusions: This study offers useful clues about the effectiveness of mindfulness interventions in the classroom in enhancing sense of belonging to a community, attention grounded in bodily sensations, and academic self-efficacy. Preregistration: This study is not preregistered
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