3,166 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Strategik Sistem Informasi Pada Perusahaan Penerbitan Dengan Metode Ward & Peppard: Studi Kasus Pada Penerbit Rekayasa Sains Bandung

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    . Perencanaan strategis sistem informasi kini merupakan salah satu kunci dalam pencapaian sasaran Perusahaan, karena harus selaras dengan strategi bisnis yang dijalankan. Model perencanaan strategis sistem informasi yang akan dibahas dalam kajian ini adalah menggunakan metode Ward & Peppard. Metode Ward and Peppard merupakan sebuah model yang digunakan untuk menyusun sebuah perencanaan strategik sistem informasi pada suatu industri. Dengan menggunakan metode ini berbagai faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap organisasi, baik internal maupun eksternal dianalisis untuk mendapatkan sebuah formula yang menjadi dasar dalam penyusunan strategi SI/TI baru Perusahaan dalam bentuk portofolio SI/TI, yang selanjutnya dapat dijadikan sebuah rencana strategik (renstra) SI/TI. Hasil kajian menunjukkan sebuah model perencanaan strategi sistem informasi industri penerbitan yang selaras dengan strategi bisnisnya. Komponen-komponen yang menentukan pada industri penerbitan yang dipetakan kedalam 4 perspektif BSC, yaitu persepektif keuangan, pelanggan, proses bisnis internal, pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan. Hasil pemetaan ini selanjutnya mengelaborasi kebutuhan SI/TI sejalan dengan strategi bisnis penerbitan menggunakan empat perspektif BSC. KebutuhanSI/TI yang muncul kemudian di inventarisir untuk dijalankan sesuai dengan manajemen strategis SI/TI-nya.Katakunci: perencanaan strategik, sistem informasi, teknologi informasi, metode ward and peppard, penerbit rekayasa sains.Abstract. Strategic planning of information system is now one of the key in achieving the company's goals, as must be aligned with business strategy being executed. Strategic planning model of information systems to be discussed in this study is using Ward & Peppard. Ward and Peppard method is a model used to develop an information systems strategic planning in an industry. By using this method the various factors that affect the organization, both internally and externally analyzed to get a formula that became a base for the preparation of the strategy / IT Company in the form of a new portfolio / IT, which then can be used as a strategic plan (renstra) of SI / IT. The result of the study showed a model of Strategic Information Systems Planning in publishing industry that is aligned with its business strategy. The components that determine the publishing industry is mapped to the four BSC perspectives i.e financial perspective, customer, internal business processes, learning and growth. The result of this mapping needs further elaboration / IT in line with business strategy publishing using the four BSC perspectives. The need for IS / IT that emerge later is to be Inventoried to be carried out in accordance with the strategic management of IS / IT.Keywords: strategic planning, information systems, information technology, ward and peppard method, rekaya sains publisher. AbstrakPerencanaan strategis sistem informasi kini merupakan salah satu kunci dalam pencapaian sasaran Perusahaan, karena harus selaras dengan strategi bisnis yang dijalankan. Model perencanaan strategis sistem informasi yang akan dibahas dalam kajian ini adalah menggunakan metode Ward & Peppard. Metode Ward and Peppard merupakan sebuah model yang digunakan untuk menyusun sebuah perencanaan strategik sistem informasi pada suatu industri. Dengan menggunakan metode ini berbagai faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap organisasi, baik internal maupun eksternal dianalisis untuk mendapatkan sebuah formula yang menjadi dasar dalam penyusunan strategi SI/TI baru Perusahaan dalam bentuk portofolio SI/TI, yang selanjutnya dapat dijadikan sebuah rencana strategik (renstra) SI/TI. Hasil kajian menunjukkan sebuah model perencanaan strategi sistem informasi industri penerbitan yang selaras dengan strategi bisnisnya. Komponen-komponen yang menentukan pada industri penerbitan yang dipetakan kedalam 4 perspektif BSC, yaitu persepektif keuangan, pelanggan, proses bisnis internal, pembelajaran dan pertumbuhan. Hasil pemetaan ini selanjutnya mengelaborasi kebutuhan SI/TI sejalan dengan strategi bisnis penerbitan menggunakan empat perspektif BSC. KebutuhanSI/TI yang muncul kemudian di inventarisir untuk dijalankan sesuai dengan manajemen strategis SI/TI-nya.Katakunci: perencanaan strategik, sistem informasi, teknologi informasi, metode ward and peppard, penerbit rekayasa sains

    Techniques for Production of Large Area Graphene for Electronic and Sensor Device Applications

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    AbstractHere we review commonly used techniques for the production of large area and high quality graphene to meet the requirements of industrial applications, including epitaxial growth on SiC, chemical vapour deposition (CVD) on transition metals and growth from solid carbon source. The review makes a comparison of the growth mechanisms, quality (such as mobility and homogeneity) and properties of the resultant graphene, limitations and the prospect of each production method. A particular focus of the review is on direct (transfer free) growth on dielectric substrate as this is potentially one of the promising techniques for graphene production which can readily be integrated into existing semiconductor fabrication processes.</jats:p

    Economics of nitrogen and integrated weed management in dry seeded rice

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    Dry-seeded rice (DSR) is an emerging production technology in many Asian countries, whose profitability is higher than puddled transplanted rice. However, weed infestations are severe in the DSR. To increase the competitiveness with weeds and achieve the yield potential of rice, weed management in DSR needs an integration of herbicides and higher nitrogen (N) fertilizer rates. Field experiments were conducted in the aman (wet season) 2012 and 2013 in Bangladesh to evaluate the effect of N rates (0, 80, 120, and 160 kg ha) and weed control methods [one hand weeding (HW); pendimethalin 1000 g ai ha followed by (fb) ethoxysulfuron 20 g ai ha; pendimethalin fb ethoxysulfuron fb one HW; and weed-free] on weed growth and crop yield in DSR. The experiment was arranged in a split-plot design with three replications. The highest grain yield (5.3 to 5.5 t ha) was recorded in the season-long manual weed free treatment when N rate was160 kg ha; however, because of the high cost of labor, this method was not profitable. The use of pendimethalin fb ethoxysulfuron fb one HW effectively controlled weeds and produced a similar yield with the weed-free treatment for all levels of N. However, weed management cost was also higher because of the involvement of one HW. Although pendimethalin fb ethoxysulfuron treatment had always lower yielded than the pendimethalin fb ethoxysulfuron fb one HW, grain yield increased and net profit was similar when N rate increased from 120 to 160 kg ha. Considering weed control efficiency, yield, and economics, pendimethalin fb ethoxysulfuron fb one HW with 120 kg N ha may be recommended to growers. However, if laborers are not available for hand weeding, pendimethalin fb ethoxysulfuron with 160 kg N ha is the best option to achieve high yield in DSR

    Kajian Persebaran Kandungan Nitrat Terlarut Di Perairan Tugu Semarang

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    Nitrat sangatlah penting bagi kehidupan fitoplankton di laut, sehingga diperlukan kajian tentang sebaran nitrat. Penyebaran nitrat ini dipengaruhi beberapa faktor baik secara lansung dan tidak langsung. Secara langsung penyebaran nitrat dipengaruhi oleh arus pasang surut dan secara tidak langsug dipengaruhi oleh faktor fisika kimia oseanografi, yaitu suhu, salinitas, dan pH. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Perairan Tugu Semarang pada tanggal 1 Maret 2012. Lokasi pengambilan sampel dibagi menjadi 6 stasiun yang dapat mewakili persebaran nitrat di perairan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kandungan nitrat di perairan Tugu, Semarang dan mengetahui sebaran nitrat yang dipengaruhi faktor hidro oseanografi. Metode yang digunakandalampengambilan sampel air laut adalahpurposive sampling method. Hasil penelitian di perairan Tugu Semarang menunjukkan bahwa tipe pasang surut yang terjadi adalah campuran condong ke harian tunggal. Konsentrasi nitrat ketika surut berkisar 0,288 - 0,342 mg/L, dan ketika pasang 0,283 - 0,337 mg/L. Persebaran nitrat yang terjadi saat surut lebih tinggi konsentrasinya dibanding pada saat pasang. Arus tidak terlalu mempengaruhi pola sebaran nitrat, tetapi penurunan konsentrasi nitrat diakibatkan adanya pengenceran

    Replicating the sanitation marketing model of the low-cost product Easy Latrine in Sindh Province, South Pakistan

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    This case study documents the introduction by Action Against Hunger of the sanitation marketing of Easy Latrines in Southern Pakistan. It explains its adaptation to the local context, and introduces very encouraging initial results with the demand and the offer both growing within months after the introduction of the concept. The approach was however subsidized and lasted only a few months: discussions are proposed for further analysis and improvements to ensure it addresses well the major crisis of open defecation in Pakistan

    Small-Scale Fluidized Bed Bioreactor for Long-Term Dynamic Culture of 3D Cell Constructs and in vitro Testing

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    With the increasing interest in three-dimensional (3D) cell constructs that better represent native tissues, comes the need to also invest in devices, i.e., bioreactors, that provide a controlled dynamic environment similar to the perfusion mechanism observed in vivo. Here a laboratory-scale fluidized bed bioreactor (sFBB) was designed for hydrogel (i.e., alginate) encapsulated cells to generate a dynamic culture system that produced a homogenous milieu and host substantial biomass for long-term evolution of tissue-like structures and “per cell” performance analysis. The bioreactor design, conceptualized through scale-down empirical similarity rules, was initially validated through computational fluid dynamics analysis for the distributor capacity of homogenously dispersing the flow with an average fluid velocity of 4.596 × 10–4 m/s. Experimental tests then demonstrated a consistent fluidization of hydrogel spheres, while maintaining shape and integrity (606.9 ± 99.3 μm diameter and 0.96 shape factor). It also induced mass transfer in and out of the hydrogel at a faster rate than static conditions. Finally, the sFBB sustained culture of alginate encapsulated hepatoblastoma cells for 12 days promoting proliferation into highly viable (>97%) cell spheroids at a high final density of 27.3 ± 0.78 million cells/mL beads. This was reproducible across multiple units set up in parallel and operating simultaneously. The sFBB prototype constitutes a simple and robust tool to generate 3D cell constructs, expandable into a multi-unit setup for simultaneous observations and for future development and biological evaluation of in vitro tissue models and their responses to different agents, increasing the complexity and speed of R&D processes
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