1,105 research outputs found

    On the Anomalies and Schwinger Terms in Noncommutative Gauge Theories

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    Invariant (nonplanar) anomaly of noncommutative QED is reexamined. It is found that just as in ordinary gauge theory UV regularization is needed to discover anomalies, in noncommutative case, in addition, an IR regularization is also required to exhibit existence of invariant anomaly. Thus resolving the controversy in the value of invariant anomaly, an expression for the unintergrated anomaly is found. Schwinger terms of the current algebra of the theory are derived.Comment: LaTeX, axodraw.sty, 1 figure; v2: Typos corrected, References added, Version to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys. A (2006

    A Note on Exact Solutions and Attractor Mechanism for Non-BPS Black Holes

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    We obtain two extremal, spherically symmetric, non-BPS black hole solutions to 4D supergravity, one of which carries D2-D6 charges and the other carries D0-D2-D4 charges. For the D2-D6 case, rather than solving the equations of motion directly, we assume the form of the solution and then find that the assumption satisfies the equations of motion and the constraint. Our D2-D6 solution is manifestly dual to the solution presented in 0710.4967. The D0-D2-D4 solution is obtained by performing certain [SL(2,Z)]3[SL(2,{\bf Z})]^{3} duality transformations on the D0-D4 solution in 0710.4967.Comment: 20 pages, LaTe

    p-p' System with B-field, Branes at Angles and Noncommutative Geometry

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    We study the generic ppp-p^\prime system in the presence of constant NS 2-form BijB_{ij} field. We derive properties concerning with the noncommutativity of D-brane worldvolume, the Green functions and the spectrum of this system. In the zero slope limit, a large number of light states appear as the lowest excitations in appropriate cases. We are able to relate the energies of the lowest states after the GSO projection with the configurations of branes at angles. Through analytic continuation, the system is compared with the branes with relative motion.Comment: 21 pages, Latex. References regarding to section 3 and 4 added. Typos correcte

    On R**2 Corrections for 5D Black Holes

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    We study higher order corrections to extremal black holes/black string in five dimensions. These higher order corrections are due to supersymmetric completion of R**2 term in five dimensions. By making use of the results we extend the notion of very special geometry when higher derivative terms are also taken into account. This can be used to make a connection between total bundle space of near horizon wrapped M2's and wrapped M5's in the presence of higher order corrections. We also show how the corrected geometry removes the singularity of a small black hole.Comment: 16 pages, latex file, V3: typos corrected, refs added, V4; minor corrections, few comments added, refs adde

    Microstructure and damage evolution during thermal cycling of Sn-Ag-Cu solders containing antimony

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    Antimony is attracting interest as an addition to Pb-free solders to improve thermal cycling performance in harsher conditions. Here, we investigate microstructure evolution and failure in harsh accelerated thermal cycling (ATC) of a Sn-3.8Ag-0.9Cu solder with 5.5 wt.% antimony as the major addition in two ball grid array (BGA) packages. SbSn particles are shown to precipitate on both Cu6Sn5 and as cuboids in β-Sn, with reproducible orientation relationships and a good lattice match. Similar to Sn-Ag-Cu solders, the microstructure and damage evolution were generally localised in the β-Sn near the component side where localised β-Sn misorientations and subgrains, accelerated SbSn and Ag3Sn particle coarsening, and β-Sn recrystallisation occurred. Cracks grew along the network of recrystallised grain boundaries to failure. The improved ATC performance is mostly attributed to SbSn solid-state precipitation within β-Sn dendrites, which supplements the Ag3Sn that formed in a eutectic reaction between β-Sn dendrites, providing populations of strengthening particles in both the dendritic and eutectic β-Sn

    Non-Commutative GUTs, Standard Model and C,P,T

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    Noncommutative Yang-Mills theories are sensitive to the choice of the representation that enters in the gauge kinetic term. We constrain this ambiguity by considering grand unified theories. We find that at first order in the noncommutativity parameter \theta, SU(5) is not truly a unified theory, while SO(10) has a unique noncommutative generalization. In view of these results we discuss the noncommutative SM theory that is compatible with SO(10) GUT and find that there are no modifications to the SM gauge kinetic term at lowest order in \theta. We study in detail the reality, hermiticity and C,P,T properties of the Seiberg-Witten map and of the resulting effective actions expanded in ordinary fields. We find that in models of GUTs (or compatible with GUTs) right-handed fermions and left-handed ones appear with opposite Seiberg-Witten map.Comment: 28 pages. Added references and comments in the introductio

    Entropy Function for Non-extremal D1D5 and D2D6NS5-branes

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    We apply the entropy function formalism to non-extremal D1D5 and D2D6NS5-branes whose throat approximation is given by the Schwarzschild black hole in AdS_3\times S^3\times T^4 and AdS_3\times S^2\times S^1\times T^4, respectively. We find the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy and the (alpha')^3R^4 corrections from the value of the entropy function at its saddle point. While the higher derivative terms have no effect on the temperature, they decrease the value of the entropy.Comment: 17 Pages, Latex file; Minor additions, version published in JHE

    Towards Noncommutative Fuzzy QED

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    We study in one-loop perturbation theory noncommutative fuzzy quenched QED_4. We write down the effective action on fuzzy S**2 x S**2 and show the existence of a gauge-invariant UV-IR mixing in the model in the large N planar limit. We also give a derivation of the beta function and comment on the limit of large mass of the normal scalar fields. We also discuss topology change in this 4 fuzzy dimensions arising from the interaction of fields (matrices) with spacetime through its noncommutativity.Comment: 33 page

    T-duality and closed string non-commutative (doubled) geometry

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    We provide some evidence that closed string coordinates will become non-commutative turning on H-field flux background in closed string compactifications. This is in analogy to open string non-commutativity on the world volume of D-branes with B- and F-field background. The class of 3-dimensional backgrounds we are studying are twisted tori (fibrations of a 2-torus over a circle) and the their T-dual H-field, 3-form flux backgrounds (T-folds). The spatial non-commutativity arises due to the non-trivial monodromies of the toroidal Kahler resp. complex structure moduli fields, when going around the closed string along the circle direction. In addition we study closed string non-commutativity in the context of doubled geometry, where we argue that in general a non-commutative closed string background is T-dual to a commutative closed string background and vice versa. Finally, in analogy to open string boundary conditions, we also argue that closed string momentum and winding modes define in some sense D-branes in closed string doubled geometry.Comment: 31 pages, references added, extended version contains new sections 3.3., 3.4 and

    Minimal Scales from an Extended Hilbert Space

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    We consider an extension of the conventional quantum Heisenberg algebra, assuming that coordinates as well as momenta fulfil nontrivial commutation relations. As a consequence, a minimal length and a minimal mass scale are implemented. Our commutators do not depend on positions and momenta and we provide an extension of the coordinate coherent state approach to Noncommutative Geometry. We explore, as toy model, the corresponding quantum field theory in a (2+1)-dimensional spacetime. Then we investigate the more realistic case of a (3+1)-dimensional spacetime, foliated into noncommutative planes. As a result, we obtain propagators, which are finite in the ultraviolet as well as the infrared regime.Comment: 16 pages, version which matches that published on CQ