136 research outputs found

    From Strong to Weak Coupling Regime in a Single GaN Microwire up to Room Temperature

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    Large bandgap semiconductor microwires constitute a very advantageous alternative to planar microcavities in the context of room temperature strong coupling regime between exciton and light. In this work we demonstrate that in a GaN microwire, the strong coupling regime is achieved up to room temperature with a large Rabi splitting of 125 meV never achieved before in a Nitride-based photonic nanostructure. The demonstration relies on a method which doesn't require any knowledge \'a priori on the photonic eigenmodes energy in the microwire, i.e. the details of the microwire cross-section shape. Moreover, using a heavily doped segment within the same microwire, we confirm experimentally that free excitons provide the oscillator strength for this strong coupling regime. The measured Rabi splitting to linewidth ratio of 15 matches state of the art planar Nitride-based microcavities, in spite of a much simpler design and a less demanding fabrication process. These results show that GaN microwires constitute a simpler and promising system to achieve electrically pumped lasing in the strong coupling regime.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Controlling the charge environment of single quantum dots in a photonic-crystal cavity

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    We demonstrate that the presence of charge around a semiconductor quantum dot (QD) strongly affects its optical properties and produces non-resonant coupling to the modes of a microcavity. We first show that, besides (multi)exciton lines, a QD generates a spectrally broad emission which efficiently couples to cavity modes. Its temporal dynamics shows that it is related to the Coulomb interaction between the QD (multi)excitons and carriers in the adjacent wetting layer. This mechanism can be suppressed by the application of an electric field, making the QD closer to an ideal two-level system.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Single photonics at telecom wavelengths using nanowire superconducting detectors

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    Single photonic applications - such as quantum key distribution - rely on the transmission of single photons, and require the ultimate sensitivity that an optical detector can achieve. Single-photon detectors must convert the energy of an optical pulse containing a single photon into a measurable electrical signal. We report on fiber-coupled superconducting single-photon detectors (SSPDs) with specifications that exceed those of avalanche photodiodes (APDs), operating at telecommunication wavelength, in sensitivity, temporal resolution and repetition frequency. The improved performance is demonstrated by measuring the intensity correlation function g(2)(t) of single-photon states at 1300nm produced by single semiconductor quantum dots (QDs).Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures - submitted 12 OCT 200

    Quantum magnetism and counterflow supersolidity of up-down bosonic dipoles

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    We study a gas of dipolar Bosons confined in a two-dimensional optical lattice. Dipoles are considered to point freely in both up and down directions perpendicular to the lattice plane. This results in a nearest neighbor repulsive (attractive) interaction for aligned (anti-aligned) dipoles. We find regions of parameters where the ground state of the system exhibits insulating phases with ferromagnetic or anti-ferromagnetic ordering, as well as with rational values of the average magnetization. Evidence for the existence of a novel counterflow supersolid quantum phase is also presented.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Enhanced spontaneous emission in a photonic crystal light-emitting diode

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    We report direct evidence of enhanced spontaneous emission in a photonic crystal (PhC) light-emitting diode. The device consists of p-i-n heterojunction embedded in a suspended membrane, comprising a layer of self-assembled quantum dots. Current is injected laterally from the periphery to the center of the PhC. A well-isolated emission peak at 1300nm from the PhC cavity mode is observed, and the enhancement of the spontaneous emission rate is clearly evidenced by time-resolved electroluminescence measurements, showing that our diode switches off in a time shorter than the bulk radiative and nonradiative lifetimesComment: 10 page

    Growth-interruption-induced low-density InAs quantum dots on GaAs

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    We investigate the use of growth interruption to obtain low-density InAs quantum dots (QDs) on GaAs. The process was realized by Ostwald-type ripening of a thin InAs layer. It was found that the optical properties of the QDs as a function of growth interruption strongly depend on InAs growth rate. By using this approach, a low density of QDs (4 dots/ ”m2) with uniform size distribution was achieved. As compared to QDs grown without growth interruption, a larger energy separation between the QD confined levels was observed, suggesting a situation closer to the ideal zero-dimensional system. Combining with an InGaAs capping layer such as In-rich QDs enable 1.3 ”m emission at 4 K

    Growth-interruption-induced low-density InAs quantum dots on GaAs

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    We investigate the use of growth interruption to obtain low-density InAs quantum dots (QDs) on GaAs. The process was realized by Ostwald-type ripening of a thin InAs layer. It was found that the optical properties of the QDs as a function of growth interruption strongly depend on InAs growth rate. By using this approach, a low density of QDs (4 dots/mu m(2)) with uniform size distribution was achieved. As compared to QDs grown without growth interruption, a larger energy separation between the QD confined levels was observed, suggesting a situation closer to the ideal zero-dimensional system. Combining with an InGaAs capping layer such as In-rich QDs enable 1.3 mu m emission at 4 K. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.3000483

    Enhanced spontaneous emission rate from single InAs quantum dots in a photonic crystal nanocavity at telecom wavelengths

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    The authors demonstrate coupling at 1.3 micro m between single InAs quantum dots (QDs) and a mode of a two dimensional photonic crystal (PhC) defect cavity with a quality factor of 15 000. By spectrally tuning the cavity mode, they induce coupling with excitonic lines. They perform a time integrated and time-resolved photoluminescence and measure an eightfold increase in the spontaneous emission rate inducing a coupling efficiency of 96%. These measurements indicate the potential of single QDs in PhC cavities as efficient single-photon emitters for fiber-based quantum information processing applications. [on SciFinder (R)
