809 research outputs found

    Probing RS scenarios of flavour at LHC via leptonic channels

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    We study a purely leptonic signature of the Randall-Sundrum scenario with Standard Model fields in the bulk at LHC: the contribution from the exchange of Kaluza-Klein (KK) excitations of gauge bosons to the clear Drell-Yan reaction. We show that this contribution is detectable (even with the low luminosities of the LHC initial regime) for KK masses around the TeV scale and for sufficiently large lepton couplings to KK gauge bosons. Such large couplings can be compatible with ElectroWeak precision data on the Zff coupling in the framework of the custodial O(3) symmetry recently proposed, for specific configurations of lepton localizations (along the extra dimension). These configurations can simultaneously reproduce the correct lepton masses, while generating acceptably small Flavour Changing Neutral Current (FCNC) effects. This LHC phenomenological analysis is realistic in the sense that it is based on fermion localizations which reproduce all the quark/lepton masses plus mixing angles and respect FCNC constraints in both the hadron and lepton sectors.Comment: 15 pages, 6 Figures, Latex fil

    Searching for the Kaluza-Klein Graviton in Bulk RS Models

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    The best-studied version of the RS1 model has all the Standard Model particles confined to the TeV brane. However, recent variants have the Standard Model fermions and gauge bosons located in the bulk five-dimensional spacetime. We study the potential reach of the LHC in searching for the lightest KK partner of the graviton in the most promising such models in which the right-handed top is localized very near the TeV brane and the light fermions are localized near the Planck brane. We consider both detection and the establishment of the spin-2 nature of the resonance should it be found.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures - JHEP published version, figures added, branching ratio correcte

    Composite Leptoquarks at the LHC

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    If electroweak symmetry breaking arises via strongly-coupled physics, the observed suppression of flavour-changing processes suggests that fermion masses should arise via mixing of elementary fermions with composite fermions of the strong sector. The strong sector then carries colour charge, and may contain composite leptoquark states, arising either as TeV scale resonances, or even as light, pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone bosons. The latter, since they are coupled to colour, get a mass of the order of several hundred GeV, beyond the reach of current searches at the Tevatron. The same generic mechanism that suppresses flavour-changing processes suppresses leptoquark-mediated rare processes, making it conceivable that the many stringent constraints may be evaded. The leptoquarks couple predominantly to third-generation quarks and leptons, and the prospects for discovery at LHC appear to be good. As an illustration, a model based on the Pati-Salam symmetry is described, and its embedding in models with a larger symmetry incorporating unification of gauge couplings, which provide additional motivation for leptoquark states at or below the TeV scale, is discussed.Comment: 10 pp, version to appear in JHE

    After the Standard Model: New Resonances at the LHC

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    Experiments will soon start taking data at CERN's Large Hadron Collider (LHC) with high expectations for discovery of new physics phenomena. Indeed, the LHC's unprecedented center-of-mass energy will allow the experiments to probe an energy regime where the standard model is known to break down. In this article, the experiments' capability to observe new resonances in various channels is reviewed.Comment: Preprint version of a Brief Review for Modern Physics Letters A. Changes w.r.t. the fully corrected version are smal

    Matter-gravity interaction in a multiply warped braneworld,

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    The role of a bulk graviton in predicting the signature of extra dimensions through collider-based experiments is explored in the context of a multiply warped spacetime. In particular it is shown that in a doubly warped braneworld model, the presence of the sixth dimension, results in enhanced concentration of graviton Kaluza Klein (KK) modes compared to that obtained in the usual 5-dimensional Randall-Sundrum model. Also, the couplings of these massive graviton KK modes with the matter fields on the visible brane turn out to be appreciably larger than that in the corresponding 5- dimensional model. The significance of these results are discussed in the context of KK graviton search at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC).Comment: 13 pages, 2 table

    Heavy-light decay topologies as a new strategy to discover a heavy gluon

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    We study the collider phenomenology of the lightest Kaluza-Klein excitation of the gluon, G*, in theories with a warped extra dimension. We do so by means of a two-site effective lagrangian which includes only the lowest-lying spin-1 and spin-1/2 resonances. We point out the importance of the decays of G* to one SM plus one heavy fermion, that were overlooked in the previous literature. It turns out that, when kinematically allowed, such heavy-light decays are powerful channels for discovering the G*. In particular, we present a parton-level Montecarlo analysis of the final state Wtb that follows from the decay of G* to one SM top or bottom quark plus its heavy partner. We find that at \sqrt{s} = 7 TeV and with 10 fb^{-1} of integrated luminosity, the LHC can discover a KK gluon with mass in the range M_{G*} = (1.8 - 2.2) TeV if its coupling to a pair of light quarks is g_{G*qqbar} = (0.2-0.5) g_3. The same process is also competitive for the discovery of the top and bottom partners as well. We find, for example, that the LHC at \sqrt{s} = 7 TeV can discover a 1 TeV KK bottom quark with an integrated luminosity of (5.3 - 0.61) fb^{-1} for g_{G*qqbar} = (0.2-0.5) g_3.Comment: 36 pages, 13 figures. v2: a few typos corrected, comments added, version published in JHE

    Low-scale warped extra dimension and its predilection for multiple top quarks

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    Within warped extra dimension models that explain flavor through geometry, flavor changing neutral current constraints generally force the Kaluza-Klein scale to be above many TeV. This creates tension with a natural electroweak scale. On the other hand, a much lower scale compatible with precision electroweak and flavor changing neutral current constraints is allowed if we decouple the Kaluza-Klein states of Standard Model gauge bosons from light fermions clightcb0.5c_{\rm light}\simeq c_b\simeq 0.5 bulk mass parameters). The main signature for this approach is four top quark production via the Kaluza-Klein excitations' strong coupling to top quarks. We study single lepton, like-sign dilepton, and trilepton observables of four-top events at the Large Hadron Collider. The like-sign dilepton signature typically has the largest discovery potential for a strongly coupled right-handed top case (M_{KK} \sim 2-2.5 \TeV), while single lepton is the better when the left-handed top couples most strongly (M_{KK} \sim 2 \TeV). We also describe challenging lepton-jet collimation issues in the like-sign dilepton and trilepton channels. An alternative single lepton observable is considered which takes advantage of the many bottom quarks in the final state. Although searches of other particles may compete, we find that four top production via Kaluza-Klein gluons is most promising in a large region of this parameter space.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figures. discussions improved, references adde

    Flavour physics of the RS model with KK masses reachable at LHC

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    The version of the higher-dimensional Randall-Sundrum (RS) model with matter in the bulk, which addresses the gauge hierarchy problem, has additional attractive features. In particular, it provides an intrinsic geometrical mechanism that can explain the origin of the large mass hierarchies among the Standard Model fermions. Within this context, a good solution for the gauge hierarchy problem corresponds to low masses for the Kaluza-Klein (KK) excitations of the gauge bosons. Some scenarios have been proposed in order to render these low masses (down to a few TeV) consistent with precision electroweak measurements. Here, we give specific and complete realizations of this RS version with small KK masses, down to 1 TeV, which are consistent with the entire structure of the fermions in flavour space: (1) all the last experimental data on quark/lepton masses and mixing angles (including massive neutrinos of Dirac type) are reproduced, (2) flavour changing neutral current constraints are satisfied and (3) the effective suppression scales of non-renormalizable interactions (in the physical basis) are within the bounds set by low energy flavour phenomenology. Our result, on the possibility of having KK gauge boson modes as light as a few TeV, constitutes one of the first theoretical motivations for experimental searches of direct signatures at the LHC collider, of this interesting version of the RS model which accommodates fermion masses.Comment: 27 pages, Latex file. References and comments adde

    QCD Corrections to Vector-Boson Fusion Processes in Warped Higgsless Models

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    We discuss the signatures of a representative Higgsless model with ideal fermion delocalization in vector-boson fusion processes, focusing on the gold- and silver-plated decay modes of the gauge bosons at the CERN-Large Hadron Collider. For this purpose, we have developed a fully-flexible parton-level Monte-Carlo program, which allows for the calculation of cross sections and kinematic distributions within experimentally feasible selection cuts at NLO-QCD accuracy. We find that Kaluza-Klein resonances give rise to very distinctive distributions of the decay leptons. Similar to the Standard Model case, within the Higgsless scenario the perturbative treatment of the vector-boson scattering processes is under excellent control.Comment: 22 pages, 20 figure

    Electroweak and Flavour Structure of a Warped Extra Dimension with Custodial Protection

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    We present the electroweak and flavour structure of a model with a warped extra dimension and the bulk gauge group SU(3) x SU(2)_L x SU(2)_R x P_LR x U(1)_X. The presence of SU(2)_R implies an unbroken custodial symmetry in the Higgs system allowing to eliminate large contributions to the T parameter, whereas the P_LR symmetry and the enlarged fermion representations provide a custodial symmetry for flavour diagonal and flavour changing couplings of the SM Z boson to left-handed down-type quarks. We diagonalise analytically the mass matrices of charged and neutral gauge bosons including the first KK modes. We present the mass matrices for quarks including heavy KK modes and discuss the neutral and charged currents involving light and heavy fields. We give the corresponding complete set of Feynman rules in the unitary gauge.Comment: 74 pages, 2 figures. clarifying comments and references added, version to be published in JHE