21 research outputs found

    艢rodki komunikacji elektronicznej w prawie zam贸wie艅 publicznych

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    Przepisy ustawy Prawo zam贸wie艅 publicznych wprowadzaj膮 powszechny obowi膮zek stosowania 艣rodk贸w komunikacji elektronicznej. Wyj膮tkowo zamawiaj膮cy oraz wykonawca posiadaj膮 swobod臋 wyboru pomi臋dzy pisemn膮 a elektroniczn膮 form膮 komunikacji. Przepisy te dookre艣laj膮 tak偶e rodzaje i warunki techniczne w艂a艣ciwe dla 艣rodk贸w komunikacji elektronicznej. Taka forma komunikacji przyniesie korzy艣ci zar贸wno zamawiaj膮cemu, jak i wykonawcy na poziomie Unii Europejskiej oraz w ka偶dym z pa艅stw cz艂onkowskich. Przepisy dotycz膮ce elektronicznej administracji zosta艂y wprowadzone w wyniku implementacji przepis贸w prawa Unii Europejskiej. Szerokie stosowanie 艣rodk贸w komunikacji elektronicznej, obejmuj膮ce m.in. post臋powanie o udzielenie zam贸wienia oraz post臋powanie odwo艂awcze, skutkuje ich znacznym zr贸偶nicowaniem. 艢rodki te maj膮 na celu g艂贸wnie u艂atwienie komunikacji pomi臋dzy zamawiaj膮cym a wykonawc膮

    Za艂o偶enie nadrz臋dno艣ci interesu spo艂ecznego nad interesem jednostkowym w planowaniu przestrzennym jako przejaw autorytarnych tendencji prawodawcy w ustawie z dnia 12 lipca 1984 roku o planowaniu przestrzennym

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    The Act of 12 July 1984 on Spatial Planning ensured the primacy of social interest over individual interest. This superiority was a manifestation of the authoritarian tendencies of the legislator. The normative measures ensuring this supremacy were the principle of planned development and the linking of spatial development plans with social and economic plans.The Act of 12 July 1984 on Spatial Planning ensured the primacy of social interest over individual interest. This superiority was a manifestation of the authoritarian tendencies of the legislator. The normative measures ensuring this supremacy were the principle of planned development and the linking of spatial development plans with social and economic plans

    Rola terenowej administracji publicznej w przygotowaniu ludno艣ci do przetrwania w sytuacjach kryzysowych

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     THE ROLE OF LOCAL PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN PREPARING THE POPULATION TO SURVIVE IN CRISIS SITUATIONSThe aim of the article is to define the scope of activities of local public administration in preparing the population to survive in crisis situations. The research included an analysis of the provisions concerning the crisis situation, which are expressed in the Act on Crisis Management and the Act on Press Law. The research was conducted using the analytical and dogmatic method. The research has shown that activities of the local authorities cover information and ensure survival of the population. These activities are interrelated and can be distinguished as direct and indirect. Every person can take action in order to survive in the time of the crisis situation, taking into account the activities of the local authorities. THE ROLE OF LOCAL PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION IN PREPARING THE POPULATION TO SURVIVE IN CRISIS SITUATIONSThe aim of the article is to define the scope of activities of local public administration in preparing the population to survive in crisis situations. The research included an analysis of the provisions concerning the crisis situation, which are expressed in the Act on Crisis Management and the Act on Press Law. The research was conducted using the analytical and dogmatic method. The research has shown that activities of the local authorities cover information and ensure survival of the population. These activities are interrelated and can be distinguished as direct and indirect. Every person can take action in order to survive in the time of the crisis situation, taking into account the activities of the local authorities

    Ograniczenie wolno艣ci budowlanej w uj臋ciu rozporz膮dzenia Prezydenta RP z 1928 r. o prawie budowlanem i zabudowaniu osiedli

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     Limitations of the freedom of construction in the ordinance of the President of Poland of 1928 on construction law and development of residential estatesThe Ordinance of the President of 1928 on the construction law and housing developments had unified regulations on the construction process. Provisions have balanced the freedom of the construction and the public interest and interests of the individual person. These provisions provided the primacy of the public interest in relation to the interest of the individual person. The regulations concerned the initiation and organization of the construction process.Die Einschränkung der Baufreiheit nach der Verordnung des Präsidenten der Republik Polen aus dem Jahre 1928 über das Baurecht und die Bebauung von OrtschaftenDie Verordnung aus dem Jahre 1928 über das Baurecht und die Bebauung von Ortschaften ver­einheitlichte die Regelungen betreffend den Bauprozess. Die Rechtsvorschriften führten zur Ausge­wogenheit der Baufreiheit gegenüber dem öffentlichen Interesse und dem Interesse einer individu­ellen Drittperson. Die Vorschriften sicherten die Vorherrschaft des öffentlichen Interesses gegenüber dem individuellen Interesse. Die die Baufreiheit einschränkenden Regelungen betrafen den Beginn und die Organisation des Bauprozesses. Limitations of the freedom of construction in the ordinance of the President of Poland of 1928 on construction law and development of residential estatesThe Ordinance of the President of 1928 on the construction law and housing developments had unified regulations on the construction process. Provisions have balanced the freedom of the construction and the public interest and interests of the individual person. These provisions provided the primacy of the public interest in relation to the interest of the individual person. The regulations concerned the initiation and organization of the construction process.Die Einschränkung der Baufreiheit nach der Verordnung des Präsidenten der Republik Polen aus dem Jahre 1928 über das Baurecht und die Bebauung von OrtschaftenDie Verordnung aus dem Jahre 1928 über das Baurecht und die Bebauung von Ortschaften ver­einheitlichte die Regelungen betreffend den Bauprozess. Die Rechtsvorschriften führten zur Ausge­wogenheit der Baufreiheit gegenüber dem öffentlichen Interesse und dem Interesse einer individu­ellen Drittperson. Die Vorschriften sicherten die Vorherrschaft des öffentlichen Interesses gegenüber dem individuellen Interesse. Die die Baufreiheit einschränkenden Regelungen betrafen den Beginn und die Organisation des Bauprozesses

    Ochrona zr贸wnowa偶onego rozwoju oraz 艂adu przestrzennego w procesie budowlanym

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    Protection of sustainable development and spatial order in the construction processEnsuring sustainable development and spatial order is the principle of the planning law. The local development plan and the decision on the conditions for construction and land development shall be consistent with this principle. This principle limits the ownership right. This right is the source of construction freedom. Construction freedom is limited inter alia by the planning law. The participants in the construction process and the authorities of the architectural and construction administration shall ensure compliance of the construction process with the local development plan and the decision on the conditions for construction and land development. The construction work, the maintenance of building structures and the legalization of the unauthorized construction shall be consistent with those acts.Protection of sustainable development and spatial order in the construction processEnsuring sustainable development and spatial order is the principle of the planning law. The local development plan and the decision on the conditions for construction and land development shall be consistent with this principle. This principle limits the ownership right. This right is the source of construction freedom. Construction freedom is limited inter alia by the planning law. The participants in the construction process and the authorities of the architectural and construction administration shall ensure compliance of the construction process with the local development plan and the decision on the conditions for construction and land development. The construction work, the maintenance of building structures and the legalization of the unauthorized construction shall be consistent with those acts

    P艂aszczyzny administracji elektronicznej

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     Dimensions of e-governmentThe provisions of e-government are expressed in various legal acts, therefore there is avariety of ways of regulating the management and control of information. The division into dimensions, which are including collection, storage, transmission and control, allow to create a model of e-government. Dimensions of e-governmentThe provisions of e-government are expressed in various legal acts, therefore there is avariety of ways of regulating the management and control of information. The division into dimensions, which are including collection, storage, transmission and control, allow to create a model of e-government

    Wsparcie finansowe i聽 rzeczowe dzia艂alno艣ci ochotniczych stra偶y po偶arnych przez gmin臋

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    The financial and material support the volunteer fire brigades activity by the communityFire protection is the community’s own task. The community performs this task in cooperation with volunteer fire brigades. For this purpose, the community provides direct and indirect financing of acting of voluntary fire brigades. The provisions allows for a  significant differentiation in the method of financing their activities.The financial and material support the volunteer fire brigades activity by the communityFire protection is the community’s own task. The community performs this task in cooperation with volunteer fire brigades. For this purpose, the community provides direct and indirect financing of acting of voluntary fire brigades. The provisions allows for a  significant differentiation in the method of financing their activities

    Zasada zabudowy planowej jako 艣rodek s艂u偶膮cy realizacji cel贸w pa艅stwa autorytarnego na podstawie przepis贸w ustawy z dnia 12 lipca 1984 roku o planowaniu przestrzennym

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    The principle of planned spatial development was common in the socialist period. It was both a tool to protect the economic interests of the state, and a legal instrument of the authoritarian state at the time. Its scope and application was general, and as such it resulted a disproportionate restriction of the individual鈥檚 ownership rights, far exceeding the needs of public interest. The institutions that applied it, i.e. the state administration authorities, had no democratic legitimacy. The principle of planned spatial development has not connotations with any type of political system, by its very nature. It might as well function as a legal measure in democratic states. In Poland it is currently applied in specific cases. The Swiss legal order assumes general application of this principle by public administration authorities, who have democratic legitimacy.The principle of planned spatial development was common in the socialist period. It was both a tool to protect the economic interests of the state, and a legal instrument of the authoritarian state at the time. Its scope and application was general, and as such it resulted a disproportionate restriction of the individual鈥檚 ownership rights, far exceeding the needs of public interest. The institutions that applied it, i.e. the state administration authorities, had no democratic legitimacy. The principle of planned spatial development has not connotations with any type of political system, by its very nature. It might as well function as a legal measure in democratic states. In Poland it is currently applied in specific cases. The Swiss legal order assumes general application of this principle by public administration authorities, who have democratic legitimacy

    Zwi膮zek jednostek samorz膮du terytorialnego jako organizator publicznego transportu zbiorowego

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    Unions of local self-government units may have the status of the organizer of public collective transport. The union then performs two types of tasks, i.e., providing transport services of public utility and exercising regulatory supervision over the activities of private carriers providing transport services. Entrusting the performance of this task to a union of local self-government allows increasing the efficiency and reducing the costs.Zwi膮zki jednostek samorz膮du terytorialnego mog膮 posiada膰 status organizatora publicznego transportu zbiorowego. Realizuj膮 one w贸wczas dwa rodzaje obowi膮zk贸w: zapewnienie us艂ug przewozowych o charakterze u偶yteczno艣ci publicznej oraz sprawowanie nadzoru regulacyjnego nad dzia艂alno艣ci膮 prywatnych przewo藕nik贸w 艣wiadcz膮cych us艂ugi przewozowe. Powierzenie wykonania tego zadania zwi膮zkowi jednostek samorz膮du terytorialnego s艂u偶y zwi臋kszeniu sprawno艣ci oraz zmniejszeniu kosztoch艂onno艣ci jego wykonania