49 research outputs found

    The risk of increased daytime sleepiness and obstructive sleep apnea among the group of professional drivers

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    Introduction and purpose: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is the most common clinical problem in the group of diseases classified as sleep breathing disorders. Professional drivers are a group that is particularly exposed to the consequences of OSA during the day. This is a very significant problem as chronic daytime sleepiness and falling asleep at the wheel are now recognized as one of the leading causes of road accidents caused by drivers.The aim of the study was to assess the risk of excessive daytime sleepiness and obstructive sleep apnea among the group of professional drivers. Material and methods: The research group consisted of 101 people employed as a professional driver. In order to assess excessive daytime sleepiness and the risk of obstructive sleep apnea, the Epworth sleepiness scale, the Berlin Questionnaire and the self-questionnaire were used. Results: Among 45 drivers (44.6%) had a high risk of OSA using the Berlin Questionnaire, and 56 drivers (55.4%) had a low risk of OSA. According to the Epworth sleepiness scale, it was found that 19.8% of drivers experienced mild daytime sleepiness and 13.9% were drivers with excessive daytime sleepiness require medical consultation. In drivers with a high risk of OSA, the relationship with increased excessive daytime sleepiness was confirmed in the Berlin Questionnaire (85.7%). Conclusions: Among professional drivers, the risk of developing obstructive sleep apnea increases due to risk factors. There is a relationship between excessive daytime sleepiness and risk factors for obstructive sleep apnea

    Adjustment to Cancer among Patients with Breast Cancer Hospitalized in the Day Care Oncology Ward

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    Introduction: Breast cancer is one of the most common malignant tumours affecting women. The treatment often involves the surgical removal of the neoplastic lesion or even the resection of the whole breast. The disease affects virtually every sphere of a woman's life. The aim of the work was to learn strategies for coping with pain on the example of patients of the Neurological Hospital of the City Hospital named after John Paul II in Bielsko-Biała. Materials and methods: The study involved 100 patients with breast cancer following oncological surgery who were hospitalized in the oncology ward of the Beskid Oncology Centre of the Town Hospital in Bielsko-Biała. The research was carried out from March to December 2017. The following research tools were used: self-inquiry questionnaire and the Mini-Mac Mental Adjustment Scale for cancer. Findings: While analysing the ways of coping with cancer, it was shown that the constructive style definitely dominates along with the high intensity of the positive re-evaluation strategy, the fighting spirit. The destructive style, however, scored low among the respondents. Conclusions: The patients showed an attitude leaning towards cancer adjustment. Most women had a positive attitude towards their disease

    Health locus of control, self-efficacy and dispositional optimism in patients with diabetes mellitus 2 - review of the literature

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    In the literature on prevention, health promotion and psychology, much attention is paid to the determinants of health, with particular emphasis on lifestyle and practiced health behaviors [1]. The individual choice of the type of behavior adopted depends on the patient's level of general knowledge, in particular knowledge of health care, as well as experience, motivation, recognized values ​​and set goals. An important element of considerations on this subject is to recognize the beliefs and motives of patients' actions in the area of ​​life that significantly affects health [2]. An important factor modifying activity in the process of maintaining biopsycho-social health or preventing complications of an existing chronic disease is the locus of health control and the sense of self-efficacy, as well as a sense of optimism in life. The paper analyzes selected psychological resources, health locus of control, self-efficacy and a sense of optimism in patients with type 2 diabetes, which are related to the process of coping with a chronic disease. A chronic disease confronts the patient with many tasks and challenges that change over time. They depend, among others on: type of disease, method of treatment, cognitive characteristics of the sick person, emotional and behavioral reaction as well as socio-cultural conditions in which the person functions. [3

    Assessment of the level of acceptance of the illness and of satisfaction with life in patients with type 2 Diabetes aged 45-60

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    Background. Type 2 diabetes is a disease which constitutes a serious problem among the middle-aged society. Its progressive nature contributes to the occurrence of numerous limitations in the patients’ everyday life. Moreover, the presence of a chronic disease such as type 2 diabetes significantly affects the quality of life. Material and Methods. The studies were performed using the diagnostic poll method. The research tools were: an own survey questionnaire, standardized questionnaires – the Acceptance of Illness Scale (AIS) and the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). The studies were held from February till December 2017 among 100 inpatients of the cardiology department and the internal medicine department of the Kolejowy Hospital in Wilkowice – Bystra (Independent Public Healthcare Institution). Results. The mean of the acceptance of the illness among patients with type 2 diabetes aged 45-60 was 30.39 which indicates a high level of acceptance. In the SWLS nearly a half of those studied indicated a high sense of satisfaction with life. Conclusions. The patients demonstrated a high level of acceptance of the illness and of satisfaction with life. The level of acceptance determines the sense of satisfaction among patients and affects their quality of life. Keywords: type 2 diabetes, acceptance of the illness, satisfaction with life, chronic disease

    Health behaviors of nursing staff in the use of preventive programs, coping with stress and the impact of additional workload

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    Introduction Health behaviors play an important role in preserving, maintaining and improving health. These are actions and behaviors selected by humans, which, based on specific knowledge, remain in a significant relationship with health. Nursing staff, due to their knowledge, skills and duties enshrined in the Act on the Professions of Nurses and Midwives, through their own model of behavior and actions, should encourage appropriate health attitudes.   Aim of the study The aim of the study was to learn about selected health behaviors in the use of preventive programs, coping with stress and the impact of additional workload among the nursing staff employed at the Railway Hospital in Wilkowice. Material and methods: The research was carried out using the diagnostic survey method and a standardized scale - Juczyński's Health Behavior Inventory on a group of 100 nurses. Results: The group of surveyed nurses was characterized by the highest health behaviors in terms of positive mental attitude and proper eating habits, lower in terms of preventive behaviors and health practices. Only 63% of the respondents used prevention programmes. In addition, it was observed that abnormal health behaviors were more common among nurses working additionally in another health care facility. Conclusions: The surveyed nurses used preventive programs on average and manifested health practices at an average level, which was influenced by the burden of additional work. They chose various ways of coping with stress, which were not always pro-health, therefore postgraduate education should emphasize the development of these skills, and nurses should be able to use psychologists employed in hospitals

    Health behaviors of nurses in terms of nutrition and physical activity

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    Introduction An important direct factor determining human health are health behaviors that are part of the lifestyle. Health behaviors are conscious actions taken to strengthen and increase the potential of one's own health. Nurses, due to their education and interdisciplinary competences, should be characterized by a high level of health awareness and motivation. Aim of the study The aim of the study was to analyze selected health behaviors among the nursing staff employed at the Railway Hospital in Wilkowice in terms of assessing the possibility of increasing preventive measures. Material and methods: The research was carried out using the diagnostic survey method and a standardized scale - Juczyński's Health Behavior Inventory on a group of 100 nurses. Results: The group of surveyed nurses was characterized by the highest health behaviors in terms of positive mental attitude and proper eating habits, lower in terms of preventive behaviors and health practices. There were also many anti-health behaviors, such as: non-compliance with the principles of healthy eating, insufficient physical activity. Conclusions: Measures should be taken to prevent and promote health among nurses

    Acceptance of the disease by patients over 70 with chronic heart failure

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    Introduction: Chronic circulatory failure is a very serious and complex problem, constituting a significant health problem not only in Poland, but also worldwide. Treated patients with chronic circulatory failure in everyday life experience many limitations and requirements from the disease, which in many respects is difficult to accept. Aim: Diagnosing the disease acceptance rate and understanding the impact of sociodemographic variables, variables specific to clinical parameters, on the degree of disease acceptance by patients with chronic heart failure hospitalized in the hospital. Materials and methods: The research was carried out using the diagnostic survey method, using the author's own questionnaire and the AIS disease acceptance scale. The study was conducted among 98 patients of the Cardiology Department of the Railway Hospital in Wilkowice-Bystra. Results: The analysis of the degree of acceptance of the disease gives an average value of 21.49. The obtained result is in the lower limit of the reference range, indicating an average level of disease acceptance and adaptation to functioning in everyday life with its presence, while the obtained minimum value (8) and Q1 (17) indicate a low disease acceptance rate. Conclusions: On the basis of the conducted research, it is found that the average and low rate of accepting the disease by the subjects and adapting to it with a sense of psychological discomfort resulting from its presence in everyday life

    Nursing care for a 41-year-old patient suffering from breast cancer in a hospital setting

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    Breast cancer is the most common cause of cancer-related deaths among women in the world. Its occurrence is mainly influenced by environmental factors, and to a lesser extent by genetic factors. The gold standard in diagnosis is mammography, but special attention should be paid to the need to educate women at an increasingly younger age in the field of breast self-examination. Treatment for breast cancer includes surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormone therapy. &nbsp

    The impact of aggressive behavior of patients on staff employed in psychiatric wards

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    Introduction: Aggression and violence in the workplace are phenomena that occur more and more often, especially towards the staff working in Psychiatric Wards. The effects of these behaviors may be disturbances in the sphere of professional, social and mental health of employees.Aim of the study: The aim of the study was to analyze the phenomenon of patient aggression, to determine the frequency of patients' aggressive behavior and to assess their impact on the staff.Material and methods: The study was conducted among the staff working in the Bielsko Psychiatry Centre. The study used the diagnostic survey method, the research tool that was used in the work was a self-questionnaire.Results: Aggression of patients was experienced by 100% of the respondents. The most common manifestations of verbal aggression are vulgar words and shouting, and physical hitting and jerking. Physicians have less contact with physical aggression than other personnel. Despite this, most staff do not intend to change their place of employment and try to solve and prevent dangerous situations and minimize aggression on the part of patients with their professional approach to the patient. After attacks of aggression, the staff most often turns to a colleague for help and does not use the help of a psychologist.Conclusions: The analysis of the obtained data showed that aggression on the part of patients is a frequent phenomenon in the work of psychiatric ward staff

    Strategies for Coping with Pain in Chronic Sciatica in Patients Treated in Neurological Outpatient Clinic

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    Introduction: Back pain is one of the most common causes of deterioration of the psychophysical condition in people. The pain becomes a source of stress for patients and that is why they activate strategies to cope with it. These are the behaviours that patients undertake independently in difficult situations. The aim of this paper was to learn strategies for coping with sciatic pain using the example of patients of the Neurological Outpatient Clinic. Materials and methods: The research was carried out by means of diagnostic survey. The research tools were as follows: own questionnaire, Coping with Pain Strategy questionnaire. The research was carried out among patients of the Outpatient Neurological Clinic BCO of the City Hospital named after John Paul II in Bielsko-Biała in the period from March to September 2017. Before the beginning of the study, the consent of the director of the BCO Municipal Hospital named after John Paul II in Bielsko-Biała was obtained to carry out the research. Findings: The strategies of coping with pain which the respondents chose most frequently were increased behavioural activity, declared coping and diverting attention, the patients were least likely to choose the catastrophizing strategy, re-evaluating pain and ignoring the sensations. Conclusions: Among the strategies for coping with pain in patients with sciatica, the behavioural strategy was dominant, i.e. increased behavioural activity, then the respondents chose the cognitive techniques: declared coping and diverting attention. The type of strategies implemented was influenced by: the time elapsed from the diagnosis of sciatica, the severity of pain and sex of the patient. Keywords: chronic sciatica, strategies for coping with pain, chronic disease