147 research outputs found

    Construction and assembling optimization of power equipment

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    The main purpose of this paper is to elaborate a calculation program in Pascal language, using Delphi environment. This calculation program is designed to solve the power engineering optimization problems using the critical path method. For illustrating the use of the algorithm and the calculation program we propose an application from power engineering: a 400 kV electrical overhead line section realization. This paper is structured in 4 parts. In the first part of the paper we present the application as a problem of critic path. In the second part of the paper, we determine the critic path in a program graph and time reserves. In the third part of the paper we present a representative numerical application. In the fourth part of the paper it is described the calculation program

    Optimal equipment programming for realizing an ensemble of electrical overhead lines

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    The main purpose of this paper is to elaborate a calculation program in Pascal language, using Delphi environment. This calculation program is designed to solve the power engineering optimization problems using the method of optimal Hamiltonian path and circuit, solved with the so called "Latin multiplication". For illustrating the use of the algorithm and the calculation program we present a problem of optimal equipment programming for realizing an ensemble of electrical overhead lines.This paper is structured in 4 parts. In the first part of the paper we present the application as a problem of optimal Hamiltonian path and circuit. In the second part of the paper, we determine the optimal Hamiltonian path (circuit) in a graph using the so called Latin multiplication method. In the third part of the paper we present a representative numerical application. In the fourth part of the paper it is described the calculation program


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    In the context of globalization, the world wine industry has changed its architecture so that the big wine consumers are no longer the big producers and the big producers are no longer big consumers. Knowing that companies face complex choices when are developing global marketing strategies, this paper aims to analyze the various sales strategies used by major retailers in major wine-consuming markets. Although retailers use strategies tailored to the specificities of each market, Britain's influence is felt throughout the world, British wine retailers' marketing techniques are found elsewhere


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    In the market economy, especially in the former communist countries that joined the European Union, including Romania, the concepts of competition, skill and vision to work seem to raise from the anonymity a new category of human resources of the globalized Romania: business women. The research questions are the following: What are the stakes for business women in Romania? What are the challenges for business women in Romania? To answer these research questions, we used as research methods the analysis and synthesis and conducted a reflection type study. For more than 20 years since the adoption by the European Union of the legislation promoting equal opportunities, the European management and the Romanian management have still remained male enclaves

    Influence of the noise generated by the electrical transformers upon the environment

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    Often, the electrical transforming stations are located in the proximity of inhabited areas.The electrical transformers from the stations generate noise that affects the residents of these areas.In this paper we will present the results obtained by identifying the sources of noise from the electrical transformers and their typical levels. We will also approach the methods of reducing the acoustic pollution which is generated as a result

    The Ignored Peasants of Romanian Ethnology: Ovid Densusianu, Henri H. Stahl, and the Recalibration of Research on Rural Romania

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    The present study attempts to capture and explain a somewhat paradoxical theme: the way in which the national ethnology of the nineteenth century “ignored” the peasant world. Why did a science dedicated to the peasant world ignore the “voices” of peasants for a long period of time? Throughout the nineteenth century the ethnologist’s agenda did not overlap at all with that of the peasant in front of him: the urban researcher was interested in folk literature, music, dance, and dress, while the peasant wanted to talk about rural poverty and its causes. The ethnologist was engaged in building the national, while the peasant spoke about the social. Their discourses simply did not intersect. Changes did begin to happen at the beginning of the twentieth century: peasants began not only to be asked but were also listened to. Ovid Densusianu was responsible for this paradigm shift, redefining folklore during the first decade of the century. He was followed by the sociological monographic school, represented here by the work of Henri H. Stahl.</jats:p


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    The paper shows that to date, intangible assets are considered "goods" and as such, the practice of classical accounting consider intellectual capital in the same category of "goods equivalent / similar to those visible / tangible". From research that literature on measuring knowledge assets / intellectual capital, both in Romania and worldwide, is not large enough and does not provide finite significant "strong" on classifications semantic of the content and quality issues in the field. The book titled New Economy between knowledge and risk – Infomin Ed., Deva, 2010 (www.infomindeva.ro) (ISBN 978-973-7646-11-8), (Ioan I. Gâf-Deac)  presents systematization and classification of original models and methodologies for measuring knowledge assets, intellectual capital in socio-economic sciences, and as such, in this present article resorting to the extension applied to formalizing measurement of intangible assets in areas operation and exploitation of natural resources

    Plural formation in Istro-Romanian numeral quantifier phrases: inflexional calquing from Croatian?

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    We explore the effects of prolonged contact with Croatian on the inflexional morphology of number-marking in the Istro-Romanian noun. One result of a reorganization of the nominal system is that certain bisyllabic plural desinences, originally associated with feminine gender, are reassigned to the masculine, and come to exist alongside other modes of masculine plural marking. The resultant variation in masculine plural inflexion becomes subject to new patterns of distribution which are clearly sensitive to Croatian models, including the exaptation of masculine plural morphology to provide distinctive specialized morphological marking of plurals in certain numeral quantifier expressions for ‘smaller’ numbers, in ways clearly reminiscent of Croatian. What is involved is a complex array of ‘pattern’ borrowing, although there is also some evidence for ‘matter’ borrowing of a dialectal Croatian plural ending which Istro-Romanian sometimes uses in numeral quantifier phrases with higher numerals. Overall, we seem to be in the presence of an emergent ‘numerative’. While the creation of numeratives is well known from the internal history of various languages, our data may show that they may also emerge through language contact

    Regional and Cohesion Policy - Insights into the Role of the Partnership Principle in the New Policy Design

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    Regional development is the main challenge for the states from the area of Central and Eastern Europe after their accession to the European Union, and territorial cooperation is an efficient means for the harmonious and balanced integration of the EU’s territories, with a view to modernize the regions lacking economic and social development. With the major goal of promoting economic, social and territorial cohesion, the EU’s economic development policy supports the efforts by each Member State of mitigating the inter-regional disparities through transfers of financial resources to the backward regions