77 research outputs found

    Detection of single-electron heat transfer statistics

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    We consider a quantum dot system whose charge fluctuations are monitored by a quantum point contact allowing for the detection of both charge and transferred heat statistics. Our system consists of two nearby conductors that exchange energy via Coulomb interaction. In interfaces consisting of capacitively coupled quantum dots, energy transfer is discrete and can be measured by charge counting statistics. We investigate gate dependent deviations away from a charge fluctuation theorem in the presence of local temperature gradients (hot spots). Non universal relations are found for state dependent charge counting. A fluctuation theorem holds for coupled dot configurations with heat exchange and no net particle flow.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. Published version. Corrected after erratum publicatio

    Quantum to Classical Transition of the Charge Relaxation Resistance of a Mesoscopic Capacitor

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    We present an analysis of the effect of dephasing on the single channel charge relaxation resistance of a mesoscopic capacitor in the linear low frequency regime. The capacitor consists of a cavity which is via a quantum point contact connected to an electron reservoir and Coulomb coupled to a gate. The capacitor is in a perpendicular high magnetic field such that only one (spin polarized) edge state is (partially) transmitted through the contact. In the coherent limit the charge relaxation resistance for a single channel contact is independent of the transmission probability of the contact and given by half a resistance quantum. The loss of coherence in the conductor is modeled by attaching to it a fictitious probe, which draws no net current. In the incoherent limit one could expect a charge relaxation resistance that is inversely proportional to the transmission probability of the quantum point contact. However, such a two terminal result requires that scattering is between two electron reservoirs which provide full inelastic relaxation. We find that dephasing of a single edge state in the cavity is not sufficient to generate an interface resistance. As a consequence the charge relaxation resistance is given by the sum of one constant interface resistance and the (original) Landauer resistance. The same result is obtained in the high temperature regime due to energy averaging over many occupied states in the cavity. Only for a large number of open dephasing channels, describing spatially homogenous dephasing in the cavity, do we recover the two terminal resistance, which is inversely proportional to the transmission probability of the QPC. We compare different dephasing models and discuss the relation of our results to a recent experiment.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Two-particle non-local Aharonov-Bohm effect from two single-particle emitters

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    We propose a mesoscopic circuit in the quantum Hall effect regime comprising two uncorrelated single-particle sources and two distant Mach-Zehnder interferometers with magnetic fluxes, which allows in a controllable way to produce orbitally entangled electrons. Two-particle correlations appear as a consequence of erasing of which path information due to collisions taking place at distant interferometers and in general at different times. The two-particle correlations manifest themselves as an Aharonov-Bohm effect in noise while the current is insensitive to magnetic fluxes. In an appropriate time-interval the concurrence reaches a maximum and a Bell inequality is violated.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Quantum Nondemolition Measurement of a Kicked Qubit

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    We propose a quantum nondemolition measurement using a kicked two-state system (qubit). By tuning the waiting time between kicks to be the qubit oscillation period, the kicking apparatus performs a nondemolition measurement. While dephasing is unavoidable, the nondemolition measurement can (1) slow relaxation of diagonal density matrix elements, (2) avoid detector back-action, and (3) allow for a large signal-to-noise ratio. Deviations from the ideal behavior are studied by allowing for detuning of the waiting time, as well as finite-time, noisy pulses. The scheme is illustrated with a double-dot qubit measured by a gate-pulsed quantum point contact.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Mesoscopic Capacitance Oscillations

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    We examine oscillations as a function of Fermi energy in the capacitance of a mesoscopic cavity connected via a single quantum channel to a metallic contact and capacitively coupled to a back gate. The oscillations depend on the distribution of single levels in the cavity, the interaction strength and the transmission probability through the quantum channel. We use a Hartree-Fock approach to exclude self-interaction. The sample specific capacitance oscillations are in marked contrast to the charge relaxation resistance, which together with the capacitance defines the RC-time, and which for spin polarized electrons is quantized at half a resistance quantum. Both the capacitance oscillations and the quantized charge relaxation resistance are seen in a strikingly clear manner in a recent experiment.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Coherence of Single Electron Sources from Mach-Zehnder Interferometry

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    A new type of electron sources has emerged which permits to inject particles in a controllable manner, one at a time, into an electronic circuit. Such single electron sources make it possible to fully exploit the particles' quantum nature. We determine the single-particle coherence length from the decay of the Aharonov-Bohm oscillations as a function of the imbalance of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer connected to a single electron source. The single-particle coherence length is of particular importance as it is an intrinsic property of the source in contrast to the dephasing length.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Gap theory of rectification in ballistic three-terminal conductors

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    We introduce a model for rectification in three-terminal ballistic conductors, where the central connecting node is modeled as a chaotic cavity. For bias voltages comparable to the Fermi energy, a strong nonlinearity is created by the opening of a gap in the transport window. Both noninteracting cavity electrons at arbitrary temperature as well as the hot electron regime are considered. Charging effects are treated within the transmission formalism using a self-consistent analysis. The conductance of the third lead in a voltage probe configuration is varied to also model inelastic effects. We find that the basic transport features are insensitive to all of these changes, indicating that the nonlinearity is robust and well suited to applications such as current rectification in ballistic systems. Our findings are in broad agreement with several recent experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure