38 research outputs found

    Homo pædagogicus: – eller hvordan man kan komme på litteraturlisten i pædagoguddannelsen

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    Med afsæt i empirisk materiale fra EVA’s (2021) undersøgelse af vidensgrundlag og fagligt niveau i litteraturen på pædagoguddannelsen foretages i denne artikel en Bourdieu-inspireret analyse af det, der kaldes pædagogers akademiske rum. Formålet er at fremanalysere doxa og herunder de regulariteter, som udvælgelsen af litteratur synes at ske igennem. Disse regulariteter sammendrages i figuren homo pædagogicus, hvis fremkomst diskuteres i sammenhæng med professionshøjskolernes interesser på området – og universiteternes tilsyneladende mangel på samme. Homo pædagogicus bestemmes som lærebogspræget og konsumptionsorienteret, aktuel og reformmærket, i tæt kontakt med store forlag, understøttet af BUPL eller af politiske aktører og diskurser, selvreferentiel, kollegial og indstillet på kendte navne, professionsvenlig, pædagogisk progressiv, drevet og skrevet af professionshøjskolernes egne undervisere/forskere

    En skoleleder skal også ud med skrald og tørre bordene af: Skoleledelse mellem profan hverdagspraksis, magisk management og religiøst lederskab

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    This article describes how school leadership, as a response to omnipresent hopes and expectations, seems to be shrouded by mystery and new forms of secular religion. This results in new divisions of labour – between a profane, everyday praxis, a kind of magic management, and divine leadership. The article is theoretically informed by the social anthropologist Bronislaw Malinowski, and it is based on empirical data from a project on qualification of school leadership in the Danish Folkeskole (primary and lower secondary school).&nbsp

    Terence J. Johnson

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    Professionel ledelse af professionshøjskoler – fortalt og fortolket af to rektorer

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    ”Professional leadership” were some of the keywords when the legislation for University Colleges in Denmark was passed in 2007. In contrast to the previous institutions (seminarium and CVU), the University Colleges should be led by so-called professional leaders. But who were these leaders? Where did they come from? What sense did they make of the University Colleges and themselves as professional leaders? And what has since happened? Based on narratives told by two prominent headmasters in 2007, these questions are discussed in this article. The conclusion is that the generic leader has taken over power from the specialist leader

    The Professional Project among Danish Kindergarten Teachers:Its Nature and Consequences in the Current Context

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    This article describes ways in which the professionalization strategy among Danish kindergarten teachers is realised in practice by newly educated members of the occupation. It focusses on relations between gender and professionalisation and concludes that the professionalisation strategy is realised as, respectively, a female professional project and a male qualification project. The consequences of these two projects are discussed in terms of ways they seem to produce and reproduce kindergarten teachers’ work. The article is based on ethnographic observations and interviews with newly educated kindergarten teachers employed in three different pedagogic institutions: day-care (0-6 years), after-school institutions (6-10 years) and club facilities (10-18 years)