46 research outputs found

    Optimizing in vitro culture conditions leads to a significantly shorter production time of human dermo-epidermal skin substitutes

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    Introduction: Autologous dermo-epidermal skin substitutes (DESS) generated in vitro represent a promising therapeutic means to treat full-thickness skin defects in clinical practice. A serious drawback with regard to acute patients is the relatively long production time of 3-4weeks. With this experimental study we aimed to decrease the production time of DESS without compromising their quality. Methods: Two in vitro steps of DESS construction were varied: the pre-cultivation time of fibroblasts in hydrogels (1, 3, and 6days), and the culture time of keratinocytes (3, 6, and 12days) before transplantation of DESS on nude rats. Additionally, the impact of the air-liquid interface culture during 3days before transplantation was investigated. 3weeks after transplantation, the macroscopic appearance was evaluated and histological sections were produced to analyze structure and thickness of epidermis and dermis, the stratification of the epidermis, and the presence of a basal lamina. Results: Optimal DESS formation was obtained with a fibroblast pre-cultivation time of 6days. The minimal culture time of keratinocytes on hydrogels was also 6days. The air-liquid interface culture did not improve graft quality. Conclusion: By optimizing our in vitro culture conditions, it was possible to very substantially reduce the production time for DESS from 21 to 12days. However, pre-cultivation of fibroblasts in the dermal equivalent and proliferation of keratinocytes before transplantation remain crucial for an equilibrated maturation of the epidermis and cannot be completely skippe

    As time goes by - Overlooking 40 years of inpatient burn treatment at a national pediatric burn center in Switzerland

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    BACKGROUND Despite extensive prevention programs, burns remain a frequent cause of injury in Switzerland with a known age peak in children. Pediatric burns may cause substantial morbidity, a psyochological burden and therapy related high economic costs. To improve preventive measures, precise knowledge of etiology and treatment of pediatric burns in Switzerland as well as their temporal evolution is indispensable. METHODS The present retrospective analysis included pediatric burn patients admitted for acute treatment to the Pediatric Burn Center of the University Children`s Hospital Zurich over the last four decades. Sociodemographic, injury related, and treatment related data were extracted from medical records. Linear regression analysis was applied to determine temporal changes during the past four decades and chi-square and t-tests were applied wherever applicable. RESULTS A total of 3425 acute burn patients were included in the study between 1977 and 2020, corresponding to a mean of 89 patients/year. Mean age was 3.60 ± 4.12 years, three quarters of all patients were preschool children (0-5 years) and mean total body surface area (TBSA) burned was 8.01% ± 9.57%, however only around one fifth had severe burns (>10% TBSA). Scald burns (65.31%) and flame burns (32.99%) were most commonly seen. Linear regression analysis showed the total number of thermal injuries treated at our center to have increased significantly as of 2004 (p < 0.001). Separate analysis showed the same for small and medium (<10% TBSA) burns (p < 0.001), whereas the number of severe burns did not increase significantly. Length of stay (LOS) was highly associated with %TBSA burned. The percentage of female patients amongst all patients increased over time (p = 0.012). LOS per TBSA burned decreased significantly (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION The present data show pediatric burns to remain a major health burden in Switzerland, especially small and medium burns in preschool children. Prevention programs should focus on this age population as well as on scald and flame burns as most common etiologies. The observed decrease in length of stay suggests a major improvement in overall quality of care in pediatric burns and supports centralization of care

    Transglutaminases, involucrin, and loricrin as markers of epidermal differentiation in skin substitutes derived from human sweat gland cells

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    Background/Purpose: In a multi-project research line, we are currently testing whether a morphologically and functionally near normal epidermis can be cultured from human sweat gland (SG) cells and be used as a skin substitute. The present study focuses on the stratum corneum of the epidermis that assumes a vital barrier function for the skin. The main process in the formation of the cornified cell envelope in human epidermis, i.e. crosslinking of proteins and lipids, is catalyzed by several transglutaminases (TG). Therefore, we compared the expression patterns of various TG and their substrates in SG-derived versus keratinocyte-derived epidermal substitutes. Methods: Sweat gland cells, keratinocytes, and fibroblasts were isolated from human skin samples and cultivated separately to generate epidermal substitutes. These were transplanted onto the back of athymic rats. After 2weeks, the transplants were excised and analyzed histologically as well as by indirect immunofluorescence. We looked at the expression of TG1, 3, 5, and their substrates involucrin and loricrin (=markers of epidermal differentiation) in SG-derived and keratinocyte-derived skin substitutes as well as in normal skin. Results: The SG cell-derived epidermis was near normal anatomically, formed a cornified cell envelope and demonstrated TG1, 3, and 5 as well as involucrin and loricrin expression patterns similar to those found in keratinocyte-derived epidermis and normal control skin. Conclusion: These findings support the thesis that SG cells have the potential to form a near normal stratified epidermal analog that might be used as a skin substitute. The expression of TG1 and 3, not normally expressed in human SG, suggests the presence of re-programmed SG cells and/or stem cells capable of both de novo generating and maintaining an epidermi

    MatridermÂź 1mm versus IntegraÂź Single Layer 1.3mm for one-step closure of full thickness skin defects: a comparative experimental study in rats

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    Purpose: Dermal templates, such as Matriderm¼ and Integra¼, are widely used in plastic and reconstructive surgery, often as two-step procedures. A recent development is the application of thin dermal templates covered with split thickness skin grafts in one-step procedures. In this experimental study, we compare the two thin matrices Matriderm¼ 1mm and Integra¼ Single Layer in a one-step procedure with particular focus on neodermis formation. Methods: Matriderm¼ 1mm and Integra¼ Dermal Regeneration Template—Single Layer (1.3mm) were compared in a rat model. In three groups of five animals each, a full thickness wound was covered with (a) Matriderm¼ 1mm and neonatal rat epidermis, (b) Integra¼ Single Layer and neonatal rat epidermis, or, (c) neonatal rat epidermis only (control). Histological sections 2weeks post transplantation were analyzed with regard to take of template and epidermis, neodermal thickness, collagen deposition, vascularization, and inflammatory response. Results: Take of both templates was complete in all animals. The Matriderm¼-based neodermis was thinner but showed a higher cell density than the Integra¼-based neodermis. The other parameters were similar in both matrices. Conclusion: The two templates demonstrate a comparable biological behavior early after transplantation. The only difference was found regarding neodermal thickness, probably resulting from faster degradation of Matriderm¼. These preliminary data suggest that both dermal templates appear similarly suitable for transplantation in a one-step procedur

    "Trooping the color”: restoring the original donor skin color by addition of melanocytes to bioengineered skin analogs

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    Purpose: Autologous skin substitutes to cover large skin defects are used since several years. Melanocytes, although essential for solar protection and pigmentation of skin, are not yet systematically added to such substitutes. In this experimental study, we reconstructed melanocyte-containing dermo-epidermal skin substitutes from donor skins of different skin pigmentation types and studied them in an animal model. Features pertinent to skin color were analyzed and compared in both skin substitutes and original donor skin. Methods: Keratinocytes, melanocytes, and fibroblast were isolated, cultured, and expanded from skin biopsies of light- and dark-pigmented patients. For each donor, melanocytes and keratinocytes were seeded in different ratios (1:1, 1:5, 1:10) onto collagen gels previously populated with autologous fibroblasts. Skin substitutes were then transplanted onto full-thickness wounds of immuno-incompetent rats. After 8weeks, macroscopic and microscopic analyses were conducted with regard to skin color and architecture. Results: Chromameter evaluation revealed that skin color of reconstructed light- and dark-pigmented skin was very similar to donor skin, independent of which melanocyte/keratinocyte ratio was added. Histological analyses of the skin analogs confirmed these findings. Conclusion: These data suggest that adding autologous melanocytes to bioengineered dermo-epidermal skin analogs can sustainably restore the patients' native skin colo

    Differential expression of granulocyte, macrophage, and hypoxia markers during early and late wound healing stages following transplantation of tissue-engineered skin substitutes of human origin

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    PURPOSE Human pigmented tissue-engineered skin substitutes represent an advanced therapeutic option to treat skin defects. The inflammatory response is one of the major factors determining integration and long-term survival of such a graft in vivo. The aim of the present study was to investigate the spatiotemporal distribution of host-derived macrophage and granulocyte graft infiltration as well as hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha (HIF-1-alpha) expression in a (nu/nu) rat model. METHODS Keratinocytes, melanocytes, and fibroblasts derived from human skin biopsies were isolated, cultured, and expanded in vitro. Dermal fibroblasts were seeded into collagen type I hydrogels that were subsequently covered by keratinocytes and melanocytes in 5:1 ratio. These pigmented dermo-epidermal skin substitutes were transplanted onto full-thickness skin wounds on the back of immuno-incompetent rats and analyzed at early (1 and 3 weeks) and late (6 and 12 weeks) stages of wound healing. The expression of distinct inflammatory cell markers specific for granulocytes (HIS48) or macrophages (CD11b, CD68), as well as HIF-1-alpha were analyzed and quantified by immunofluorescence microscopy. RESULTS Our data demonstrate that granulocytes infiltrate the entire graft at 1 week post-transplantation. This was followed by monocyte/macrophage recruitment to the graft at 3-12 weeks. The macrophages were initially restricted to the borders of the graft (early stages), and were then found throughout the entire graft (late stages). We observed a time-dependent decrease of macrophages. Only a few graft-infiltrating granulocytes were found between 6-12 weeks, mostly at the graft borders. A heterogeneous expression of HIF-1-alpha was observed at both early and late wound healing stages. CONCLUSIONS Our findings demonstrate the spatiotemporal distribution of inflammatory cells in our transplants closely resembles the one documented for physiological wound healing

    Skingineering I: engineering porcine dermo-epidermal skin analogues for autologous transplantation in a large animal model

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    Background: Extended full thickness skin defects still represent a considerable therapeutic challenge as ideal strategies for definitive autologous coverage are still not available. Tissue engineering of whole skin represents an equally attractive and ambitious novel approach. We have recently shown that laboratory-grown human skin analogues with near normal skin anatomy can be successfully transplanted on immuno-incompetent rats. The goal of the present study was to engineer autologous porcine skin grafts for transplantation in a large animal model (pig study=intended preclinical study). Materials and methods: Skin biopsies were taken from the pig's abdomen. Epidermal keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts were isolated and then expanded on culture dishes. Subsequently, highly concentrated collagen hydrogels and collagen/fibrin hydrogels respectively, both containing dermal fibroblasts, were prepared. Fibroblast survival, proliferation, and morphology were monitored using fluorescent labelling and laser scanning confocal microscopy. Finally, keratinocytes were seeded onto this dermal construct and allowed to proliferate. The resulting in vitro generated porcine skin substitutes were analysed by H&E staining and immunofluorescence. Results: Dermal fibroblast proliferation and survival in pure collagen hydrogels was poor. Also, the cells were mainly round-shaped and they did not develop 3D-networks. In collagen/fibrin hydrogels, dermal fibroblast survival was significantly higher. The cells proliferated well, were spindle-shaped, and formed 3D-networks. When these latter dermal constructs were seeded with keratinocytes, a multilayered and partly stratified epidermis readily developed. Conclusion: This study provides compelling evidence that pig cell-derived skin analogues with near normal skin anatomy can be engineered in vitro. These tissue-engineered skin substitutes are needed to develop a large animal model to establish standardized autologous transplantation procedures for those studies that must be conducted before "skingineering” can eventually be clinically applie

    Rebuild, restore, reinnervate: do human tissue engineered dermo-epidermal skin analogs attract host nerve fibers for innervation?

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    Purpose: Tissue engineered skin substitutes are a promising tool to cover large skin defects, but little is known about reinnervation of transplants. In this experimental study, we analyzed the ingrowth of host peripheral nerve fibers into human tissue engineered dermo-epidermal skin substitutes in a rat model. Using varying cell types in the epidermal compartment, we wanted to assess the influence of epidermal cell types on reinnervation of the substitute. Methods: We isolated keratinocytes, melanocytes, fibroblasts, and eccrine sweat gland cells from human skin biopsies. After expansion, epidermal cells were seeded on human dermal fibroblast-containing collagen type I hydrogels as follows: (1) keratinocytes only, (2) keratinocytes with melanocytes, (3) sweat gland cells. These substitutes were transplanted into full-thickness skin wounds on the back of immuno-incompetent rats and were analyzed after 3 and 8weeks. Histological sections were examined with regard to myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fiber ingrowth using markers such as PGP9.5, NF-200, and NF-145. Results: After 3weeks, the skin substitutes of all three epidermal cell variants showed no neuronal ingrowth from the host into the transplant. After 8weeks, we could detect an innervation of all three types of skin substitutes. However, the nerve fibers were restricted to the dermal compartment and we could not find any unmyelinated fibers in the epidermis. Furthermore, there was no distinct difference between the constructs resulting from the different cell types used to generate an epidermis. Conclusion: Our human tissue engineered dermo-epidermal skin substitutes demonstrate a host-derived innervation of the dermal compartment as early as 8weeks after transplantation. Thus, our substitutes apparently have the capacity to attract nerve fibers from adjacent host tissues, which also grow into grafts and thereby potentially restore skin sensitivit

    Tissue-engineered dermo-epidermal skin analogs exhibit de novo formation of a near natural neurovascular link 10weeks after transplantation

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    Purpose: Human autologous tissue-engineered skin grafts are a promising way to cover skin defects. Clearly, it is mandatory to study essential biological dynamics after transplantation, including reinnervation. Previously, we have already shown that human tissue-engineered skin analogs are reinnervated by host nerve fibers as early as 8weeks after transplantation. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that there is a de novo formation of a "classical” neurovascular link in tissue-engineered and then transplanted skin substitutes. Methods: Keratinocytes, melanocytes, and fibroblasts were isolated from human skin biopsies. After expansion in culture, keratinocytes and melanocytes were seeded on dermal fibroblast-containing collagen type I hydrogels. These human tissue-engineered dermo-epidermal skin analogs were transplanted onto full-thickness skin wounds on the back of immuno-incompetent rats. Grafts were analyzed after 3 and 10 weeks. Histological sections were examined with regard to the ingrowth pattern of myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers into the skin analogs using markers such as PGP9.5, NF-200, and NF-160. Blood vessels were identified with CD31, lymphatic vessels with Lyve1. In particular, we focused on alignment patterns between nerve fibers and either blood and/or lymphatic vessels with regard to neurovascular link formation. Results: 3weeks after transplantation, blood vessels, but no nerve fibers or lymphatic vessels could be observed. 10weeks after transplantation, we could detect an ingrowth of myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers into the skin analogs. Nerve fibers were found in close proximity to CD31-positive blood vessels, but not alongside Lyve1-positive lymphatic vessels. Conclusion: These data suggest that host-derived innervation of tissue-engineered dermo-epidermal skin analogs is initiated by and guided alongside blood vessels present early post-transplantation. This observation is consistent with the concept of a cross talk between neurovascular structures, known as the neurovascular link

    Analysis of blood and lymph vascularization patterns in tissue-engineered human dermo-epidermal skin analogs of different pigmentation

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    Purpose: Bioengineered dermo-epidermal skin analogs containing melanocytes represent a promising approach to cover large skin defects including restoration of the patient's own skin color. So far, little is known about the development of blood and lymphatic vessels in pigmented skin analogs after transplantation. In this experimental study, we analyzed the advancement and differences of host blood and lymphatic vessel ingrowth into light- and dark-pigmented human tissue-engineered skin analogs in a rat model. Methods: Keratinocytes, melanocytes, and fibroblasts from light- and dark-pigmented skin biopsies were isolated, cultured, and expanded. For each donor, melanocytes and keratinocytes were seeded in ratios of 1:1, 1:5, and 1:10 onto fibroblast-containing collagen gels. The skin analogs were subsequently transplanted onto full-thickness wounds of immuno-incompetent rats and quantitatively analyzed for vascular and lymphatic vessel density after 8 and 15weeks. Results: The skin analogs revealed a significant difference in vascularization patterns between light- and dark-pigmented constructs after 8weeks, with a higher amount of blood vessels in light compared to dark skin. In contrast, no obvious difference could be detected within the light- and dark-pigmented group when varying melanocyte/keratinocyte ratios were used. However, after 15weeks, the aforementioned difference in blood vessel density between light and dark constructs could no longer be detected. Regarding lymphatic vessels, light and dark analogs showed similar vessel density after 8 and 15weeks, while there were generally less lymphatic than blood vessels. Conclusion: These data suggest that, at least during early skin maturation, keratinocytes, melanocytes, and fibroblasts from different skin color types used to construct pigmented dermo-epidermal skin analogs have distinct influences on the host tissue after transplantation. We speculate that different VEGF expression patterns might be involved in this disparate revascularization pattern observed