10 research outputs found

    Accuracy and Immersion Improvement of Hybrid Motion Capture based Real Time Virtual Validation

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    AbstractUsing a digital human model for dynamic analysis is due to the high modelling complexity in digital environments not very prevalent. The movement of the worker is either unrealistic, or time-consuming to realize. Therefore, the need for research is a time saving possibility to explore virtual validation by a human model taking advantage of a nonetheless realistic movement design. To achieve this goal, we use an experimental setup including both a hybrid motion capture system and an interface for the connection to digital validation software. The motion capturing in connection along with the validation software allows real time modelling respectively tracking and therefore a realistic movement of the human model. To get good results while applying the motion capturing approach in mixed reality situations, it is necessary to have an exact registration between the real and virtual environment. Hence, the experimental setup must be designed for both. The key challenge here is to superimpose the CAD data with the real objects used for haptic feedback and better immersion. To realize an optimal registration we use a laser tracker solution

    Novel Hepatitis E Virus Genotype in Norway Rats, Germany

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    Human hepatitis E virus infections may be caused by zoonotic transmission of virus genotypes 3 and 4. To determine whether rodents are a reservoir, we analyzed the complete nucleotide sequence of a hepatitis E–like virus from 2 Norway rats in Germany. The sequence suggests a separate genotype for this hepatotropic virus

    Integration des Systemverhaltens von Automobil-Hochvoltleitungen in die virtuelle Absicherung durch strukturmechanische Simulation

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    Die Entwicklung und der Einsatz digitaler Methoden zur durchgängigen virtuellen Absicherung ist eine entscheidende Voraussetzung für den Erhalt der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in einem zunehmend globalisierten Marktumfeld. Neben rigiden Bauteilen befinden sich in mechatronischen Systemen auch flexible Komponenten, die ebenfalls anhand digitaler Methoden berücksichtigt werden müssen. Die Integration flexibler Bauteile steht aktuell im Fokus der Forschung im Bereich der virtuellen Absicherung. Besonders stark heterogene biegeschlaffe Bauteile sind aufgrund ihres nichtlinearen Deformationsverhaltens konventionell nur unzureichend genau abbildbar. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist deshalb die Demonstration der Integrierbarkeit solcher Systeme in den virtuellen Absicherungsprozess.Development and usage of digital methods for virtual validation of flexible parts are crucial requirements for the preservation of competitiveness in an increasingly globalized market. In addition to rigid also flexible components are part of mechatronic systems and must be investigated via digital methods. The integration of flexible parts into a virtual validation process is currently state of research. Particularly very heterogeneous flexible components are due to their non-linear deformation behavior conventionally insufficiently accurate mappable. Key challenge of this doctoral thesis is the demonstration of the integrated engineering process

    Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Flexible Automation & Intelligent Manufacturing; FAIM 2014

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    Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Flexible Automation & Intelligent Manufacturing, held May 20-23, 2014 in San Antonio, Texas, and organized by the Center for Advanced Manufacturing and Lean Systems, University of Texas at San Antonio; Includes bibliographical references; A key challenge in production engineering projects is to achieve significant time and cost savings through early validation of manual assembly operations. Nevertheless, the use of digital human models for dynamic analyses is not very prevalent because of the high modeling complexity in the digital environment: with existing simulation tools, the worker's motions are either unrealistic or too time-consuming to program. Hence, further research is needed for developing a time-saving and realistic human motion simulation. In this article, we present an experimental setup for the early validation of manufacturing tasks through interactive simulation. We use a new hybrid motion-capture system interfaced with the digital environment, which facilitates the generation of realistic human model motion in real time. The software platform used is DELMIA V5. The article describes the relationship between optical and inertial tracking, and how the drift of the inertial sensors can be compensated by using a kinematic chain with a human model. Sequences of postures can be saved, both for the human model and tools, and later replayed synchronously. Finally, we detail the use of our setup in a real-world scenario within automotive manufacturing. This article acts as a practical contribution to simulation-based Manufacturing Ergonomics and Human Factors, illustrating the effectiveness of state-of-the-art technology for viable cost and time savings

    Paulas Reisen - Die Förderung von sprachlichem Ausdruck und mathematischen Fähigkeiten in der Arbeit mit einem Bilderbuch

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    In den letzten Jahren ist das Interesse an vorschulischer Bildung deutlich gestiegen. Im Zuge dessen sind in allen Bundesländern Bildungspläne für Kindertageseinrichtungen erschienen, die eine Vielzahl von Bildungsbereichen ansprechen. Mathematische Bildung hat in vielen Kindertagestätten sicher nicht die oberste Priorität. Inzwischen gibt es aber zahlreiche Forschungen, die auf einen Zusammenhang zwischen den mathematischen Vorkenntnissen von Kindern und schulischer Leistung hinweisen (z. B. Krajewski 2003, Dornheim 2008). Von daher stellt sich heute eigentlich nicht mehr die Frage, ob mathematische Inhalte thematisiert werden, sondern wie Kinder in der Kindertageseinrichtung in ihrer mathematischen Entwicklung sinnvoll unterstützt werden.B0

    ABO incompatibile graft management in pediatric transplantation

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    Up to 40% of donor-recipient pairs in SCT have some degree of ABO incompatibility, which may cause severe complications. The aim of this study was to describe available options and survey current practices by means of a questionnaire circulated within the EBMT Pediatric Diseases Working Party investigators. Major ABO incompatibility (donor's RBCs have antigens missing on the recipient's cell surface, towards which the recipient has circulating isohemagglutinins) requires most frequently an intervention in case of bone marrow grafts, as immediate or delayed hemolysis, delayed erythropoiesis and pure red cell aplasia may occur. RBC depletion from the graft (82%), recipient plasma-exchange (14%) were the most common practices, according to the survey. Graft manipulation is rarely needed in mobilized peripheral blood grafts. In case of minor incompatible grafts (donor has isohemagglutinins directed against recipient RBC antigens), isohemagglutinin depletion from the graft by plasma reduction/centrifugation may be considered, but acute tolerability of minor incompatible grafts is rarely an issue. According to the survey, minor ABO incompatibility was either managed by means of plasma removal from the graft, especially when isohemagglutinin titer was above a certain threshold, or led to no intervention at all (41%). Advantages and disadvantages of each method are discussed