8 research outputs found

    A Rare Epilepsy Type: Eating Epilepsy

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    Eating epilepsy is a rare type of reflex epilepsy. Genetic factors, types of food, and eating habits are important. Presently described is case of a 28-year-old man with simple partial and secondary generalized epilepsy, provoked especially by fatty or starchy foods. Neurological examination and laboratory tests were normal. Active epileptiform discharges were not detected on electroencephalography; however, cranial magnetic resonance imaging revealed left parietal encephalomalacia. The patient's seizures were controlled with appropriate dosage of oxcarbazepine and levetiracetam. As this case is extremely rare type of reflex epilepsy, presentation is accompanied by review of the literature

    Drug abuse, a rare cause of stroke: Case report

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    At the present time the incidence of illicit drug use increases worldwide among young adults. Abuse of these substances is a rare cause of stroke in young adults. Cocaine, heroin, cannabis, and amphetamines use increase the risk of stroke. Cannabis sativa induce main effects by delta-9-hydrocannabinol. The main mechanism of marijuana-related stroke in young patients is vasospazm. The other possible mechanisms are systemic hypotension, impaired cerebral autoregulation, alteration of cerebral blood flow, cardioembolism due to atrial fibrillation. In this article a 25-year-old young male patient with paresia and paresthesia of right side who had chronic abuse of marijuana is reported. Clinicians must be alert about marijuana can be seriously harmful to cerebrovascular system in chronic use

    A giant internal carotid artery aneurysm: Case report

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    Çapı 2,5 cm den büyük olan anevrizmalar, dev anevrizma olarak sınıflandırılır ve bütün intrakranyal anevrizmaların yaklaşık %5-8’ini oluşturur. Dev intrakranyal anevrizmalar subaraknoid kanama, kitle etkisi, nöbet ve tromboemboli gibi bulgularla klinik gidiş gösterirler. Dev anevrizmalar sadece büyüklükleri ile değil aynı zamanda genellikle geniş ve kalsifiye olan boyunları, kranyal sinirlere yakınlıkları ve içerdikleri trombüs nedeniyle ciddi cerrahi güçlüklere neden olur. Yavaş ilerleyici damar anormallikleri gösteren anteriyor intrakranyal dolaşımın dev anevrizmaları nadirdir, genellikle rüptür öncesi nörooftalmolojik semptomlar ile başvurur. Burada, kitle etkisiyle multipl kranyal sinirleri etkileyerek semptom veren, MR anjiyografi ile internal karotid arter intrakavernöz segmentinde dev anevrizması saptanan 77 yaşında kadın olgu sunuldu.Aneurysms greater than 2.5 cm in diameter are classified as giant aneurysms and represent 5-8% of all intracranial aneurysms. Giant intracranial aneurysms demonstrates the clinical course with symptoms related to subarachnoid haemorrhage, mass effect, thromboembolism and seizures. Not only because of their large sizes, but also because of their usually wide and calcified aneurysm neck, existing thrombus within and its proximity to cranial nerves; giant aneurysms causes serious surgical difficulties. Giant aneurysms of the anterior intracranial circulation are rare, slowly progressive vascular abnormalities, often presenting with neuro-ophthalmological symptoms before they rupture. Herein, a case of 77- year-old woman with a giant aneurysm originated from intracavernous segment of internal carotid artery detected in magnetic resonance angiography who presented symptoms due to affected multiple cranial nerves related to mass effect

    Multiple Thrombotic Gene Mutations in Patients with Cerebral Venous Thrombosis: Three Case Reports and Literature Review

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    Although cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) is mostly seen in young adults, it is a disease that affects all age groups, has a broad range of symptoms, and usually carries a good prognosis. Extensive tests and examinations are needed to determine its etiology. Even in the presence of a marked risk factor, genetic thrombotic factors should be systematically investigated. Thrombotic gene mutations are among the most important hereditary causes of coagulation defects. Single gene mutations may be observed, as well as multiple gene mutations can rarely be detected. Here, we report three patients with cerebral venous thrombosis who had multiple gene mutations

    Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome symptoms in patients who present to neurology outpatient clinics

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    Objective: We aimed to investigate obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) symptoms in patients who presented to the neurology outpatient clinic and to evaluate the risk factors for OSAS

    Hemiballismus That Develops upon Thalamic Hemorrhage: A Case Report

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    Hemichorea is characterized by sudden, spasmodic, irregular, short-term finger, hand, arm, face, tongue or head movements including one half of body. Ballismus concept defines the high-amplitude, violent, centrifugal or throwing motions. Hemichorea-hemiballismus are the most frequently reported movement disorders in patients with acute stroke. Even if it is believed to occur depending on the effect on contralateral subthalamic nucleus; it has been reported that in the following years there have been choreic and ballistic movements in various lesions intersecting the afferent and efferent subtalamopalidal paths of basal ganglion. In this article; hemiballismus, which has developed after thalamic hemorrhage, of an 63 year old female patient is presented

    Poster Presentations

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