20 research outputs found

    Generation and trapping of a mesoderm biased state of human pluripotency

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    We postulate that exit from pluripotency involves intermediates that retain pluripotency while simultaneously exhibiting lineage-bias. Using a MIXL1 reporter, we explore mesoderm lineage-bias within the human pluripotent stem cell compartment. We identify a substate, which at the single cell level coexpresses pluripotent and mesodermal gene expression programmes. Functionally these cells initiate stem cell cultures and exhibit mesodermal bias in differentiation assays. By promoting mesodermal identity through manipulation of WNT signalling while preventing exit from pluripotency using lysophosphatidic acid, we ‘trap’ and maintain cells in a lineage-biased stem cell state through multiple passages. These cells correspond to a normal state on the differentiation trajectory, the plasticity of which is evidenced by their reacquisition of an unbiased state upon removal of differentiation cues. The use of ‘cross-antagonistic’ signalling to trap pluripotent stem cell intermediates with different lineage-bias may have general applicability in the efficient production of cells for regenerative medicine

    TLR7 ligation augments hematopoiesis in Rps14 (uS11) deficiency via paradoxical suppression of inflammatory signaling

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    Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is a hematological malignancy characterized by blood cytopenias and predisposition to acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Therapies for MDS are lacking, particularly those that have an impact in the early stages of disease. We developed a model of MDS in zebrafish with knockout of Rps14, the primary mediator of the anemia associated with del(5q) MDS. These mutant animals display dose- and age-dependent abnormalities in hematopoiesis, culminating in bone marrow failure with dysplastic features. We used Rps14 knockdown to undertake an in vivo small-molecule screening, to identify compounds that ameliorate the MDS phenotype, and we identified imiquimod, an agonist of Toll-like receptor-7 (TLR7) and TLR8. Imiquimod alleviates anemia by promoting hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell expansion and erythroid differentiation, the mechanism of which is dependent on TLR7 ligation and Myd88. TLR7 activation in this setting paradoxically promoted an anti-inflammatory gene signature, indicating cross talk via TLR7 between proinflammatory pathways endogenous to Rps14 loss and the NF-κB pathway. Finally, in highly purified human bone marrow samples from anemic patients, imiquimod led to an increase in erythroid output from myeloerythroid progenitors and common myeloid progenitors. Our findings have both specific implications for the development of targeted therapeutics for del(5q) MDS and wider significance identifying a potential role for TLR7 ligation in modifying anemia

    TLR7 ligation augments hematopoiesis in Rps14 (uS11) deficiency via paradoxical suppression of inflammatory signaling

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    Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is a hematological malignancy characterized by blood cytopenias and predisposition to acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Therapies for MDS are lacking, particularly those that have an impact in the early stages of disease. We developed a model of MDS in zebrafish with knockout of Rps14, the primary mediator of the anemia associated with del(5q) MDS. These mutant animals display dose- and age-dependent abnormalities in hematopoiesis, culminating in bone marrow failure with dysplastic features. We used Rps14 knockdown to undertake an in vivo small-molecule screening, to identify compounds that ameliorate the MDS phenotype, and we identified imiquimod, an agonist of Toll-like receptor-7 (TLR7) and TLR8. Imiquimod alleviates anemia by promoting hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell expansion and erythroid differentiation, the mechanism of which is dependent on TLR7 ligation and Myd88. TLR7 activation in this setting paradoxically promoted an anti-inflammatory gene signature, indicating cross talk via TLR7 between proinflammatory pathways endogenous to Rps14 loss and the NF-κB pathway. Finally, in highly purified human bone marrow samples from anemic patients, imiquimod led to an increase in erythroid output from myeloerythroid progenitors and common myeloid progenitors. Our findings have both specific implications for the development of targeted therapeutics for del(5q) MDS and wider significance identifying a potential role for TLR7 ligation in modifying anemia

    Initial seeding of the embryonic thymus by immune-restricted lympho-myeloid progenitors

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    The final stages of restriction to the T cell lineage occur in the thymus after the entry of thymus-seeding progenitors (TSPs). The identity and lineage potential of TSPs remains unclear. Because the first embryonic TSPs enter a non-vascularized thymic rudiment, we were able to directly image and establish the functional and molecular properties of embryonic thymopoiesis-initiating progenitors (T-IPs) before their entry into the thymus and activation of Notch signaling. T-IPs did not include multipotent stem cells or molecular evidence of T cell-restricted progenitors. Instead, single-cell molecular and functional analysis demonstrated that most fetal T-IPs expressed genes of and had the potential to develop into lymphoid as well as myeloid components of the immune system. Moreover, studies of embryos deficient in the transcriptional regulator RBPJ demonstrated that canonical Notch signaling was not involved in pre-thymic restriction to the T cell lineage or the migration of T-IPs

    FLT3 ligand and not TSLP is the key regulator of IL-7-independent B-1 and B-2 B lymphopoiesis.

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    Phenotypically and functionally distinct progenitors and developmental pathways have been proposed to exist for fetally derived B-1 and conventional B-2 cells. Although IL-7 appears to be the primary cytokine regulator of fetal and adult B lymphopoiesis in mice, considerable fetal B lymphopoiesis and postnatal B cells are sustained in the absence of IL-7; in humans, B-cell generation is suggested to be largely IL-7-independent, as severe combined immune-deficient patients with IL-7 deficiency appear to have normal B-cell numbers. However, the role of other cytokines in IL-7-independent B lymphopoiesis remains to be established. Although thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) has been proposed to be the main factor driving IL-7-independent B lymphopoiesis and to distinguish fetal from adult B-cell progenitor development in mice, recent studies failed to support a primary role of TSLP in IL-7-independent fetal B-cell development. However, the role of TSLP in IL-7-independent adult B lymphopoiesis and in particular in regulation of B-1 cells remains to be established. Here we demonstrate that, rather than TSLP, IL-7 and FLT3 ligand are combined responsible for all B-cell generation in mice, including recently identified B-1-specified cell progenitors. Thus, the same IL-7- and FLT3 ligand-mediated signal-ing regulates alternative pathways of fetal and adult B-1 and B-2 lymphopoiesis

    Macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor marks and regulates a fetal myeloid-primed B-cell progenitor in mice

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    Although it is well established that unique B-cell lineages develop through distinct regulatory mechanisms during embryonic development, much less is understood about the differences between embryonic and adult B-cell progenitor cells, likely to underpin the genetics and biology of infant and childhood PreB acute lymphoblastic leukemia (PreB-ALL), initiated by distinct leukemia-initiating translocations during embryonic development. Herein, we establish that a distinct subset of the earliest CD19+ B-cell progenitors emerging in the E13.5 mouse fetal liver express the colony-stimulating factor-1 receptor (CSF1R), previously thought to be expressed, and play a lineage-restricted role in development of myeloid lineages, and macrophages in particular. These early embryonic CSF1R+CD19+ ProB cells also express multiple other myeloid genes and, in line with this, possess residual myeloid as well as B-cell, but not T-cell lineage potential. Notably, these CSF1R+ myeloid-primed ProB cells are uniquely present in a narrow window of embryonic fetal liver hematopoiesis and do not persist in adult bone marrow. Moreover, analysis of CSF1R-deficient mice establishes a distinct role of CSF1R in fetal B-lymphopoiesis. CSF1R+ myeloid-primed embryonic ProB cells are relevant for infant and childhood PreB-ALLs, which frequently have a bi-phenotypic B-myeloid phenotype, and in which CSF1R-rearrangements have recently been reported

    Expression and role of FLT3 in regulation of the earliest stage of normal granulocyte-monocyte progenitor development.

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    Mice deficient in c-fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 (FLT3) signaling have reductions in early multipotent and lymphoid progenitors, whereas no evident myeloid phenotype has been reported. However, activating mutations of Flt3 are among the most common genetic events in acute myeloid leukemia and mice harboring internal tandem duplications within Flt3 (Flt3-ITD) develop myeloproliferative disease, with characteristic expansion of granulocyte-monocyte (GM) progenitors (GMP), possibly compatible with FLT3-ITD promoting a myeloid fate of multipotent progenitors. Alternatively, FLT3 might be expressed at the earliest stages of GM development. Herein, we investigated the expression, function, and role of FLT3 in recently identified early GMPs. Flt3-cre fate-mapping established that most progenitors and mature progeny of the GM lineage are derived from Flt3-expressing progenitors. A higher expression of FLT3 was found in preGMP compared with GMP, and preGMPs were more responsive to stimulation with FLT3 ligand (FL). Whereas preGMPs and GMPs were reduced in Fl(-/-) mice, megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitors were unaffected and lacked FLT3 expression. Notably, mice deficient in both thrombopoietin (THPO) and FL had a more pronounced GMP phenotype than Thpo(-/-) mice, establishing a role of FL in THPO-dependent and -independent regulation of GMPs, of likely significance for myeloid malignancies with Flt3-ITD mutations