4 research outputs found

    Exploring the Association Between Sialic Acid and SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Through a Molecular Dynamics-Based Approach

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    Recent experimental evidence demonstrated the capability of SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein to bind sialic acid molecules, which was a trait not present in SARS-CoV and could shed light on the molecular mechanism used by the virus for the cell invasion. This peculiar feature has been successfully predicted by in-silico studies comparing the sequence and structural characteristics that SARS-CoV-2 shares with other sialic acid-binding viruses, like MERS-CoV. Even if the region of the binding has been identified in the N-terminal domain of Spike protein, so far no comprehensive analyses have been carried out on the spike-sialic acid conformations once in the complex. Here, we addressed this aspect performing an extensive molecular dynamics simulation of a system composed of the N-terminal domain of the spike protein and a sialic acid molecule. We observed several short-lived binding events, reconnecting to the avidic nature of the binding, interestingly occurring in the surface Spike region where several insertions are present with respect to the SARS-CoV sequence. Characterizing the bound configurations via a clustering analysis on the Principal Component of the motion, we identified different possible binding conformations and discussed their dynamic and structural properties. In particular, we analyze the correlated motion between the binding residues and the binding effect on the stability of atomic fluctuation, thus proposing regions with high binding propensity with sialic acid

    Molecular Mechanisms Behind Anti SARS-CoV-2 Action of Lactoferrin

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    Despite the huge effort to contain the infection, the novel SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has rapidly become pandemic, mainly due to its extremely high human-to-human transmission capability, and a surprisingly high viral charge of symptom-less people. While the seek for a vaccine is still ongoing, promising results have been obtained with antiviral compounds. In particular, lactoferrin is regarded to have beneficial effects both in preventing and soothing the infection. Here, we explore the possible molecular mechanisms with which lactoferrin interferes with SARS-CoV-2 cell invasion, preventing attachment and/or entry of the virus. To this aim, we search for possible interactions lactoferrin may have with virus structural proteins and host receptors. Representing the molecular iso-electron surface of proteins in terms of 2D-Zernike descriptors, we 1) identified putative regions on the lactoferrin surface able to bind sialic acid present on the host cell membrane, sheltering the cell from the virus attachment; 2) showed that no significant shape complementarity is present between lactoferrin and the ACE2 receptor, while 3) two high complementarity regions are found on the N- and C-terminal domains of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, hinting at a possible competition between lactoferrin and ACE2 for the binding to the spike protein

    Computational modeling of the thermodynamics of the mesophilic and thermophilic mutants of Trp-cage miniprotein

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    We characterize the folding-unfolding thermodynamics of two mutants of the miniprotein Trp-cage by combining extended molecular dynamics simulations and an advanced statistical-mechanical-based approach. From a set of molecular dynamics simulations in an explicit solvent performed along a reference isobar, we evaluated the structural and thermodynamic behaviors of a mesophilic and a thermophilic mutant of the Trp-cage and their temperature dependence. In the case of the thermophilic mutant, computational data confirm that our theoretical-computational approach is able to reproduce the available experimental estimate with rather good accuracy. On the other hand, the mesophilic mutant does not show a clear two-state (folded and unfolded) behavior, preventing us from reconstructing its thermodynamics; thus, an analysis of its structural behavior along a reference isobar is presented. Our results show that an extended sampling of these kinds of systems coupled to an advanced statistical-mechanical-based treatment of the data can provide an accurate description of the folding-unfolding thermodynamics along a reference isobar, rationalizing the discrepancies between the simulated and experimental systems

    La giustizia tra storia, genealogia e sociologia

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    Il presente contributo mostra come l'analisi dei rapporti tra giurisdizione, potere e sapere, all'incrocio delle metodologie proprie dell’epistemologia storica, della sociologia e della genealogia, possa ampliare l’orizzonte tradizionale della filosofia del diritto e delle teorie dell’interpretazione, pensando la giustizia nella sua ontologica instabilità e nella sua fondamentale storicità, nonché come uno dei luoghi decisivi di costituzione delle categorie che ordinano l’esperienza