42 research outputs found

    Comparison of aqueous alteration of two CV3 (Kaba and Yamato-86751) chondrites.

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    第2回極域科学シンポジウム/第34回南極隕石シンポジウム 11月17日(木) 国立国語研究所 2階講

    Raman and infrared spectroscopy of feldspars in lunar meteorites (Asuka-881757 and Yamato- 86032)

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    We investigated shock metamorphism of two lunar meteorites (Asuka-881757 and Yamato-86032). We measured shocked lunar feldspars with infrared and Micro-Raman spectroscopy. These methods are very sensitive for changing crystal lattice after amorphisation derived to shock metamorphism. With infrared spectroscopy were four different stage schocked feldspar measured, and with Micro-Raman spectroscopy 3 maskelynite grains were measured

    Studies of the thermal evolution of a chondritic asteroidal body : synthesis from the Antarctic meteorite thin section set of the National Institute of Polar Research, Tokyo

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    We studied the Antarctic Meteorite Thin Section Educational Set which had been prepared by the National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR), Tokyo, Japan. We reconstructed a synthesis of an evolutionary path of regions in the chondritic parent body arranging the chondritic set members according to the degree of thermal metamorphism and the deduced crust and core region set members after the differentiation of the parent body. We discuss the extraordinary possibility of the synthetic overview of the thermal evolution of the chondritic parent body by this NIPR Antarctic meteorite set which also has basic importance in space science and planetary materials education

    Petrographic and micro-Raman study of thermal and shock metamorphism in Mezőmadaras, Knyahinya and Mócs L-Chondrites

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    We investigated three Hungarian L-chondrites: Mezőmadaras, Knyahinya, and Mócs sample. In Knyahinya chondrite, two phenomena were observed as follows: the weak mosaicism (S4) and mechanical twins in pyroxene. The Mócs sample is characterized by strong shock metamorphic effects such as high density of fractures and abundant shock-veins. Planar Deformation Features (PDFs) were identified in two olivine grains, and an olivine grain shows well-developed Planar Fractures (PFs). In Mezőmadaras sample, there are irregular fractures (S1), and PFs (S3), and mechanical twins in pyroxene. We have reinvestigated of these meteorite samples using Raman spectroscopy for the identification of shock-metamorphic effects, which occurred in the structure changes of olivine and pyroxene grains. The olivine doublet peak position is shifted to higher wavenumbers, due to partly disordered olivine structure. We observed that minerals with mechanical twins exhibit less interference color, compared to the non-shocked minerals, especially pyroxene. It is important to note that, the mechanical twins were complicated to describe, only the direction of the deformation was determined. On the basis of the measured FWHM, the following structural disordering degree of the selected samples can be determined as a (growing rate): Castle Rock, Mezőmadaras, Shergotty and Mócs. The result reveals that amorphization rate is the highest in Mócs and Shergotty pyroxene grains

    Shocked Minerals in NWA 5011 L6 Chondritic Meteorite.

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    第2回極域科学シンポジウム/第34回南極隕石シンポジウム 11月18日(金) 国立国語研究所 2階講

    Identification of Pyroxene-Akimotoite Phase Transformation in NWA 5011 L6 Chondrite: Confirmation of the Preliminary Optical Observations

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    第2回極域科学シンポジウム/第34回南極隕石シンポジウム 11月17日(木) 国立国語研究所 2階講

    Stratifying quotient stacks and moduli stacks

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    Recent results in geometric invariant theory (GIT) for non-reductive linear algebraic group actions allow us to stratify quotient stacks of the form [X/H], where X is a projective scheme and H is a linear algebraic group with internally graded unipotent radical acting linearly on X, in such a way that each stratum [S/H] has a geometric quotient S/H. This leads to stratifications of moduli stacks (for example, sheaves over a projective scheme) such that each stratum has a coarse moduli space.Comment: 25 pages, submitted to the Proceedings of the Abel Symposium 201