27 research outputs found

    Low rate of replication fork progression lengthens the replication timing of a locus containing an early firing origin

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    Invariance of temporal order of genome replication in eukaryotic cells and its correlation with gene activity has been well-documented. However, recent data suggest a relax control of replication timing. To evaluate replication schedule accuracy, we detailed the replicational organization of the developmentally regulated php locus that we previously found to be lately replicated, even though php gene is highly transcribed in naturally synchronous plasmodia of Physarum. Unexpectedly, bi-dimensional agarose gel electrophoreses of DNA samples prepared at specific time points of S phase showed that replication of the locus actually begins at the onset of S phase but it proceeds through the first half of S phase, so that complete replication of php-containing DNA fragments occurs in late S phase. Origin mapping located replication initiation upstream php coding region. This proximity and rapid fork progression through the coding region result in an early replication of php gene. We demonstrated that afterwards an unusually low fork rate and unidirectional fork pausing prolong complete replication of php locus, and we excluded random replication timing. Importantly, we evidenced that the origin linked to php gene in plasmodium is not fired in amoebae when php expression dramatically reduced, further illustrating replication-transcription coupling in Physarum

    The DDX6-4E-T interaction mediates translational repression and P-body assembly.

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    4E-Transporter binds eIF4E via its consensus sequence YXXXXLΊ, shared with eIF4G, and is a nucleocytoplasmic shuttling protein found enriched in P-(rocessing) bodies. 4E-T inhibits general protein synthesis by reducing available eIF4E levels. Recently, we showed that 4E-T bound to mRNA however represses its translation in an eIF4E-independent manner, and contributes to silencing of mRNAs targeted by miRNAs. Here, we address further the mechanism of translational repression by 4E-T by first identifying and delineating the interacting sites of its major partners by mass spectrometry and western blotting, including DDX6, UNR, unrip, PAT1B, LSM14A and CNOT4. Furthermore, we document novel binding between 4E-T partners including UNR-CNOT4 and unrip-LSM14A, altogether suggesting 4E-T nucleates a complex network of RNA-binding protein interactions. In functional assays, we demonstrate that joint deletion of two short conserved motifs that bind UNR and DDX6 relieves repression of 4E-T-bound mRNA, in part reliant on the 4E-T-DDX6-CNOT1 axis. We also show that the DDX6-4E-T interaction mediates miRNA-dependent translational repression and de novo P-body assembly, implying that translational repression and formation of new P-bodies are coupled processes. Altogether these findings considerably extend our understanding of the role of 4E-T in gene regulation, important in development and neurogenesis.BBSRC [BB/J00779X/1 to N.S.]; CNRS PICS (to D.W.); Agence Nationale pour la Recherche [ANR-14-CE09-0013-01ANR to D.W.]; Gates Cambridge Foundation (to A.K.); Fondation Wiener – Anspach of the UniversitĂ© Libre de Bruxelles and the Cambridge Newton Trust (C.V.). Funding for open access charge: BBSRC

    GC content shapes mRNA storage and decay in human cells.

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    mRNA translation and decay appear often intimately linked although the rules of this interplay are poorly understood. In this study, we combined our recent P-body transcriptome with transcriptomes obtained following silencing of broadly acting mRNA decay and repression factors, and with available CLIP and related data. This revealed the central role of GC content in mRNA fate, in terms of P-body localization, mRNA translation and mRNA stability: P-bodies contain mostly AU-rich mRNAs, which have a particular codon usage associated with a low protein yield; AU-rich and GC-rich transcripts tend to follow distinct decay pathways; and the targets of sequence-specific RBPs and miRNAs are also biased in terms of GC content. Altogether, these results suggest an integrated view of post-transcriptional control in human cells where most translation regulation is dedicated to inefficiently translated AU-rich mRNAs, whereas control at the level of 5' decay applies to optimally translated GC-rich mRNAs

    DNA Replication in Physarum

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    International audienceThe natural synchrony of the nuclear cycle within the plasmodium of the myxomycete Physarum polycephalum provides an opportunity to study, without the need for any cell treatment, the complex and transient patterns of replication intermediates generated during chromosomal replica-tion. In this review, we focus on the parameters of replication kinetics from the synthesis of Okazaki fragments to the chromosome-sized progeny molecules and summarize data suggesting that their appearance at some specific loci is precisely programmed and intimately linked to the transcriptional activity of the cell

    Mapping of a Physarum

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    Replication forks reverse at high frequency upon replication stress in Physarum polycephalum.

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    International audience: The addition of hydroxyurea after the onset of S phase allows replication to start and permits the successive detecting of replication-dependent joint DNA molecules and chicken foot structures in the synchronous nuclei of Physarum polycephalum. We find evidence for a very high frequency of reversed replication forks upon replication stress. The formation of these reversed forks is dependent on the presence of joint DNA molecules, the impediment of the replication fork progression by hydroxyurea, and likely on the propensity of some replication origins to reinitiate replication to counteract the action of this compound. As hydroxyurea treatment enables us to successively detect the appearance of joint DNA molecules and then of reversed replication forks, we propose that chicken foot structures are formed both from the regression of hydroxyurea-frozen joint DNA molecules and from hydroxyurea-stalled replication forks. These experiments underscore the transient nature of replication fork regression, which becomes detectable due to the hydroxyurea-induced slowing down of replication fork progression

    RNase-dependent discontinuities associated with the crossovers of spontaneously formed joint DNA molecules in Physarum polycephalum

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    International audienceTransient four stranded joint DNA molecules bridging sister chromatids constitute an intriguing feature of replicating genomes. Here, we studied their structure and frequency of formation in Physarum polycephalum. By "3D gels", we evidenced that they are not made of four continuous DNA strands. Discontinuities, which do not interfere with the unique propensity of the joint DNA molecules to branch migrate in vitro, are linked to the crossover, enhanced by RNaseA, and affect at most half of the DNA strands. We propose a structural model of joint DNA molecules containing ribonucleotides inserted within one strand, a gapped strand, and two continuous DNA strands. We further show that spontaneous joint DNA molecules are short-lived and are as abundant as replication forks. Our results emphasize the highly frequent formation of joint DNA molecules involving newly replicated DNA in an untreated cell and uncover a transitory mechanism connecting the sister chromatids during S phase

    The One-Kilobase DNA Fragment Upstream of the ardC Actin Gene of Physarum polycephalum Is Both a Replicator and a Promoter

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    International audienceThe 1-kb DNA fragment upstream of the ardC actin gene of Physarum polycephalum promotes the transcription of a reporter gene either in a transient-plasmid assay or as an integrated copy in an ectopic position, defining this region as the transcriptional promoter of the ardC gene (PardC). Since we mapped an origin of replication activated at the onset of S phase within this same fragment, we examined the pattern of replication of a cassette containing the PardC promoter and the hygromycin phosphotransferase gene, hph, integrated into two different chromosomal sites. In both cases, we show by two-dimensional agarose gel electrophoresis that an efficient, early activated origin coincides with the ectopic PardC fragment. One of the integration sites was a normally late-replicating region. The presence of the ectopic origin converted this late-replicating domain into an early-replicating domain in which replication forks propagate with kinetics indistinguishable from those of the native PardC replicon. This is the first demonstration that initiation sites for DNA replication in Physarum correspond to cis-acting replicator sequences. This work also confirms the close proximity of a replication origin and a promoter, with both functions being located within the 1-kb proximal region of the ardC actin gene. A more precise location of the replication origin with respect to the transcriptional promoter must await the development of a functional autonomously replicating sequence assay in Physarum

    Structure and Identity of a Late-Replicating and Transcriptionally Active Gene

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    International audienceEukaryotic genes are usually replicated early duringS-phase in the cell lineages in which they are expressed.Using partially characterized cDNA probes, we recentlyestablished two exceptions to this rule in theslime mold Physarum polycephalum. In this paper, weanalyzed the structure and the identity of one of thesetwo genes. By genomic cloning and Southern analysiswe demonstrate that it is a single-copy gene and decipherthe structure of the two alleles by taking advantageof a restriction fragment length polymorphism. BycDNA cloning and sequencing, we deduced the aminoacid coding capacity of the mRNA. Finally, we confirmedthe late replication of this abundantly expressedgene by “gene dosage” analysis, an experiment that didnot require any drug treatment of the cell. Our resultsprovide for the characterization and the structure ofthe first developmentally regulated gene known to bereplicated late in S-phase and abundantly expressedwithin a eukaryotic cell.