25 research outputs found

    Figure 1

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    <p>A. Schematic representation of the T-maze apparatus. Dotted lines are transparent Plexiglas walls, continous lines are white opaque plastic. The bottom of the maze is made of transparent Plexiglas. 1.Start box; 2. Removable transparent plexiglass wall; 3. Not removable transparent Plexiglas walls; 4. Compartment strictly waterproof where congeners were placed. 5. White plastic support for laminated printouts 2-D objects. B. Detail of the 4 supports and the 2-D objects. C. Virtual zones delimitation on the bottom of the maze defined for the video recordings analysis. Example of a trial where the tested fish is shown in the start box and the reward fish is shown on the left arm of the maze.</p

    Learning performances in domesticated and wild individuals.

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    <p>Successful turns are assessed by a binomial test at the 5% level of significance. Significant successful turns are signified with a single asterisk beside the probability value (P). Trials: number of accounted trials performed by each individual for the calculation of the learning performance, the maximum being 8. D: domesticated individuals; W: Wild individuals.</p

    Proportion of time spent (mean ± S.E., in %) by a fish in each zone of the maze.

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    <p>Start : Start Box, Median: Median area, Cong: reward zone near the congener, OpCong: zone opposite to the reward zone, PreCong: zone located between Median and Cong, PreOpCong: zone located between Median and OpCong.</p

    Scheme of the experimental set up used for the risk taking test sessions.

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    <p>Fish were gathered in one shadowed side (called safe chamber in the text) of a circular tank (2.25 m in diameter, 5 m<sup>3</sup> in volume) divided into two equal chambers by an opaque divider equipped with a PIT tag antenna surrounding a circular opening (12 cm in diameter). This enabled the monitoring of fish individual movement in a group situation without any disturbance. After 30 min of acclimation, fish were allowed to freely move in the lit up chamber (called risky chamber in the text) with normoxic conditions during the next 24 hours with the usual photoperiod used during rearing.</p

    Heritabilities (h<sup>2</sup>), genetic correlations and phenotypic correlations estimated for the variables of hypoxia avoidance test using a sire models.

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    <p>Genetic correlations ± SE are presented above the diagonal, heritabilities h<sup>2</sup> ± SE on the diagonal and phenotypic correlations under the diagonal. NE represents non estimable value due to bad model convergence.</p

    Numbers, proportions, mean body weight and sex ratios of fish characterized by the hypoxia avoidance test, the three sessions of the risk taking test and the mean of the three sessions for all fish correctly assigned and with correct sex data (N = 1155 for hypoxia avoidance test, N = 1154 for RT1 RT2, RT3 and RT_mean).

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    <p>Numbers, proportions, mean body weight and sex ratios of fish characterized by the hypoxia avoidance test, the three sessions of the risk taking test and the mean of the three sessions for all fish correctly assigned and with correct sex data (N = 1155 for hypoxia avoidance test, N = 1154 for RT1 RT2, RT3 and RT_mean).</p

    Scheme of the experimental set up used for the hypoxia avoidance test.

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    <p>Fish were gathered in one shadowed side of a circular tank (2.25 m in diameter, 5 m<sup>3</sup> in volume) divided into two equal chambers by an opaque divider equipped with a PIT tag antenna surrounding a circular opening (12 cm in diameter). This enabled the monitoring of fish individual movement in a group situation without any disturbance. After 30 min of acclimation, nitrogen was bubbled in the shadowed chamber (called hypoxic chamber in the text) to reduce oxygen level and fish were allowed to freely move to the lit up chamber (called normoxic chamber) with normoxic conditions.</p

    Microsatellite marker loci transmission in three putative androgenetic progenies (A1, B1 and C2) produced with a UV-dose of 60 mJ.cm<sup>−2</sup>.

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    <p>Genotypes of progenies showing only discriminant paternal alleles are presented in bold characters. For putative androgenetic progenies, homozygous or haploid alleles are only written once since genotyping cannot distinguish between the presence of one or two copies of the same allele. N represents the number of analyzed individuals in each progeny.</p><p>Microsatellite marker loci transmission in three putative androgenetic progenies (A1, B1 and C2) produced with a UV-dose of 60 mJ.cm<sup>−2</sup>.</p