431 research outputs found

    Very long O-antigen chains enhance fitness during Salmonella-induced colitis by increasing bile resistance.

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    Intestinal inflammation changes the luminal habitat for microbes through mechanisms that have not been fully resolved. We noticed that the FepE regulator of very long O-antigen chain assembly in the enteric pathogen Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) conferred a luminal fitness advantage in the mouse colitis model. However, a fepE mutant was not defective for survival in tissue, resistance to complement or resistance to polymyxin B. We performed metabolite profiling to identify changes in the luminal habitat that accompany S. Typhimurium-induced colitis. This analysis suggested that S. Typhimurium-induced colitis increased the luminal concentrations of total bile acids. A mutation in fepE significantly reduced the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of S. Typhimurium for bile acids in vitro. Oral administration of the bile acid sequestrant cholestyramine resin lowered the concentrations of total bile acids in colon contents during S. Typhimurium infection and significantly reduced the luminal fitness advantage conferred by the fepE gene in the mouse colitis model. Collectively, these data suggested that very long O-antigen chains function in bile acid resistance of S. Typhimurium, a property conferring a fitness advantage during luminal growth in the inflamed intestine

    A rapid change in virulence gene expression during the transition from the intestinal lumen into tissue promotes systemic dissemination of Salmonella.

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    Bacterial pathogens causing systemic disease commonly evolve from organisms associated with localized infections but differ from their close relatives in their ability to overcome mucosal barriers by mechanisms that remain incompletely understood. Here we investigated whether acquisition of a regulatory gene, tviA, contributed to the ability of Salmonella enterica serotype Typhi to disseminate from the intestine to systemic sites of infection during typhoid fever. To study the consequences of acquiring a new regulator by horizontal gene transfer, tviA was introduced into the chromosome of S. enterica serotype Typhimurium, a closely related pathogen causing a localized gastrointestinal infection in immunocompetent individuals. TviA repressed expression of flagellin, a pathogen associated molecular pattern (PAMP), when bacteria were grown at osmotic conditions encountered in tissue, but not at higher osmolarity present in the intestinal lumen. TviA-mediated flagellin repression enabled bacteria to evade sentinel functions of human model epithelia and resulted in increased bacterial dissemination to the spleen in a chicken model. Collectively, our data point to PAMP repression as a novel pathogenic mechanism to overcome the mucosal barrier through innate immune evasion

    A Salmonella virulence factor activates the NOD1/NOD2 signaling pathway.

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    The invasion-associated type III secretion system (T3SS-1) of Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) activates the transcription factor NF-κB in tissue culture cells and induces inflammatory responses in animal models through unknown mechanisms. Here we show that bacterial delivery or ectopic expression of SipA, a T3SS-1-translocated protein, led to the activation of the NOD1/NOD2 signaling pathway and consequent RIP2-mediated induction of NF-κB-dependent inflammatory responses. SipA-mediated activation of NOD1/NOD2 signaling was independent of bacterial invasion in vitro but required an intact T3SS-1. In the mouse colitis model, SipA triggered mucosal inflammation in wild-type mice but not in NOD1/NOD2-deficient mice. These findings implicate SipA-driven activation of the NOD1/NOD2 signaling pathway as a mechanism by which the T3SS-1 induces inflammatory responses in vitro and in vivo

    Streptomycin-induced inflammation enhances Escherichia coli gut colonization through nitrate respiration.

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    UnlabelledTreatment with streptomycin enhances the growth of human commensal Escherichia coli isolates in the mouse intestine, suggesting that the resident microbial community (microbiota) can inhibit the growth of invading microbes, a phenomenon known as "colonization resistance." However, the precise mechanisms by which streptomycin treatment lowers colonization resistance remain obscure. Here we show that streptomycin treatment rendered mice more susceptible to the development of chemically induced colitis, raising the possibility that the antibiotic might lower colonization resistance by changing mucosal immune responses rather than by preventing microbe-microbe interactions. Investigation of the underlying mechanism revealed a mild inflammatory infiltrate in the cecal mucosa of streptomycin-treated mice, which was accompanied by elevated expression of Nos2, the gene that encodes inducible nitric oxide synthase. In turn, this inflammatory response enhanced the luminal growth of E. coli by nitrate respiration in a Nos2-dependent fashion. These data identify low-level intestinal inflammation as one of the factors responsible for the loss of resistance to E. coli colonization after streptomycin treatment.ImportanceOur intestine is host to a complex microbial community that confers benefits by educating the immune system and providing niche protection. Perturbation of intestinal communities by streptomycin treatment lowers "colonization resistance" through unknown mechanisms. Here we show that streptomycin increases the inflammatory tone of the intestinal mucosa, thereby making the bowel more susceptible to dextran sulfate sodium treatment and boosting the Nos2-dependent growth of commensal Escherichia coli by nitrate respiration. These data point to the generation of alternative electron acceptors as a by-product of the inflammatory host response as an important factor responsible for lowering resistance to colonization by facultative anaerobic bacteria such as E. coli


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    Purkinje Cell Activity Determines the Timing of Sensory-Evoked Motor Initiation

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    Cerebellar neurons can signal sensory and motor events, but their role in active sensorimotor processing remains unclear. We record and manipulate Purkinje cell activity during a task that requires mice to rapidly discriminate between multisensory and unisensory stimuli before motor initiation. Neuropixels recordings show that both sensory stimuli and motor initiation are represented by short-latency simple spikes. Optogenetic manipulation of short-latency simple spikes abolishes or delays motor initiation in a rate-dependent manner, indicating a role in motor initiation and its timing. Two-photon calcium imaging reveals task-related coherence of complex spikes organized into conserved alternating parasagittal stripes. The coherence of sensory-evoked complex spikes increases with learning and correlates with enhanced temporal precision of motor initiation. These results suggest that both simple spikes and complex spikes govern sensory-driven motor initiation: simple spikes modulate its latency, and complex spikes refine its temporal precision, providing specific cellular substrates for cerebellar sensorimotor control

    Hemodynamic Effects of Entry and Exit Tear Size in Aortic Dissection Evaluated with In Vitro Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulation

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    Understanding the complex interplay between morphologic and hemodynamic features in aortic dissection is critical for risk stratification and for the development of individualized therapy. This work evaluates the effects of entry and exit tear size on the hemodynamics in type B aortic dissection by comparing fluid-structure interaction (FSI) simulations with in vitro 4D-flow magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A baseline patient-specific 3D-printed model and two variants with modified tear size (smaller entry tear, smaller exit tear) were embedded into a flow- and pressure-controlled setup to perform MRI as well as 12-point catheter-based pressure measurements. The same models defined the wall and fluid domains for FSI simulations, for which boundary conditions were matched with measured data. Results showed exceptionally well matched complex flow patterns between 4D-flow MRI and FSI simulations. Compared to the baseline model, false lumen flow volume decreased with either a smaller entry tear (-17.8 and -18.5 %, for FSI simulation and 4D-flow MRI, respectively) or smaller exit tear (-16.0 and -17.3 %). True to false lumen pressure difference (initially 11.0 and 7.9 mmHg, for FSI simulation and catheter-based pressure measurements, respectively) increased with a smaller entry tear (28.9 and 14.6 mmHg), and became negative with a smaller exit tear (-20.6 and -13.2 mmHg). This work establishes quantitative and qualitative effects of entry or exit tear size on hemodynamics in aortic dissection, with particularly notable impact observed on FL pressurization. FSI simulations demonstrate acceptable qualitative and quantitative agreement with flow imaging, supporting its deployment in clinical studies.Comment: Judith Zimmermann and Kathrin B\"aumler contributed equall