42 research outputs found

    Lorenzo Hervás: una nueva etapa

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    Lokalmodifikatoren der Beziehung zwischen Nominal- und Adjektivsyntagmen im Spanischen und ihre Entsprechungen im Deutschen sowie ihre zusätzliche Determinierung mittels eines Partikelsystems der spanischen und der deutschen Sprache

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    Considering the lexical adverb of time or place reference as one of the possible determiners of the relationship between the noun phrase and the adjective phrase, this study tries to establish two paradigmatic systems: 1. that of lexical adverbs with time or place reference in the relationship ((noun phrase) (adverb (adjective phrase))) and 2. that of the determining particles in the relationship ((noun phrase) (particle (adjective phrase))). The concept of determination used in the present working paper corresponds to our corrections of the possible syntagmatic relationships defined by N. S. Trubetzkoy (1939). In other words, unlike the Russian linguist, from our point of view, determination implies a determiner and something determined, which results in something being defined or determined. In order to bolster our theory on the determined (questioned by some of our critics lately) deeper arguments have been found in the works of the great English logician W. E. Johnson, M. A. Fellow of King´s College, Cambridge, especially in his essays on logic published in the1920s. An exegetic paper on the aforementioned topic is in progress for the new edition of the book From Speech to Languages

    Funciones oracionales y esquemas sintáctico-semánticos

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    Modificación del enunciado mediante un sistema de partículas

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    Using the term established by N. S. Trubetzkoy (revised by V. Báez in his theory “From Speech to Languages”) and currently based on the works of the great English logician W. E. Johnson, Fellow of King´s College, Cambridge, this paper establishes a system of particles which determine the utterance itself. The meaning of utterance must be strictly understood under the trichotomy of the Prague School of Linguistics set up in F. Daneš’ writings: speech act, utterance and syntactic-semantic sentence pattern

    Modificación del sintagma nominal mediante un sistema de partículas

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    Using the term established by N. S. Trubetzkoy (revised by V. Báez in his theory “From Speech to Languages”) and currently based on the works of the great English logician W. E. Johnson, Fellow of King´s College, Cambridge, this paper establishes a system of particles which determine the utterance itself. The meaning of utterance must be strictly understood under the trichotomy of the Prague School of Linguistics set up in F. Daneš’ writings: speech act, utterance and syntactic-semantic sentence pattern

    El sistema de los modificadores adverbiales en la relación ((núcleo del sintagma nominal) sintagma adjetival), la modificación ulterior por un sistema de partículas y los correlatos en lengua inglesa

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    Starting from V. Báez´s linguistic theory “From Speech to Languages” and considering the noun phrase as a structure of the pre-predicative level (using the terminology of the Prague School of Linguistics), the present article tries to establish a pragmatic system of particles that determines the relationship between the adjective phrase and the nucleus of the noun phrase. The authors have previously checked the possible lexical adverbs between the nucleus of the noun phrase and the adjective phrase also trying to determine a paradigm of adverbs in such functional position. The results in both systems seem to prove that there is a wide range of similarity between the Spanish and the English language according to the aforementioned model

    La determinación temporal del enunciado (I) Fundamentación teórica

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    Se inicia con este una serie de trabajos sobre los determinadores temporales del enunciado que, en plazo breve, irán publicándose en esta misma colección. Aquí se presentan nuestros conceptos de enunciado y de determinación temporal. Concebimos el enunciado como unidad abstracta que integra en un todo el proceso de enunciación y la actualización de un esquema oracional. El enunciado se formaliza en una estructura performativa –implícita o explícita– de tres estratos (el hecho de comunicarse, el acto de decir y el evento comunicado), cada uno de los cuales puede llevar su propia indicación temporal, aunque en la gran mayoría de los casos se relacionan con el estrato performativo correspondiente al evento comunicado. Por otra parte, los determinadores temporales del enunciado están en correspondencia con los tiempos y aspectos verbales expresados en la estructura performada.This is the first of a series of working papers on the temporal determination of utterances that will be published in this journal in the near future. New concepts of utterance and temporal determination will be introduced in the present article. The utterance itself is conceived as a whole unit in which the process of enunciation and the actualization of a sentential scheme are integrated. The utterance is formalized in a performative structure which could itself be implicit or explicit. The aforementioned structure comprises three levels: the communicative event, the act of saying something and the communicated event. Each of these levels can have its own temporal reference, even though most of them are related to the performative one regarding the communicated event. It must also be considered that the temporal determiners of the utterance are related both to the verbal tenses and the verbal aspect expressed in the performed structure

    Presupuestos generales para un estudio de las expresiones causales y consecutivas en español

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    Se exponen algunos conceptos clave de la teoría Desde el hablar a las lenguas, desde la cual se examinan los aspectos generales de las determinaciones causales, condicionales, concesivas y consecutivas del enunciado: la relación entre un causal y un causado, la sucesión temporal entre ellos y la naturaleza de los elementos de relación. Teniendo en cuenta estos aspectos, se procede a una primera clasificación sistemática de las causales (suficiente / no suficiente, alternativa / no alternativa) y de las consecutivas. Asimismo, se justifica la exclusión de las subordinadas finales y el importante papel que las presuposiciones desempeñan en algunos tipos de causales.In the present paper the authors set out the key concepts of the theory "From Speaking to Linguistic Systems," out of which the general aspects of cause, condition, concession and result determinations of the utterance are examined: the relationship between cause and result, the temporal succession between them and the nature of the elements of that relationship. After taking these aspects into consideration, a first systematic classification of cause (sufficient/non-sufficient, alternative/non-alternative) and result clauses is established. In similar fashion, the exclusion of purpose sentences is explained as well as the important role played by assumptions in some types of cause clauses

    Teoría del lenguaje y lingüística general sobre los fundamentos del modelo "Desde el hablar a las lenguas"

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    Este trabajo pretende delimitar los conceptos Teoría del Lenguaje y Lingüística General y establecer su lugar dentro de la Teoría de las Ciencias. La Teoría del Lenguaje es una construcción deductiva que provee de conceptos y modos universales sobre el hablar, mientras que la Lingüística General actúa inductivamente formulando y verificando hipótesis de carácter general. La Teoría del Lenguaje no forma parte de la Lingüística General, sino que, siendo un saber previo a ésta, se encuadra dentro de la Filosofía de las Ciencias. Tomando como base el pensamiento de Vico y de Dilthey, se propone una Lingüística General como Ciencia de la Cultura o del espíritu (Geisteswissenschaft), frente a las Ciencias de la Naturaleza y las Ciencias Auxiliares. Su objeto es producto del espíritu humano y tiene como base predominantemente las relaciones de significado y sentido, explicadas de manera opositiva. Si examinamos el devenir del pensamiento lingüístico, se muestran las consecuencias que ha tenido, en las corrientes y escuelas lingüísticas del último siglo, el hecho de confundir: 1) el objeto de la Lingüística General con los objetos de las Ciencias de la Naturaleza, y 2) las explicaciones de la primera con las explicaciones causales, propias de las Ciencias de la Naturaleza. This article attempts to delimit the concepts of Theory of Language and General Linguistics as well as to establish their place within the Theory of Science. The Theory of Language is a deductive construction which supplies universal concepts and moods on speech whereas General Linguistics acts inductively formulating and verifying general hypotheses. The Theory of Language is not part of General Linguistics however because it is previous knowledge to the latter and it is framed within the Philosophy of Science. Based on Vico’s and Dilthey’s theories, the authors propose General Linguistics as a Cultural Science or a Human Science (Geisteswissenschaft) as opposed to Natural Sciences and Auxiliary Sciences. The object of General Linguistics is a product of the human spirit and is mainly based on the relationships of meaning and sense explained from a contrasting perspective. If the evolution of linguistic thought is examined, it can be clearly observed that there have been consequences on the last century’s linguistic trends and schools from mixing up 1) the object of General Linguistics with the object of Natural Sciences, and 2) the explanations of the former with the causal explanations of the latter

    La determinación temporal del enunciado (VIII): El subsistema 6

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    El subsistema 6 corresponde a los determinadores que poseen unas marcas generales comunes –temporal (en sentido estricto), no comparativo, no modal y durativo– y los elementos de las oposiciones generales atélico / télico, ± deíctico y ± anafórico. Además cuenta con unas marcas específicas que dan lugar al siguiente conjunto de oposiciones: ± evento determinador de la estructura performativa , ± eventos coordinados determinadores de la estructura performativa, duración ± baja, baja, media, alta, ± particularizado, analítico / sintético, ± presuposición, ± presuposición necesaria de (al menos) dos enunciados previos, atención al punto de partida, transcurso y término, duración limitada a un espacio temporal completo / ilimitada, ± enfatizada, ± definido, ± cuantificable, ± alusión necesaria previa a un punto temporal definido y cercano / lejano respecto al momento en que se habla. De la unión de estas oposiciones específicas y las marcas generales surge un subsistema de cincuenta y nueve tipos diferentes de determinadores. Pero el sentido total del subsistema 6 está determinado por su oposición al subsistema 5 –fundada sobre la marca no durativo (subsistema 5) / durativo (subsistema 6)– y por su oposición al subsistema 7, pues este tiene la marca modal, ausente del subsistema.Subsystem 6 deals with the determiners which gather the next general common features: (strictly) temporal, non-comparative, non-modal, durative- as well as the elements of the general oppositions atelic / telic, ± deictic, ± anaphoric. As far as their specific marks are concerned, these determiners can be described by means of the following oppositions: ± event determining the performative structure, ± coordinated events determining the performative structure, duration: ± short, short, medium, long, ± particularized, analytic / synthetic, ± presupposition, ± necessary presupposition of (a minimum of) two previous utterances, stating the initial, medial and final point, duration restricted to a complete temporal space / unrestricted, ± emphasized, ± definite, ± quantifiable, ± necessary previous reference to a definite temporal point which is near / far from the moment of utterance. If we link these specific oppositions with the aforementioned general features, we can establish a subsystem of fifty-nine different types of determiners. Nonetheless, the comprehensive meaning of subsystem 6 is determined by its opposition to subsystem 5–based on the mark non-durative (subsystem 5) / durative (subsystem 6)– and by its opposition to subsystem 7, since this one contains the feature modal, which is absent from subsystem 6