1 research outputs found
Os levantamentos realizados sobre popula\ue7\uf5es da fauna
ed\ue1fica podem n\ue3o mostrar diferen\ue7as de abund\ue2ncia
de organismos por esbarrarem na dificuldade de instala\ue7\ue3o das
armadilhas de coleta, rotineiramente utilizadas. Contudo, para uma
maior praticidade de implanta\ue7\ue3o e de determina\ue7\ue3o
do n\uedvel populacional de organismos ed\ue1ficos, foi avaliada
uma metodologia alternativa \ue0 armadilha de Tretzel (modificada), o
m\ue9todo Provid, para a coleta da fauna ed\ue1fica, proposto pelos
autores deste trabalho. Os dois m\ue9todos foram instalados em nove
diferentes \ue1reas, com tr\ueas repeti\ue7\uf5es por
m\ue9todo. As \ue1reas diferiram quanto \ue0
localiza\ue7\ue3o, tipo de solo e cobertura vegetal. Os
par\ue2metros avaliados para a popula\ue7\ue3o da fauna
ed\ue1fica foram riqueza: abund\ue2ncia e \uedndice de
diversidade de Simpson. Diferen\ue7as estat\uedsticas
significativas n\ue3o foram encontradas para os dois m\ue9todos de
coleta de organismos ed\ue1ficos entre as nove \ue1reas analisadas
para os par\ue2metros avaliados. Portanto, pode-se concluir que a
metodologia de coleta da fauna ed\ue1fica pelo m\ue9todo Provid
pode ser utilizada de uma forma t\ue3o eficiente quanto \ue0
armadilha de Tretzel modificada. O m\ue9todo Provid \ue9
pr\ue1tico e f\ue1cil de usar.Study of soil organisms population may not detect differences of
organisms number due to the difficulty of pitfall installation methods
routinely used. However, to a better practice and determination of
population level of soil organisms, it was evaluated an alternative
methodology to the pitfall Tretzel (modified). The method is called
Provid, for the collection of the soil organisms, proposed by the
authors of this work. The two methods were installed in nine different
areas, with three replication for each method. The areas differed in
terms of location, soil type and vegetable covering. The appraised
parameters were richeness, abundance and Simpson\ub4s index. As
results, it was not found significant statistical differences for the
two methods of collection of organism\ub4s edaphios among the nine
analyzed areas, for the appraised parameters. Therefore, that the
methodology of collection of the soil organisms for the Provid method
can be used as efficient as the pitfall Tretzel modified method. The
Provid method is practical and easy to be managed