947 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Murder untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa pada Pokok Bahasan Koloid di Kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 1 Kampar Timur

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    This study aims to determine Improved student achievement on thesubject of colloids with the implementation of cooperative learning model MURDERand the effect of the application of cooperative learning model MURDER to increasedstudent achievement on the subject of colloids in Class XI IPA SMAN 1 Kampar Timur.This research is a form of experimental research with the draft design randomizedcontrol group pretest-posttest. The study population was all students of class XI IPA atSMAN 1 Kampar Timur. The samples were students of class XI IPA 3 as experimentalclass and class XI IPA 4 as the control class. The experimental class was appliedcooperative learning model MURDER, while the control class using discussion method.Data were analyzed using t-test. Results from the study showed t count> t table (3.61>1.67) and the coefficient of influence by 17.33%, so it can be concluded theimplementation of cooperative learning model MURDER can improve the studentachievement on the subject of colloids in class XI IPA SMAN 1 Kampar Timur

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Team Games Tournament (Tgt) untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Kimia Siswa pada Pokok Bahasan Kelarutan dan Hasil Kali Kelarutan (Ksp) Kelas XI Sman 14 Pekanbaru

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    Research has been done by applying cooperative learning model Team Games Tournament (TGT) to improve student achievement on the subject of solubility and solubility product concept (Ksp) at 11th of SMA Negeri 14 Pekanbaru. This type of research is an experimental research conducted in the second semester of the academic year 2014/2015. The sample consisted of two classes, XI IPA3 as an experiment class and XI IPA2 as a control class. The data collection technique is a technique tests. The data collected was obtained from tests homogeneity and difference between the value pretest posttest with a hypothesis test data. Data were analyzed by t-test were used to determine the increase learning achievement between the experimental and control classes. From the research results can be concluded that the application of cooperative learning model Team Games Tournament (TGT) can improve student achievement on the subject of solubility and solubility product concept (Ksp)

    Membangun Nation Branding dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Daya Saing Sektor Pariwisata Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis model konseptual yang tepat dalampenciptaan nation branding sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan daya saing sektorpariwisata Indonesia serta memperbaiki citra Indonesia. Metode kualitatif dengan datasekunder digunakan untuk menganalisis model konseptual yang tepat untuk nationbranding. Untuk meningkatkan daya saing pariwisata selain membangun merek denganmenggunakan konsep positioning ,differentiation dan brand juga harus didukungdengan pembangunan infrastruktur, sinergi dengan industri kreatif, kestabilan politikdan keamanan, perbaikan birokrasi dan transparansi dalam pemerintahan agar mampumemperbaiki karakter bangsa. Sebuah merek tanpa karakter akan sia-sia dan bangsaIndonesia harus memiliki karakter agar memiliki daya saing di mata Internasional

    Identifying Ea Principles Using Swot Analysis (Case Study of E-commerce PT. Xyz)

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    In current business practice, an integration between business and IT is important. Enterprise Architecture (EA) is one of the study that synergize IT and business. The principle will be use as the main base to designing appropriate EA. Before describing these principles, it is necessary to understand the real state of a company. It aims to make the situation as one as of benchmarks to describing state of the target. After designing state of the target, it will make processes of designing EA for a company is easier. This paper will use the SWOT analysis method to recognize their core competencies in order to determine the direction of an organization by analysing and positioning the organization's resource and environment on four regions : Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. After an SWOT assessment, a mapping obtained wich that determines which quadrant position of the company. Every quadrant position will describe different strategies each other. From the obtained strategy, it will be describing target principles according to the position of a company based on the SWOT analysis. So the design EA for a company can start with a precise principles foundations

    Penampilan Fenotipik Karakter Hasil Galur Harapan Padi Rawa di Lahan Pasang Surut Karang Agung, Sumatera Selatan

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    Percobaan dilaksanakan di KP Karang Agung, Sumatera Selatan pada bulan April sampai September 2007. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang penampilan fenotipik karakter hasil dan komponen hasil dari galur-galur harapan padi rawa di lahan pasang surut Karang Agung. Percobaan ditata dalam rancangan acak kelompok dengan 16 perlakuan dan empat ulangan. Galur-galur yang diuji di antaranya B9858-KA-55, B9833C-KA-14, B9852E-KA-66, B5524GSM- 61-2-1, B7003D-MR-24-3-1, KAL9414F-MR-2-KN-0, KAL9418F-MR-2-KN-0, B10214F-TB-7-2-3, IR70213-9- CPA-12-UBN-2-1-3-1, dan IR70215-2-CPA-2-1-B-1-2. Varietas pembanding digunakan IR42, Batanghari, dan Lembu Sawah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa galur IR61242- 3B-B-2 memiliki penampilan lebih baik dari varietas pembanding untuk karakter tinggi tanaman, jumlah gabah isi, bobot 1.000 butir gabah, dan potensi hasil. Galur B10214F-TB-7-2-3 memberikan penampilan lebih baik untuk karakter jumlah gabah isi, bobot 1.000 butir, dan potensi hasil lebih tinggi daripada pembanding IR42 dan Batanghari. Galur KAL9418F-MR- 2-KN-0 memiliki penampilan lebih baik untuk karakter bobot 1.000 butir, tinggi tanaman, dan umur panen, tetapi potensi hasilnya lebih rendah dari ketiga varietas pembanding

    Pengaruh Penerapan Metode Permainan Dakon Bilangan terhadap Hasil Belajar Peserta Didik Kelas IV SD

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    This research aims to analyze the influence of numerical dakon gameapplication to students\u27 learning result in mathematic subject grade IV at SDN 35,South Pontianak. This research used quasi-experimental research method withnon-equivalent control group design. The sample of this research is 62 students.The sample of this research is population sample because all of students in gradeIV are the sample. There are two classes in grade IV,31 students in class A arethe experiment class and 31 students in class B are the control class. Based on theanalysis of post test result, the average score on experiment class is 56,92, and oncontrol class is 42,92. The calculation result of the effect size is 0,76 which isconsidered high in the effect size criteria. It means that the application ofnumerical dakon game highly influenced to students\u27 learning result inmathematic subject grade IV SDN 35, South Pontianak

    Desain Unit Pengolahan Bioetanol Untuk Petani Di Desa Ngajum Kecamatan Sumber Pucung Kabupaten Malang

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    The aim of the research is to develop bio-ethanol processing unit in small size using simple technology, which can be used by Cassava farmers in the village of Ngajum Sumber Pucung Malang. The capacity of Bioethanol processing unit provided is 100 liters/process which consists of sieve, cooker with cooling mash, fermenter, and distillation unit. Tests on several processing units give the following results: Sieve driven by 7.5 HP diesel engines. Sieve cylinder made of wood cylinder with 40 cm of diameter and 45 cm of length. Sieve has a capacity of 613 kg/h. Cooker tank made of stainless steel plate 4 mm and has dimensions 77 cm of diameter and 150 cm of height. There are 4 pieces of pipe stainless steel 6" placed at the bottom serving as heat exchanger. Cooling Mash has heat transfer surface area of 3.11 m2 that consists of 26 stainless steel pipe 1 ½" of diameter and 100 cm of length . Cooking efficiency is 38% with fuel of firewood with a moisture content of 50%. At steady state conditions, Cooling mash is capable to remove energy from substance of 280 kcal/min at mass flow rate of substance of 2.34 l/s and mass flow rate of cooling water of 0.6 l/s.Fermenter tank has made of stainless steel and has dimensions 110 cm of diameter and 240 cm of height. The mixer's fermenter is driven by a ½ HP electric motor. To maintain the material temperature at 32 oC, the fermenter equipped with a cooling unit that is sprinkler water around the tube. Distillation unit has made of stainless steel 304 and consists of beer column, the column rectifying, pre-heater, condensers and equipped with boiler

    Tinjauan Tentang Makanan Adat Yang Dibawa Pada Acara Babako Di Nagari Pakan Rabaa

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    The purpose study was (1) to describe the implementation of a series ofceremonies babako, (2) identify the types of traditional food, (3) describe theequipment used to carry food customs, (4) to know procedure of serving andstructuring, (5) expresses the meaning of traditional food that was brought to theceremony babako. This research descriptive qualitative, the object of studycustomary food babako ceremony . The technique of collecting data: observation,interview, and documentation. Data analysis tecniques: data reduction, datapresentation and conclusion of verification. The results showed that babakoceremony consists namely preparation before the event and the circuitimplementation babako. Food bronght totaling eleven types, and tool to bringtraditional food at a ceremony babako is a dulang, baki, toples, cambuang, kainrendo, dan kain pambungkui.The procedure of serving and structuring food that isbrought dulang and baki in the main house of induak bako then it taken to the nextthe anak daro taken to the marapulai home with a procession. Traditional food atceremony babako has the meaning of moral messages and life with anak darofamily and marapulai
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