101 research outputs found

    Klaim Ganti Rugi dalam Perjanjian Asuransi Kendaraaan Bermotor

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    Perjanjian asuransi yang sesuai dengan tujuannya yaitu suatu perjanjian yang memberikan proteksi terhadap suatu peristiwa yang terjadi yang tidak dapat diketahui pada saat perjanjian dibuat. Di mana dalam proses klaim asuransi harus didasarkan pada asas keseimbangan karena risiko yang dialihkan kepada penanggung diimbangi dengan jumlah premi yang dibayarkan kepada penanggung. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif, dengan cara mempelajari, mengkaji, dan menginterprestasi bahan-bahan kepustakaan yang ada dalam literatur-literatur, Peraturan Perundang- Undangan, dan ketentuan-ketentuan yang berkaitan dengan perjanjian asuransi. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder, dan selanjutnya dilakukan analisis secara kualitatif.  Hasil penelitian menyebutkan bahwa prosedur pengajuan klaim yang dilakukan oleh tertanggung terhadap penanggung secara umum harus memenuhi ketentuan Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Dagang dan Polis Standar Kendaraan Bermotor yaitu mulai dari pemberitahuan, pengisian formulir klaim, dan penyerahan dokumen lainnya serta investigasi yang dilakukan penanggung. Sedangkan mengenai ganti kerugian asuransi kendaraan bermotor yang disebabkan oleh evenemen pencurian pada tertanggung adalah ganti kerugian total dan penanggung akan memberikan ganti kerugian kepada tertanggung berdasarkan harga sebenarnya sesuai dengan ketentuan Polis Standar Kendaraan Bermotor

    Analisis Penghapusan Merek Terdaftar oleh Direktorat Merek (Studi Pada Direktorat Jenderal Hak Kekayaan Intelektual Kementrian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia)

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    Request a brand has fulfilled the terms of the formalities in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 15 Year 2001 on the brand, and there is no objection from any party, the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights will hold a registration and an official announcement about the companys brand. The results obtained showed that the cause of the abolition of the registered trademark by the Directorate General of Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights is a brand not used for three (3) consecutive years in the trade of goods and / or services from the date of registration or the last use. Legal remedies against the removal of a registered mark is the elimination of a lawsuit filed with the Commercial Court, the Decision of the Commercial Court in the case of deletion of a registered mark may be filed Cassation

    Analisis Putusan Pengadilan Agama Tanjung Karang No. 157/Pdt.G/2006/Pa.Tnk. Tentang Pembatalan Perkawinan (Studi Pada Pengadilan Agama Tanjung Karang)

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    As being live to continue its clan, hence there are relation both into marriage institute and with that marriage generate  law , that is event suaatu which in giving effect of by law by that because problem of marriage in our State is based on religion law and State law. Problems is What the reason of raising of application of cancellation of marriage, How consideration of judge in decision Justice Of Religion of Tanjungkarang Number 157/Pdt.G/2006/PA.Tnk, and How legal consequences cancellation of marriage in decision Justice of Religion Number 157 / Pdt.G / 2006 / PA.TNK. This Research use method approach of empiric and normatif, source of data of sekunder Data collecting primary data and done with bibliography study and field study and analysis qualitative.. Result of research of reason raising of application of cancellation of marriage is done nuptials between sued I and sued II there no permission of plaintiff, Consideration of judge is the nuptials null and void because of existence of forgery of identity by Sued  I with widower status, while Sued  I still has valid wife husband relation, with plaintiff. Besides Sued  I nor there is approval of valid wife ( Plaintiff), which is arranged in section 5 sentence ( 1), legal consequences cancellation of marriage its cancelation of marriage and Sued can raise other legal effort that is comparing

    Implementation Of Legal Protections Of Geographical Indications Of Lampung Robusta Coffee In Improving The Economy Of West Lampung Coffee Farmers

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    West Lampung Regency is one of the Robusta coffee producing areas. Lampung Robusta Coffee is registered by obtaining a Geographical Indication Certificate Number: ID G 000000026 dated May 13, 2014. The problems in this study are a) How is the implementation of legal protection for Lampung Robusta coffee geographical indications in improving the economy of West Lampung coffee farmers and b) What are the factors What are the obstacles in implementing legal protection for Lampung Robusta coffee geographical indications in improving the economy of West Lampung coffee farmers? The research method used is juridical normative and juridical empirical. The conclusion of this study is the implementation of legal protection for Lampung Robusta coffee geographical indications in improving the economy of West Lampung coffee farmers is to provide preventive and repressive forms of protection with reference to the theory of Intellectual Property Rights Robert M. Sherwood. The constraining factors in the implementation of legal protection for Lampung Robusta coffee geographical indications in improving the economy of West Lampung coffee farmers are the low level of public education, the lack of awareness of coffee farmers in West Lampung Regency in including West Lampung Robusta Coffee Geographical Indications in product design, the absence of regulations at the level The Government of West Lampung Regency in implementing the inclusion of Geographical Indications for West Lampung Robusta Coffee and the weak legal awareness of the community towards the importance of Geographical Indication

    Aspek Hukum Kontrak Bisnis Franchise (Waralaba) di Indonesia

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    Perkembangan waralaba pada saat ini di Indonesia sangat pesat dalam jangka waktu beberapa tahun ke belakang, maka pemerintah membuat Peraturan Pemerintah yang mengatur sistem usaha waralaba ini. Waralaba didefinisikan sebagai hak istimewa yang teijalin dan atau diberikan oleh pemberi waralaba kepada penerima waralaba dengan sejumlah kewajiban pembayaran. Dalam perjanjian waralaba terdapat kewajiban dan hak yang harus dijalankan para pihak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Pendekatan Yuridis Normatif, data yang digunakan yaitu data sekunder kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perjanjian waralaba yang dibuat haruslah memenuhi syarat yang disebutkan oleh KUHPerdata yaitu tentang asas kebebasan berkontrak, sehingga para pihak dapat membuat dan menyetujui perjanjian yang sama-sama menguntungkan kedua belah pihak. perjanjian waralaba yang dibuat tersebut memuat kewajiban dan hak masing-masing pihak yaitu franchisor dan franchisee, sehingga dalam penerapan Pasal-Pasal yang tercantum di dalam perjanjian dapat dilaksanakan sebaik-baiknya oleh pihak-pihak yang terlibat di dalam perjanjian, sehingga dapat memberikan perlindungan hukum. Berakhirnya perjanjian waralaba dapat dikarenakan, franchisee melakukan perbuatan yang dilarang dalam perjanjian, franchisee melakukan wanprestasi yang disebutkan di dalam Pasal perjanjian waralaba tersebut, dan atau lewatnya waktu perjanjian tetapi perjanjian tersebut tidak dapat berakhir dikarnakan meninggalnya franchisee

    Pengaruh Globalisasi Terhadap Perkembangan Hak Asasi Manusia Bidang Ekonomi, Sosial, Budaya (HESB) Di Indonesia

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    This study discussed the influence of globalization toward the development of human rights in economic, social and culture in Indonesia. The influence of globalization in Indonesia is very strong, there is shift of values and norms which underlie and control human rights in several different countries, because the limit of those values began to disappear, there are values which survive and there are values which shift. The right solution is to build law based on Pancasila values in legislation organic and to implement Pancasila in the state and nation âs lift correctly

    Gugatan Class Action dalam Penegakan Hukum Lingkungan di Indonesia

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    Class Action in Indonesia to be see in Environmental Management Law No.23/1997and have amanded Protection and Management of Environment Law No. 32/2009,on the followed by Forestry Law No.41/1999, and so on. In Indonesia, there are 3(three) cases that attract attention: First, Kapak LPG Lawsuit, decision requets ofthe plaintiff is won, but Jakarta Province Court decision was rejected. Second, thevictim of consumer of railways in Brebes. In this case requets of the plaintiff claimwas granted is won. Third, Flooding lawsuit in Jakarta year 2002, in this case requetsof the plaintiff was rejected, on the based of Indonesian Presiden, Governor of Jakartaand Governor West Java is not responsible for flooding in Jakarta, but the mayor infive regions of Jakarta Province under Law Local Governance No.22/1999

    Analisis Putusan Pengadilan Agama Tanjung Karang No. 157/Pdt.G/2006/Pa.Tnk. Tentang Pembatalan Perkawinan (Studi Pada Pengadilan Agama Tanjung Karang)

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    As being live to continue its clan, hence there are relation both into marriage institute and with that marriage generate  law , that is event suaatu which in giving effect of by law by that because problem of marriage in our State is based on religion law and State law. Problems is What the reason of raising of application of cancellation of marriage, How consideration of judge in decision Justice Of Religion of Tanjungkarang Number 157/Pdt.G/2006/PA.Tnk, and How legal consequences cancellation of marriage in decision Justice of Religion Number 157 / Pdt.G / 2006 / PA.TNK. This Research use method approach of empiric and normatif, source of data of sekunder Data collecting primary data and done with bibliography study and field study and analysis qualitative.. Result of research of reason raising of application of cancellation of marriage is done nuptials between sued I and sued II there no permission of plaintiff, Consideration of judge is the nuptials null and void because of existence of forgery of identity by Sued  I with widower status, while Sued  I still has valid wife husband relation, with plaintiff. Besides Sued  I nor there is approval of valid wife ( Plaintiff), which is arranged in section 5 sentence ( 1), legal consequences cancellation of marriage its cancelation of marriage and Sued can raise other legal effort that is comparing


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    Developments in the globalization era of business world engaged in the growing trade in Indonesia. This is the occurrence of agreements between interested parties and in the field of trade. In this case in Lampung Province licensing from PT. Indomarco Prismatama to Indomaret. In life in society, especially in business world, we see there are some Building Owner who do cooperation with Indomaret as license holder of PT. Indomarco Prismatama. This basic issue encourages the author to examine the lease agreement between the owners of the building with PT. Indomarco Prismatama. The problem in this research is “How is the settlement if one of the parties makes a default in the lease agreement between the owner of the building and PT. Indomarco Prismatama?”. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that if the Second Party neglects to not fulfill its obligation to the agreed lease period of the compensation arrangement, then the Second Party is now also on time, i.e. in the event that the Second Party neglects its obligation to vacate the Building at the time of the Agreement The Lease Rents expire, then the Second Party hereby authorizes Substitution on the First Party now and for later

    Aspek Hukum Kontrak Bisnis Franchise (Waralaba) di Indonesia

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    Perkembangan waralaba pada saat ini di Indonesia sangat pesat dalam jangka waktu beberapa tahun ke belakang, maka pemerintah membuat Peraturan Pemerintah yang mengatur sistem USAha waralaba ini. Waralaba didefinisikan sebagai hak istimewa yang teijalin dan atau diberikan oleh pemberi waralaba kepada penerima waralaba dengan sejumlah kewajiban pembayaran. Dalam perjanjian waralaba terdapat kewajiban dan hak yang harus dijalankan para pihak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Pendekatan Yuridis Normatif, data yang digunakan yaitu data sekunder kemudian dianalisis secara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perjanjian waralaba yang dibuat haruslah memenuhi syarat yang disebutkan oleh KUHPerdata yaitu tentang asas kebebasan berkontrak, sehingga para pihak dapat membuat dan menyetujui perjanjian yang sama-sama menguntungkan kedua belah pihak. perjanjian waralaba yang dibuat tersebut memuat kewajiban dan hak masing-masing pihak yaitu franchisor dan franchisee, sehingga dalam penerapan Pasal-Pasal yang tercantum di dalam perjanjian dapat dilaksanakan sebaik-baiknya oleh pihak-pihak yang terlibat di dalam perjanjian, sehingga dapat memberikan perlindungan hukum. Berakhirnya perjanjian waralaba dapat dikarenakan, franchisee melakukan perbuatan yang dilarang dalam perjanjian, franchisee melakukan wanprestasi yang disebutkan di dalam Pasal perjanjian waralaba tersebut, dan atau lewatnya waktu perjanjian tetapi perjanjian tersebut tidak dapat berakhir dikarnakan meninggalnya franchisee
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