40 research outputs found
Macroeconomia dos estados e matriz interestadual de insumo-produto
This paper presents the methodology and the results ofthe estimation of a system of state accounts for Brazil. Using the available information on GDP, government revenues and expenditures, international and interstate trade for the states, estimates for consumption and private investment were produced. The system was calibrated for the year 1996. Given the state accounts and the national input-output table, an eight-sector interstate input-output table was prepared
How important is agriculture and familiar agriculture agribusiness for Brazil and its states: an interregional input-output approach
The aim of this paper is estimate how important is agriculture and familiar agriculture agribusiness for Brazil and its states. To do so, the GDP for the agribusiness of these complexes is estimated for Brazil and for its 27 states. The estimation is based on an interregional input-output system constructed for the Brazilian economy. The agribusiness takes into consideration the relations between the agriculture production and the other sectors in the economy (inputs for production, industry, transportation, distribution, and commercialization). The importance of the agribusiness can be evidence for it’s share of about 30% in the total Brazilian GDP, but regional differences will make this average oscillates between 4% and 79% in the Brazilian states. Another distinction will be made between small familiar production and large scale production that will vary according to the product and the state. Some relation between land distribution and the type of agriculture will
also be made
How important is agriculture and familiar agriculture agribusiness for Brazil and its states: an interregional input-output approach
The aim of this paper is estimate how important is agriculture and familiar agriculture agribusiness for Brazil and its states. To do so, the GDP for the agribusiness of these complexes is estimated for Brazil and for its 27 states. The estimation is based on an interregional input-output system constructed for the Brazilian economy. The agribusiness takes into consideration the relations between the agriculture production and the other sectors in the economy (inputs for production, industry, transportation, distribution, and commercialization). The importance of the agribusiness can be evidence for it’s share of about 30% in the total Brazilian GDP, but regional differences will make this average oscillates between 4% and 79% in the Brazilian states. Another distinction will be made between small familiar production and large scale production that will vary according to the product and the state. Some relation between land distribution and the type of agriculture will
also be made
Economic growth and regional income inequality in Brazil
This paper analyses the evolution of regional inequality in Brazil in the period 1939-1995. Based on a data set organized by the author, indicators of per capita income dispersion among states and regions are presented and their evolution over time is analyzed. The correlation between the regional initial level of per capita income and its growth is considered, testing for Beta convergence. The speed of convergence is calculated in two different forms, the neoclassical model and the coefficient of variation, the later allowing for the analysis of oscillations in inequality over time and its relationship to national economic growth rates. The Kuznetz hypothesis, relating regional income inequality and level of development, is tested. The results indicate the presence of signs of regional income convergence in Brazil, but with important oscillations in the evolution of inequality over time as well as across regions within the country. The association of regional inequality with national income growth produced interesting results, indicating a promising line for future research.
Custo da proteção de áreas com interesse ambiental no estado de São Paulo
O trabalho discute o custo da proteção de áreas com interesse ambiental, concentrando-se em um caso específico do Estado de São Paulo, cuja Constituição prevê compensação financeira a municípios com áreas especialmente protegidas em seus territórios. Além de uma rápida discussão conceitual do problema em geral, e no caso em discussão, procura-se quantificar o montante da compensação devida a cada município, tecendo-se considerações sobre o impacto dessa compensação para as finanças do Estado e dos municípios contemplados.The paper deals with the cost of environmental protection, with emphasis on a specific case - the Sao Paulo State Constitution determines a financialcompensation to municlpios with areas with restrictec use due to environmental restrictions. A conceptual discussion of the subject is presented and a quantitative estimation of the amounts involved is attempted. The impacts on the financial position of the state and of the municlpios are evaluated
Education, cost of living and regional wage inequality in Brazil
The objective of this article is to analyze wage inequality among the 10 largest metropolitan regions in Brazil in the 1990s. We assess the extent to which worker characteristics (education, age, gender, race, position in the family) and job characteristics (occupational position, sector, experience) can explain wage inequality. The analysis is made both with regional-nominal and with regional-real wage data. In the second case regional price indexes are used to control for differences in cost of living among regions. Wage differentials in Brazil were slightly lowered when control variables were introduced, but the leftover inequality remained high. The results indicate that cost of living levels do have a role in explaining wage inequality in Brazil, but even after controlling for this factor, the remaining regional differentials are still important.Brazil, regional wage inequality, cost of living differences, education and regional inequality
Neighborhood and Efficiency in Manufacturing in Brazilian Regions: A Spatial Markov Chain Analysis
This paper analyzes the geography of regional competitiveness in manufacturing in Brazil. The authors estimate stochastic frontiers to calculate regional efficiency of representative firms in 137 regions in the period 2000-2006, in four sectors defined by technological intensity. The efficiency results are analyzed using Markov Spatial Transition Matrices to provide insights into the transition of regions between efficiency levels, considering their local spatial context. The results indicate that geography plays an important role in manufacturing competitiveness. In particular, regions with more competitive neighbors are more likely to improve their relative efficiency (pull effect) over time, and regions with less competitive neighbors are more likely to lose relative efficiency (drag effect). The authors find that the pull effect is stronger than the drag effect