18 research outputs found

    Contribution of ultrasonography to the diagnosis of chronic hepatitis C histopathological changes, with emphasis on hepatic steatosis: Part I

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a contribuição da ultrassonografia no estudo das alterações histopatológicas encontradas na hepatite crônica pelo vírus C, com ênfase para a esteatose hepática. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram comparados os resultados dos exames ultrassonográficos do fígado de 192 pacientes portadores de hepatite crônica pelo vírus C, com os achados histopatológicos dos fragmentos obtidos por biópsia hepática. Todos os exames ultrassonográficos obedeceram a um mesmo protocolo, sendo analisados os seguintes critérios: ecogenicidade, ecotextura e atenuação. Os pacientes foram agrupados considerando-se os com alterações ultrassonográficas e os sem alterações ultrassonográficas, sendo comparados com as alterações histopatológicas presentes. RESULTADOS: Entre as alterações histopatológicas presentes, apenas os graus 0 e 3 de alteração arquitetural e a esteatose hepática apresentaram diferença estatística significante entre os dois grupos. Dentre os critérios ultrassonográficos avaliados, a atenuação foi o que apresentou melhor correlação com a esteatose hepática. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados do trabalho demonstraram que, em pacientes com hepatite crônica pelo vírus C, a ultrassonografia apresentou limitações à caracterização das alterações histopatológicas, apresentando concordância regular com o diagnóstico de esteatose hepática. Destaca-se a capacidade do método em mostrar a probabilidade de inexistência de esteatose hepática, tendo em vista a especificidade de 77,9% e o valor preditivo negativo de 95,5%.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the role of ultrasonography in the assessment of histopathological changes in patients with chronic hepatitis C, with emphasis on hepatic steatosis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Liver ultrasonography results were compared with histopathological findings of liver biopsy of 192 patients with chronic hepatitis C virus infection. All the US examinations followed a single protocol, analyzing the following aspects: echogenicity, echotexture and attenuation. The patients sample was divided into two groups as follows: patients with sonographic changes and patients with no sonographic changes. Sonographic findings of both groups were compared with histopathological findings after liver biopsy. RESULTS: Statistically significant intergroup differences were observed just regarding architectural changes grades 0 and 3 and hepatic steatosis. Attenuation was the sonographic criterion that was best correlated with hepatic steatosis. CONCLUSION: The results of the present study demonstrate that, in patients with chronic hepatitis C, ultrasonography has limitations in the characterization of histopathological changes, with an intermediate rate of agreement with the diagnosis of hepatic steatosis. Considering the specificity of 77.9% and the negative predictive value of 95.5%, the authors highlight the capacity of the method to demonstrate the probability of absence of hepatic steatosis

    Sonographic determination of liver size in healthy newborns, infants and children under 7 years of age

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    OBJETIVO: Determinar o tamanho do fígado de crianças normais, entre 0 e 7 anos de idade, por ultrassonografia, correlacionando os valores obtidos com: idade, sexo, estatura, peso corporal e índice de massa corpórea. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram examinadas 584 crianças saudáveis, subdivididas em 11 grupos etários, sendo medidos o diâmetro crânio-caudal do lobo esquerdo, na linha médio-esternal, e o diâmetro crânio-caudal da superfície posterior do lobo direito, na linha hemiclavicular. Na análise estatística foram aplicados: a) coeficiente de correlação de Pearson (estudo de correlação); b) teste t de Student não-pareado (comparação das medidas entre os sexos); c) modelos de regressão não linear (nomogramas). RESULTADOS: O tamanho hepático apresentou aumento progressivo, do nascimento aos 7 anos de idade, proporcionalmente menor que o crescimento corporal, correlacionado com idade, estatura e peso corporal (r > 0,70), não havendo correlação com índice de massa corpórea (r < 0,11). Não se observou diferença consistente das medidas hepáticas em relação ao sexo. CONCLUSÃO: Valores do tamanho do fígado de crianças normais (entre 0 e 7 anos) foram determinados mediante aplicação de técnica padronizada, verificando-se forte correlação com a idade e indicadores antropométricos. Nomogramas demonstram as variações normais do tamanho hepático na população estudada, com crescimento diferenciado para cada lobo.OBJECTIVE: The present study was aimed at sonographically determining the liver size in healthy newborns, infants and children under 7 years of age, correlating results with age, sex, height, body weight and body mass index. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 584 healthy children subdivided into 11 age groups were evaluated with measurements of the left lobe craniocaudal diameter at the midsternal line, and the craniocaudal diameter of the right lobe posterior surface at the midclavicular line. The following tests were utilized for statistical analysis: a) Pearson's correlation coefficient (correlation study); b) non-paired Student's t-test (comparison of measures between sexes); c) nonlinear regression models (nomograms). RESULTS: The liver size presented a progressive growth from the birth up to the age of 7, proportionally lower than the body growth, in correlation with age, height and body weight (r > 0.70). Correlation with the body mass index was not observed (r < 0.11). There was no significant difference in liver size between male and female individuals. CONCLUSION: Liver size was sonographically determined in healthy children under the age of 7 by means of a standardized method, demonstrating a strong correlation with age and anthropometric indicators. Nomograms demonstrate the typical variations of the liver size in the population evaluated with a different growth pattern for each hepatic lobe

    Incidence and predictors of severe liver fibrosis in HIV-infected patients with chronic hepatitis C in Brazil

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    The aim of this study was to examine the incidence and factors associated with the severity of liver fibrosis in 234 coinfected patients in Brazil. Patients were cared for in our clinic, from 1996 to 2004. Eligible patients were defined as patients with documented HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections and had previously undergone a liver biopsy. Patients with persistently normal alanine aminotransferase (ALT) were also included. The variables selected for study were age, gender, risk category, history of high alcohol consumption, CD4(+) T cell count, antiretroviral therapy usage, HCV genotype and duration of HCV infection. Stage of fibrosis was scored as follows: F0, no fibrosis; F1, portal fibrosis with no septa; F2, portal fibrosis with few septa; F3, bridging fibrosis with many septa; and F4, cirrhosis. The liver fibrosis stage was F3 in 39 (16.6%) and F4 in 20(8.5%) patients. Among patients with normal ALT, the liver fibrosis stage was F3-F4 in three patients (5.6%). Predictors of severe liver fibrosis (17344) by multivariate analysis were age (older patients) and genotype 3 (genotype I odds ratio [OR], 0.28; 95% confidence interval [0], 0.12 0.65). In summary, in the present study severe liver fibrosis was found in 25% of our patients and was associated with an age of more than 38 years at the time of liver biopsy as well as, HCV genotype 3. No differences were found with respect to CD4(+) T cell counts although patients with a CD4(+) T cell count greater than 50 were excluded