7 research outputs found

    Islamic Corporate Governance (Case Study in Asia and GCC Countries)

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    In the recent years, Islamic Banking development has many contribution into the International finance. However, this followed by other industries such as capital market and also corporate. Therefore, need to understanding how is Islamic Corporate Governance should be follow by the industries. In this paper, elaborate some Islamic Corporate Governance in ASIA and GCC Countries as well as established during the year, there are: Indonesia, Malaysia and Pakistan. And from GCC are: Saudi Arabia, Dubai and Bahrain

    Model Solusi Efektif Stabilitas Pasar Syariah

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    The Research will confirm that the differences between the Islamic Economic System and the Conventional Economic System should generate differences between the sharia market and the conventional market. Conventional Market clearly is influenced by banking interest rate, speculation, and permit gambling, disobedience, and other bussiness that are prohibited by Islamic values. However, Sharia Market should be free from banking interest rates, speculation, and not permit gambling, disobedience, and other bussiness that are prohibited by Islamic values. Through bivariate and multivariate analysis, the research conducted regression, correlation, and determination test to know whether conventional market influence on sharia market. The analysis is based on the investigation of Indonesia Stock Exchange datas from December 2006 to May 2017. In these cases, Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX) Composite Index (Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG)) and Jakarta Stock Exchange Liquid Index (LQ45) are classified as conventional market. Meanwhile, Sharia Market is represented by Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) dan Indonesia Sharia Stock Index (ISSI). The results show that Conventional Market has a strong and positive correlation with Sharia Market, which indicates that sharia market runs together with conventional market with the same character, in other words sharia market is still influenced mainly by banking interest rate and speculation. The research will observe specifically at the fluctuations of sharia stocks at JII and ISSI compared with the fluctuations of conventional stocks on IHSG and LQ45. The reseach quantitative methods are Least Square Bivariate Analysis dan Multivariate Analysis, serta Pearson product-moment correlation and determination coefficient. The next steps, the research will also accurately investigate the list of issuers on IHSG, LQ45, JII, and ISSI, and compare the specific sharia issuers with non-sharia issuers, so that the classification of IHSG and LQ45 as conventional market is corrected. Based on the results of the analysis of regression, correlation, determination, and investigation of datas, the research will formulate model of effective solution of sharia market stability

    Effect of Environmental Performance, Firm Size, Corporate Social Responsibility on Financial Performance on Manufacturing Companies

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    This study examined the relationship between environmental performance, firm size, corporate social responsibility on financial performance on manufacturing companies listed in ISSI over the period 2014-2018. The independent variables were hypothesized- environmental performance, firm size, and corporate social responsibility. While the dependent variable was a financial performance (ROA). Whereas, the data used are secondary data of finance and annual statements derived from the Indonesian Stock Exchange and the company's official website, as well as the PROPER data, reconstituted from The Ministry of Environment and Forestry. The method used in analyzing data on this research is multiple regression linear with the EViews 10. The results showed that environmental performance had no significant effect on financial performance (ROA), the firm size significantly affected the financial performances (ROA), corporate social responsibility significantly affected the financial performances (ROA). Thus, environmental performance, firm size, and corporate social responsibility affect simultaneously on financial performances (ROA

    Analysis of Market Anomalies for Stock Returns at Lq45 Companies in Indonesia

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    This study examines the effects of the market anomaly on Indonesia's LQ45 companies' stock returns. This research uses descriptive and comparative methods with a quantitative approach. Data processing and analysis techniques include quantitative analysis in multiple linear regression analysis without interception (through multiple regression). The variables used in this study are dummy variables. The dependent variable of this study is daily stock returns. The results showed that The Day of The Week Effect affected stock returns. The Week Four Effect variable shows that the lowest return (negative) on Monday in LQ45 is not concentrated on Monday the last two weeks of each month. The Monday Effect variable indicates that it is not only negative Friday returns that drive negative Monday returns. The Rogalsky Effect variable indicates there was no Rogalsky Effect in April

    The Effect of USD/IDR Exchange Rate, Interest Rate, and World Oil Price to Jakarta Composite Index (JCI)

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    This research aims to investigate effect of selected macroeconomic variables, i.e., USD/IDR exchange rate, interest rate, and world oil price to Indonesia composite index at the Indonesia stock exchange (IDX). This paper examine the direct effect of selected macroecomonic variable on Indonesia Composite Index. The study used time series data from the 2012-2017. By using an regression technique analysis, the result from showed that simultaneously the exchange rate, interest rate, and world oil price have a significant effect on Indonesia Composite Index. Partially, only the exchange rate has a significant effect on Indonesia Composite Index, interest rate and world oil price have no significant effect on Indonesia Composite Iindex. The amount of influece caused by the three variables is 58% and the rest is explained by other variables