237 research outputs found


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    ABDUL AZIS : The Influence Of Small Group Discussion Strategy On The Students’ Reading Ability At The Second Grade Students Of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Ciledug – Cirebon In teaching and learning English there are some factors that must be taken much by the teacher as the main person who teaches the English materials for her students. There for he/she has to be familiar with the kind of methods used in teaching process. Beside that to make a good atmoshpere in the class, he/she also is hoped have the capability and creativity in doing the task as an English teacher, to make the teaching – learning process clear and relevant,it is better for the teacher to know much about, small group discussion technique is a technique in which students work in group, small group discussion technique can be used in a variety of ways for variety goals, but it is primarily used for the acquisition and presentation of a new material, review, or informed debate. The aim of this research activity are 1) to To find out the data about the Small Group Discussion Strategy on The Students‟ Reading Ability at The Second Grade Students of MTsN Ciledug. 2)To find out the data about the Student‟s Reading Ability at The Second Grade Students of MTsN Ciledug. 3)To know how the influence of Small Group Discussion Strategy on The Students‟ Reading Ability at The Second Grade Students of MTsN Ciledug. The techniques of collecting the data which have been done are observation, test, and questionnaire. The data which have been collected are analyzed by means of the objective condition of the school for the quantitative data The population in this research on the second grade students of MTsN Ciledug, the amount of them comes to 267 students, as a sample of the research the writer has taken the sample of the research is 40 students, 15% of population, the sample has been taken at claster from 7 classes, class VIII G as the sample. The result of this research Based on the data collected from the small group discussion strategy on second grade of MTsN Ciledug showed enough category with the average 44.75% with the score7.78, the students‟ reading ability on second grade students of MTsN Ciledug on the enough category, with the average 7.5. Base on result of hypothesis testing there is coefficient correlation between small group discussion and the students‟ reading ability, that is thitung = 3.37 > rtabel = 2.02. Based on the result value above so, thitung > ttabel these show that Ho is rejected and Ha accepted mean there is a positive correlation (relationship), a positive relationship between using of small group discussion strategy and the students‟ reading ability at the second grade of MTsN Ciledug

    The Role of Cooperatives In The Sharia Finance Productive Small Businesses Trade Sector In Indonesia

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    The fundamental problems faced by the small business trade sector in Indonesia are the lack of access to capital sources and the weak role of financial institutions services. Microfinance institutions which be expected tend to more dominant in consumptive financing rather than productive financing. While sharia microfinance institutions do not act optimally. Not yet know how the contribution of the sharia cooperative management in development sharia cooperative performance and its effect in increasing productive financing distribution to empower small business trade sector in Cirebon City and Regency

    The Effect of BMT Management on Performance to Distribute Productive Financing in Small Business Sectors in Cirebon

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    The rising of the sharia cooperative performance as the objective of sharia cooperative management that required for the improvement of financing productive distribution and empowerment of small business trade sector.The fundamental problems faced by the small business trade sector in Indonesia are the lack of access to capital sources and the weak the role of financial institutions services. Microfinance institutions which be expected tend to more dominant in consumptive financing rather than productive financing. While sharia microfinance institutions do not act optimally. Not yet know how the contribution of the sharia cooperative management in development sharia cooperative performance and its effect in increasing productive financing distribution to empower small business trade sector in Cirebon City and Regency.This study used the explanatory method to explain the causal relationships in the model of empowerment of small business trade sector through hypothesis testing. Data compiled in the form of cross-sectional between a unit of analysis in Cirebon City and Regency. The research model is formulated as a recursive model an analyzed using path analysis.The finding of the study was: (1) the good management governance of funding, membership and financing had significant in increasing sharia cooperative performance. And management of membership proven ineffective and very means in enacting excellence sharia cooperative performance. (2) the sharia cooperative performance has dramatized the increase means, but not yet effective on sharia cooperative performance in financing distribution of Murabaha. (3) the financing distribution of Musyarakah by sharia cooperative performance had a significant effect. (4) the existence sharia cooperative performance very helpful for small business trade sector, mainly in productive financing distribution (Murabahah and Musyarakah)


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    The Qur'an is the main basis of Shari'ah. It states the principles while the sunnah of the Prophet provides the details of their application. For example, the Qur'an says: establish Salah, observe sawm, pay zakah, take decisions by consultation, do not earn or spend in wrong ways but it does not describe how to do these things. It is the sunnah of the Prophet which gives us the details. The Qur'an is the main book of guidance and the Prophet taught how to follow it. The Prophet not only told us how to follow the guidance, but he also practiced it himself. The Qur’an has rules for every aspect of life. It is complete and perfect and guarantees us success, welfare, and peace in this life on earth and in the life after death. For example, arbitrate and et all


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    The Qur'an is the main basis of Shari'ah. It states the principles while the sunnah of the Prophet provides the details of their application. For example, the Qur'an says: establish salah, observe sawm, pay zakah, take decisions by consultation, do not earn or spend in wrong ways but it does not describe how to do these things. It is the sunnah of the Prophet which gives us the details. The Qur'an is the main book of guidance and the Prophet taught how to follow it. The Prophet not only told us how to follow the guidance, but he also practised it himself. The Qur’an has rules for every aspect of life. It is complete and perfect, and guarantees us success, welfare and peace in this life on earth and in the life after death. For example, arbitrate and et a


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    The Qur'an is the main basis of Shari'ah. It states the principles while the sunnah of the Prophet provides the details of their application. For example, the Qur'an says: establish salah, observe sawm, pay zakah, take decisions by consultation, do not earn or spend in wrong ways but it does not describe how to do these things. It is the sunnah of the Prophet which gives us the details. The Qur'an is the main book of guidance and the Prophet taught how to follow it. The Prophet not only told us how to follow the guidance, but he also practised it himself. The Qur’an has rules for every aspect of life. It is complete and perfect and guarantees us success, welfare and peace in this life on earth and in the life after death. For example, arbitrate and et all


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    Abstract: Management of zakat, infaq, and shadaqah are planning, implementation and supervision of the collection and distribution and utilization of zakat given to the poor (mustahiq). Utilization of zakat, infaq, and shadaqah in principle from year to year has not changed. The main basis used is Islamic Sharia. Therefore, this study aims to determine the effect of how much influence the management of zakat, infaq, and shadaqah partially and simultaneously to the economic empowerment of society in BAZNAS, Cirebo

    Factors Affecting Merchant Revenue Survey at Lemahabang Market in Cirebon, Indonesia

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    The problem faced by traders in the market, in general, is the lack of capital, so they cannot increase their income. In addition to capital, product quality can cause a lack of customers to buy. Although the increasing fashion trend does not guarantee the public's interest in buying. Therefore, traders in the Market should need to increase capital and improve the quality of their production in order to increase income. One solution to increase the capital of traders in the Market, of course, there must be assistance from financial institutions. And, a good Islamic bank or cooperative financial institution is needed
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