9 research outputs found

    The Frequency Effect on the Acquisition of –ING Form Structure by Indonesia L2 Learners

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    Even though –ing form is acquired earlier based on the natural order hypotheses of L2 morpheme acquisition, it remains difficult for L2 learners to acquire mainly for those who are not frequently exposed to the targeted linguistic feature inputs. A number of investigations were already carried out to find out the frequency effect on the acquisition of verbs as a complement (gerund and infinitive), yet this paper was designed to identify the role of frequency on the acquisition of English –ing form structure by Indonesia L2 learners. Participants consisted of four groups from different semester (1,3,5, and 7). Each semester also indicated various language exposure experienced by L2 learners. Each group comprised 10 participants. Data were collected by employing the writing test to elicit –ing form production including interview and observation. The coding of students’ composition was carried out to determine the correct productions—which were scored to interpret frequency effect on students’ acquisition and their misconceptions in composing a sentence containing –ing forms. The findings revealed that the rate of frequency inputs of –ing form structure accessed by learners fairly contributed to students’ constructional schemas in accordance with the high score. Each word possessed various frequency inputs of distribution which then led them to any deviant production.  In addition, intra-lingual errors were responsible for any misconception perceived by learners (overgeneralization, ignorance of rule restriction, and false concepts hypothesized).

    Excessive Gadget Exposure and Children Speech Delay: The Case of Autism Spectrum Risk Factor

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    Smartphones and gadgets are considered as one of the main factors in children's speech delays, especially those under three years. This delay is also accompanied by a child's social impairment like the symptoms of the autism spectrum. This article attempts to demonstrate the statistical correlation between smartphone usage and children's speech delay. Employing a mixed method design by combining statistical inference and qualitative descriptive methods with 70 respondents who were parents of children 1 - 5 years old in Indonesia, the researchers collected data using questionnaires and interviews and further thematically analyzed the responses. This article could show a negatively significant correlation between the duration of gadget use and speech habits, which means that the longer a child spends time playing with gadgets, the worse his/her early-stage language proficiency will be. Thus, it can be concluded that the excessive usage of gadgets has a detrimental impact on children's cognitive and verbal growth. In addition, the researcher found that children with autism spectrum attributes had a relationship with the duration of gadget usage. Further implications on parenting and language teaching are discussed to examine the novelty of the findings

    Assessing the Impact of Electronic Court Systems on the Efficiency of Judicial Processes in the Era of Digital Transformation

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    The E-court system promotes the transparency and efficiency globally, however, the Eastern Indonesian courts face challenges due to infrastructure and literacy. Nonetheless, its benefits are crucial for the justice system modernization. This study evaluated the E-court system’s effect on the judicial process’s efficiency in the Religious and District Courts of Biak Numfor using a quantitative research methodology. A survey was conducted on 100 respondents to assess the user satisfaction and system effectiveness, especially in remote areas. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and simple linear regression, which will provide valuable insights. The findings indicate that the E-court system significantly and positively affects the judicial process’s efficiency, and users found it efficient, user-friendly, reliable, secure, and satisfactory. While the quantitative approach provides valuable insights, it also has limitations. Therefore, the study suggests that a qualitative approach could provide a deeper understanding of how information technology affects the justice system. The research results can be useful to the courts in other areas that are considering implementing comparable technologies to enhance process efficiency and user friendliness. In conclusion, the E-court system is a promising technology that can significantly improve judicial process’s efficiency and effectiveness. However, further research is a necessity to understand how information technology affects the justice system, and a combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches may provide a more comprehensive understanding

    KEADILAN GENDER DALAM ISLAM (Telaah Atas Diskursus Hak Rujuk Perempuan dalam Hukum Keluarga Islam)

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    Religius teachings that are considered to have long oppressed womenthe teachings that have been domination by men have been used as a justification for community perception that are very detrimental to women.however,this criticism of gender inequality in discusseions with human rights does not only return to the misperception of the people.feminists also maintain a great deal about the concept of humen rights it self.fundamental criticism by questioning the return of international law to its maker. The qur’an has the principle that men and women are the same as servants, because men and women are created from the same subtance (kholifatullah fiilardh),and the same obligations ( liya’budun) however,in the matter of reconciliation,the ulama’ agree that reconciliation is an absolute right of the husband. In the gender perspective if you see some possible understanding that women can submit referals as their right to their husband by conducting a new analysis of  the issue of referral rights’ which so far has been suggested to be dominated by men ( husband) by redeeming the rights of husband who was given to him. And with the khulu’ also the wife also has the right to the right of reconciliation to the husband who has dropped divorce on him

    EFL Learners’ Perspective on Corrective Feedback

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    The present research is designed to investigate the attitudes of EFL Learner concerning corrective feedback. This research additionally analyses students’ characteristics that tend to receive offline or online corrective feedback and analyses the approach of sending feedback adjusted to learners’ exact needs. 75 research respondents were enrolled from Biak’s High School of Law, Papua. The researchers handed out questionnaires directly to the 5th and 7th semester students during lectures. There were eight questions provided for students to choose regarding corrective feedback. The findings of this research indicate that online or offline corrective feedback is very important for students because it can help students determine the correct linguistic form. Most students feel that corrective feedback is quite helpful for them because it can encourage students’ desire to learn. In addition, they also feel that corrective feedback can improve the learning process. However, some students feel that they are not serious enough when receiving teacher’s feedback because they have not been able to realize which ones can hinder or improve the language learning process. It seems clear that most students like feedback both offline and online. Thus, the results of this research generally confirm that students feel corrective feedback provides benefits in improving the learning process.

    The Reason for The Complexity in The L2 Learning

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    There are various accounts of age influences, such as different neural mechanisms, biological influences, and conditions for learning. This research is library research that seeks to theoretically analyze the age influences based on various references from journals, books, proceedings, etc. This paper asserts that there exists a cognitive mechanism, language defense mechanism, which takes the role of a resistance mechanism to keep the L1 intact, causing complexities in L2 acquisition for adults. It grows along with the L1 knowledge and incrementally makes difficulties in learning the L2. The concept of the defense mechanism may provide new understanding into models such as fossilization, language interference, maturational constraints, and bilingual purposes for the learning of new languages

    Applying the English Simple Code to Improve Indonesian Students’ Communicative Speaking Ability and Their Motivation

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    The study aims to improve students’ communicative speaking and motivation using the simple code theory. It was action research. The research procedure consisted of identifying the students’ problems, designing the plans, applying the classroom practice expression (suitable with simple code), observing, and reflecting on each cycle. The subject was 20 students who have the lowest mark in communicative speaking ability and motivation in the pre-observation. Data were collected through observation, tests, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation and were analyzed using the descriptive quantitative, and qualitative. The English Simple Code could improve students’ communicative speaking ability and motivation in grade VIII of SMP Yapis Biak. it is also supported by the result of speaking tests and questionnaires. There are some findings; 1) implementing the classroom practice expression can help the teacher to provide a simpler language for students; 2) teacher-talk and interlanguage-talk are useful for acquiring English at the low-intermediate level; 3) emphasizing the activities of repetition drill and acting from a script can provide a prefabricated routine to prefabricated pattern and develop their fluency simultaneously; 4) teacher‘s role can improve the communicative speaking in performance; 5) delayed feedback is very useful to encourage students’ low affective filter in the learning process, so they got the high confidence and motivation in the second language acquisition. Thus, Theoretically, the English simple code can provide a good contribution to learning strategy in the classroom. Then, the teacher can use classroom practice expression, various activities, and delayed feedback to acquire English as the target language

    Applying the English Simple Code to Improve Indonesian Students’ Communicative Speaking Ability and Their Motivation

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    The study aims to improve students’ communicative speaking and motivation using the simple code theory. It was action research. The research procedure consisted of identifying the students’ problems, designing the plans, applying the classroom practice expression (suitable with simple code), observing, and reflecting on each cycle. The subject was 20 students who have the lowest mark in communicative speaking ability and motivation in the pre-observation. Data were collected through observation, tests, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation and were analyzed using the descriptive quantitative, and qualitative. The English Simple Code could improve students’ communicative speaking ability and motivation in grade VIII of SMP Yapis Biak. it is also supported by the result of speaking tests and questionnaires. There are some findings; 1) implementing the classroom practice expression can help the teacher to provide a simpler language for students; 2) teacher-talk and interlanguage-talk are useful for acquiring English at the low-intermediate level; 3) emphasizing the activities of repetition drill and acting from a script can provide a prefabricated routine to prefabricated pattern and develop their fluency simultaneously; 4) teacher‘s role can improve the communicative speaking in performance; 5) delayed feedback is very useful to encourage students’ low affective filter in the learning process, so they got the high confidence and motivation in the second language acquisition. Thus, Theoretically, the English simple code can provide a good contribution to learning strategy in the classroom. Then, the teacher can use classroom practice expression, various activities, and delayed feedback to acquire English as the target language