3 research outputs found

    The International Legal Basis of the Human Right to Water

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    شكلت المياه العذبة أحد التحديات الرئيسية في القرن الحادي والعشرين. ويشمل هذا التحدي مشكلة توافر المياه العذبة وجودتها وصعوبة الوصول اليها. مشكلة ندرة المياه العذبة ستصبح أسوأ بكثير، لاسيما مع النمو السكاني والاقتصادي وتغير المناخ المحتمل، الذي اقترن بالتصاعد في استهلاك المياه العذبة وازدياد الطلب عليها. الصكوك القانونية الدولية والتدابير المؤسسية من المؤكد بانها ستكون حاسمة وفعالة  للتعامل مع أزمة المياه المتنامية. تمشيا مع الدور المركزي للمياه وما تشكله من اهمية لجميع الكائنات الحية.  في السنوات الأخيرة، عقدت الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة العديد من المؤتمرات بشأن المياه. كذلك تم عقد الكثير من المعاهدات الدولية  التي تعترف صراحة او ضمنا من بين أمور أخرى بالحق في المياه كحق من حقوق الإنسان، وتدعو الدول والمنظمات الدولية والجهات الاخرى ذات العلاقة، بضرورة الالتزام باحترام حقوق الانسان الاساسية، ولا سيما حق الانسان في المياه. الهدف من البحث هو بيان الاساس القانوني الدولي ومدى كفاية الاحكام المتعلقة بطبيعة حق الإنسان في المياه. هذا سيكون عن طريق استعراض القواعد القانونية المتعلقة بحق الانسان في المياه، التي وردت في المعاهدات الدولية بصورة صريحة او ضمنية. هذه الاتفاقيات تنوعت بحسب المجالات التي نظمتها. تمت دراسة هذا الحق في النصوص التي وردت في الاتفاقيات الدولية في مجال القانون الدولي للمياه، والقانون الدولي للبيئة.  كذلك دراسة الاحكام القانونية المنصوص عليها في المعاهدات الدولية المتعلقة بالقانون الدولي لحقوق الإنسان والقانون الدولي الانساني.Fresh water was formed one of the major challenges of the 21st century. This challenge includes the problem of freshwater availability, quality and inaccessibility. The freshwater problem scarcity  will become much worse, especially with population and economic growth and potential climate change، which was combined by escalation in freshwater consumption and increasing demand it. International legal instruments and institutional measures will certainly be decisive and effective to deal with the growing water crisis. Consistent with the central role of water and its importance to all living things. In recent years, the United Nations General Assembly has held several conferences on water. Many international treaties have been concluded that explicitly or implicitly recognize the right to water as a human right, and call on states, international organizations and other relevant bodies to commit themselves to respect fundamental human rights, especially the human right to water. The aim of the research is to demonstrate the international legal basis and adequacy of the provisions on the nature of the human right to water. This will be done by reviewing the legal norms relating to the human right to water contained in international treaties explicitly or implicitly. These agreements varied according to the areas which organized it. This right has been studied in the provisions of international conventions in the field of international water law and international environmental law. It also examines the legal provisions of international treaties relating to international human rights and humanitarian law

    Iraq's Application of International Standards Relating to Victims of Terrrism

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    اصبحت كل من الزيادة غير المألوفة للحروب والصراعات الدولية في العديد من الدول، فضلا عن العمليات الارهابية والانتهاكات الخطيرة لحقوق الانسان والقانون الدولي الانساني، تشكل قلقا كبيرا للمجتمع الدولي بسبب  الأعداد الكبيرة من الضحايا التي خلفتها ولازالت تلك الاعمال. التعامل مع هذه الاعداد الكبيرة من الضحايا استوجب تبني قواعد قانونية تعترف بحقوق الضحايا دوليا بما ينسجم مع قواعد العدالة والانصاف. الاشارة الى حقوق الضحايا لايجب ان يقتصر فقط على التعويض المادي بل هناك مجالات عديدة لهذه الحقوق منها ما يشمل الدعم النفسي والمعنوي فضلا" عن الحقوق المتعلقة بسير العدالة،وهذا كله تطلب وجود قواعد قانونية دولية ووطنية محددة وكافية لحماية ضحايا الحروب والعمليات الارهابية وتعويضهم عن الاضرار التي لحقت بهم. يعتبر العراق اوضح مثال للدول التي دمرتها عقود من الحروب والعمليات الارهابية والانتهاكات الخطيرة لحقوق الانسان على مر هذه السنوات، وكان لابد لهؤلاء الضحايا من التمتع بالحقوق التي اعترف لهم بها القانون الدولي. الهدف من هذه الدراسة سيكون اولا مناقشة وتحليل القواعد القانونية الدولية المتعلقة بتعويض ضحايا العمليات الارهابية، واستعراض الجهود الدولية في هذا المجال والمتمثلة خاصة بالمعاهدات والقرارات الدولية ذات الصلة. ثانيا، مراجعة القواعد القانونية الخاصة بتعويض هؤلاء الضحايا في العراق، وبيان مدى تطابقها مع المعايير الدولية  الواردة في الاتفاقيات الدولية، وتحديد نقاط القوة والضعف المتعلقة بهذا الموضوع وفقا للتشريع العراقي. وسيكون ذلك من خلال دراسة قانون تعويض المتضررين جراء العمليات الحربية والاخطاء العسكرية والعمليات الارهابية رقم 20 لسنة 2009 ، فضلا" عن التعديل الاول لهذا القانون والمتمثل بالقانون رقم 57 لسنة 2015، حيث يشكل هذا القانون الاساس القانوني الرئيسي لتعويض ضحايا العمليات الحربية والاعمال الارهابية في العراق.The unusual increase armed conflicts around the world beside terrorist attacks happening in many countries that all led to serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law have become a great concern for the international community due to a large number of victims caused by such acts. The unprecedented increase in the number of victims has led to the adoption of particular legal rules focusing on the legal status of the victims at the international level. This encouraged some to suggest that there has been now a new branch of international law called international law of victims. The legal status of victims of terrorism, however, has had less attention due to the main focus on countering terrorism itself. This is however, has changed with the increase in the number of victims of terrorism, particularly with the emergence of what is called the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. This why there have been more legal rules focusing on the rights of victims of terrorism. These rights have also been adopted at the national level. Iraq is one of the countries which issued a law on the rights of victims of terrorism. This law is no 20 (2009) Compensation for Victims of Military Operations، Military Mistakes and Terrorist Actions as amended by law no 75 (2015). Accordingly, this study aims to explore and analyse the international legal rules relating to the rights of victims of terrorist actions and to review the international efforts represented by the relevant international treaties and decisions. This is to compare the international legal framework on the rights of victims of terrorism with the Iraqi legal system concerning such victims. The main aim of this comparison is to examine the extent to which Iraq law has managed to follow international standards relating to rights of victims of terrorism in order to identify strengths and weaknesses of the Iraqi law. This will be done through the study of the Law No. 20 on Compensation for Victims of Military Operations، Military Mistakes and Terrorist Actions 2009، as well as the First Amendment of this Law, represented by Law No. 57 Passed in 2015. This law constitutes the main legal basis for compensating victims of military operations and terrorist actions in Iraq

    Iraq's application of international standards relating to victims of terrorism

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    The unusual increase armed conflicts around the world beside terrorist attacks happening in many countries that all led to serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law have become a great concern for the international community due to a large number of victims caused by such acts. The unprecedented increase in the number of victims has led to the adoption of particular legal rules focusing on the legal status of the victims at the international level. This encouraged some to suggest that there has been now a new branch of international law called international law of victims. The legal status of victims of terrorism, however, has had less attention due to the main focus on countering terrorism itself. This is however, has changed with the increase in the number of victims of terrorism, particularly with the emergence of what is called the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. This why there have been more legal rules focusing on the rights of victims of terrorism. These rights have also been adopted at the national level. Iraq is one of the countries which issued a law on the rights of victims of terrorism. This law is no 20 (2009) Compensation for Victims of Military Operations، Military Mistakes and Terrorist Actions as amended by law no 75 (2015). Accordingly, this study aims to explore and analyse the international legal rules relating to the rights of victims of terrorist actions and to review the international efforts represented by the relevant international treaties and decisions. This is to compare the international legal framework on the rights of victims of terrorism with the Iraqi legal system concerning such victims. The main aim of this comparison is to examine the extent to which Iraq law has managed to follow international standards relating to rights of victims of terrorism in order to identify strengths and weaknesses of the Iraqi law. This will be done through the study of the Law No. 20 on Compensation for Victims of Military Operations، Military Mistakes and Terrorist Actions 2009، as well as the First Amendment of this Law, represented by Law No. 57 Passed in 2015. This law constitutes the main legal basis for compensating victims of military operations and terrorist actions in Iraq