3 research outputs found

    Hubungan Digital Banking dan Kinerja Pelayanan Bank Syariah Terhadap Upaya Customer Retention di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Pada Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) Kantor Cabang Perwakilan (KCP) Kota Serang

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    The purpose of this research is to find out and partialy and simultaneously prove the effect of digital banking and service performance on customer retention efforts. This study uses aquantitative approach. The data used in this study is primary data using multiple linear regression analysis, the sampling technique used was non-probability sampling or accidental sampling with 100 respondents. Based on simultaneous testing (Test F) also shows that the results of digital banking and service performance simultaneously heve a positive and significant effect on customer retention efforts


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    Determining reserve for life insurance contributions has factors that influence it, such as contributions developed by participants and operational costs. Based on the financial services authority Number 71 of 2016, related to the company's financial health, one of which is that sharia insurance companies can make reserve for contributions. In this study, we discuss the calculation of the contribution of the initial value of return on investment which is sensitive and different calculations for the technical calculation of the contribution of sharia life insurance using the gross premium assessment method (GPV) by applying the Monte-Carlo simulation and using the vasicek model in calculating the discount factor so that with this method can recommend several possible contributions and contributions reserve from sharia life insurance products

    Talk Show Peran Perbankan Syariah di Era Pandemi

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    Islamic banking has a strategic role in Indonesia’s economic development. Covid-19 pandemic has spread to various countries, including Indonesia. As a result, almost all sectors experienced contractions, including Islamic banking. However, Islamic banking is considered quite capable of surviving the storm of impact based on the previous crises' empirical facts. Several studies have proven and strengthened the theory that the profit and loss sharing used in Islamic bank is able to withstand pandemic conditions