6 research outputs found

    Perkampungan di perkotaan sebagai wujud proses adaptasi sosial daerah Kalimantan Selatan

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    Naskah ini adalah suatu usaha pencatatan, sebuah usaha menggali, menyelamatkan, memelihara serta mengembangkan warisan budaya bangsa. Ruang lingkup wilayah penelitian ditentukan perkampungan miskin yang ada di wilayah Kota Madya Banjarmasin. Banjarmasin sebagai ibu kota Propin si Kalimantan Selatan dan sebagai kota terbesar dalam wilayah propinsi. Perkampungan di Banjarmasin masih lebih kompleks bila dibandingkan dengan kota-kota lain yang lebih rendah kedudukan administratifnya. Dan secara hipotetis penduduk perkampungan miskin ini mempunyai kebudayaan kemiskinan. Ruang lingkup variabel meliputi kondisi fisik kampung, keadaan ekonomi, kehidupan sosial, kehidupan beragama, dan keadaan keluarga penduduk

    "Teamwork cooperation": Nurse’s experience of cardiac arrest nursing care

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    Background : Emergency conditions are conditions that occur suddenly and are very life-threatening, so help must be given quickly, precisely and correctly. One of the life-threatening conditions is cardiac arrest, which is a condition where the heart cannot function anymore, and requires collaboration between health personnel in providing help and this always ends in death. The incidence of cardiac arrest at the Ulin Regional General Hospital during May to June 2017 was 88 cases and most of the deaths occurred in patients. Cardiac arrest can still be saved by the correct nursing care process so that return of spontaneous circulation can occur.Purpose : Identify and explore the experience of nurses doing nursing care for cardiac arrest.Methods: This type of research is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The number of participants in this study were 9 nurses in the emergency room and intensive care unit. The process of retrieving data using interview guides, and data analysis using Colaizzy.Results: This study obtained a major theme, "Collaborative Teamwork" when providing nursing care for cardiac arrest. This theme was formed from two sub-themes namely "division of job teams", "collaboration" and KIE to the patient's family.The participant describing the existence of maintained teamwork can help smooth the process of nursing cardiac arrest so that patients can return to the condition of return of spontaneous circulation


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    Buku kolaborasi ini disusun atas kerjasama antar sesama penuis yang berasal dari berbagai latar belakang profesi dan lintas daerah di seluruh Indonesia sebagai wadah untuk menyatukan berbagai gagasan dan pemikiran dari seorang pakar atau ahli dari seluruh Indonesia dan menjadikan media silaturahmi akademik. Topik yang dibahas dalam buku ini antara lain : Teori gaya dan sifat kepemimpinan bidang kesehatan dan Kepemimpinan transformasional bidang kesehatan

    The Assessment of Nurse’s Performance by Using a Logbook in Hospital

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    Background: Nurses are the majority of human resources in the hospitals whose role determines the quality of health care and they are most closely associated with patients. They are the most dominating human resources in hospital who have the most frequent interaction with the patients. Therefore, the primary indicator of the hospitals' quality service is in its nursing services. The capabilities and competencies of the nurses can be assessed through a nursing logbook strategy.Objective: This research aimed to explore the implementation of performance assessments using the nursing logbook.Method: This research was conducted using a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach. Data collection was conducted from November to December 2017 by using in-depth interviews with six participants who were selected by using purposive sampling techniques. The participants were nurses in Dr. H. Moch. Ansari Hospital. Results: The research results covered six themes, namely the existence of a nursing logbook for nurses, the purpose and the benefit of logging book in nursing, the relationship between a nursing logbook and credentials, the implementation of nursing logbook, the constraints or the barriers in the implementation of the nursing logbook, and the expectations of nurses towards the nursing logbook.Conclusion: The system of implementing the logbook as a tool for the nurses' performance assessment is not optimal due to the limited socialization to the nurses in the hospital

    Upacara tradisional yang berkaitan dengan peristiwa alam dan kepercayaan daerah Kalimantan Selatan

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    Tidaklah mudah melakukan pembinaan sosial budaya terhadap anggota masyarakat dalam masyarakat yang sedang membangun dan sedang mengalami pergeseran nilai-nilai maupun perkembangan kebudayaan. Demikian pula bagi masyarakat yang bersifat majemuk dengan aneka ragam latar belakang kebudayaan seperti masyarakat Indonesia Oleh karena itu sementara perwujudan kebudayaan nasional yang tunggal dan baku belum berkembang sepenuhnya,dirasa perlu untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai budaya dan gagasan vital kepada anggota masyarakat Indonesia, agar mereka tidak kehilangan · pegangan atau arah tujuan hidup bermasyarakat secara lebih bai

    Ungkapan tradisional yang berkaitan dengan sila-sila dalam pancasila daerah Kalimantan Selatan

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    Buku ini berisi ungkapan tradisional yang berkaitan dengan sila-sila dalam pancasila daerah Kalimantan Selatan yang meliputi bahasa Banjar dan bahasa Bukit