18 research outputs found


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    VPN (Virtual Private Network) merupakan teknologi yang memungkinkan terbentuknya sebuah jaringan data private pada jaringan publik dengan menerapkan autentikasi dan enkripsi sehingga akses terhadap jaringan tersebut hanya dapat dilakukan oleh pihak-pihak tertentu. Pada VPN terdapat banyak protokol untuk mendukung keamanan data. Salah satu protokol yang dipergunakan untuk kebutuhan tersebut adalah SSTP (Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol). Penerapan teknologi VPN pada jaringan menyebabkan dua atau lebih tempat yang berjauhan lokasi dapat terintergrasi atau bertukar infomasi dengan lebih aman dikarenakan mempergunakan jalur private yang terbentuk. Penelitian ini mengadopsi sebagian metodologi NDLC (Network Development Live Cycle) yaitu terdiri dari analysis, design dan simulation prototype. Fokus penelitian adalah mengamati pengaruh kualitas layanan/ QoS pada jaringan VPN terutama terhadap parameter delay, packet loss dan throughput ketika tiga buah type file yang dikirimkan melewati jaringan VPN dengan type dan ukuran yang berbeda. Berdasarkan tiga parameter tersebut hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jaringan yang menerapkan site-to-site VPN protocol terutama menggunakan SSTP memiliki kualitas layanan dan keamanan yang lebih baik dibandingankan dengan jaringan Non VPN


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    The implementation of quota policies to limit the use of the Internet, such as limiting the use of streaming media applications, download and upload activity has a purpose in order to maintain the performance of computer networks, especially companies / organizations that have low Internet bandwidth capacity. Implementation of Policy Based Routing (PBR) means choosing a path or a different route from the routing table to reach the destination address of data packets transmitted. Router device without applying the PBR will choose a path based on the IP address of the destination.This research was conducted by adopting the method NDLC in comparing the routing policy. The stages through which the problem analysis, design and simulation prototype network topology. At this stage of prototype Simulation is done by confguring and testing the Quality of Service (QoS) for network design. Results achieved in the form of comparisons PBR application on the router and use of NON PBR for the implementation of a policy to optimize traffc transmission of data packets or internet traffc usage by users


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    Mobile phones and smartphones providing the basic features of SMS (Short Message Service). Messages sent through SMS facility sometimes confidential, so that the necessary mechanisms to protect messages from crime. Mechanism that can be used to protect the message is to use a cryptographic algorithm Rijndael. This algorithm is a cryptographic algorithm chipher 128-bit block that has the ability to protect confidential messages. This research resulted in an application that can be used to protect the SMS message when the message is sent and received by users. Based on research conducted on the length of different messages with the same key length is obtained that the length of the message used computing time takes longer than the length of the message is the same and different key lengths


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    STMIK Bumigora has fve internet hotspot access point which can be used by students. Fifth hotspot wireless access point includes faculty, labs, students, faculty and for management purposes. The use of wireless networks for internet access led to the illegal activities that can not be monitored by the network administrator. Activity is mainly on the use of the router that serves as a proxy router connected directly to the ISP (Internet Service Provider). Illegal activities are often done by the students is trying to log into any network devices using bruteforce method. Techniques used include using remote access such as ssh, telnet and ftp. In addition, the activity of port scanning is often performed by the students to observe the security gaps that are still weak in a hotspot, especially at the port still open on the network. To overcome this problem, researchers built an application that is capable of managing and monitoring security hotspots making it easier for network administrators to take action against such illegal activities. Research method used is SDLC, in which the system is intended to develop a system that has existed previously in PUSTIK STMIK Bumigora Matara


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    Data is very important its existence to be protected if the data has a value, or a specific confidentiality. There are so many techniques that can be used to secure the data, one is to apply the method Encryption and Decryption. In the Encryption Method and Description using various types of algorithms. Applications built using algorithms Encription Data Standard (DES). This algorithm emphasizes on input (plaintext) whose length is 64 bits and a key length of 56 bits, and through 16 stages or iterations. Results from making this application can be used to encrypt all files except the video. This application has an encryption rate of 3 sec / each file capacity of 1024 bytes. The rate of speed encryption and decryption with polygons forming linear graph is a straight line

    Pengamanan Layanan Private Cloud Storage Menggunakan HTTPS, IPTables dan SSTP

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    STMIK Bumigora is a computer college in the province of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). The spread of data from 12 (twelve) sections on each staff computer or section head causes data search both within and between sections to be inefficient. The condition underlies the prototype development of Nextcloud-based Private Cloud Storage system as centralized data storage for each part. This system has been successfully created and tested and received a positive response for immediate implementation. But PusTIK as part of managing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is still considering to delay implementation until security is done to access and transfer data between client to Private Cloud Storage Server. In addition there is also a need to remain able to access to Cloud Storage services from the Internet, especially when the academic community is on duty out of town or out of campus. The implementation of Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (IPTables) and Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (VPN) based Server Protocol Secure (HTTPS) and IPTables on Gateway Routers can help solve the problems encountered. Based on the analysis there is a known test results HTTPS can secure access and transfer data from client to Cloud Storage Server. While IPTables can protect Private Cloud Storage server from unwanted traffic so it can keep the service available. In addition, SSTP can bridge the need for access and security of communications to Private Cloud Storage service from the Internet


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      Jaringan komputer merupakan jaringan telekomunikasi yang menghubungkan satu komputer atau lebih agar dapat saling bertukar data dan informasi. Manfaat yang sedemikian besar tersebut tentunya akan berkurang dengan adanya gangguan yang muncul terhadap jaringan. Adapun salah satu masalah yang dapat menganggu keamanan sistem adalah masuknya user atau hacker yang bermaksud merusak sistem jaringan. Dalam penerapan pengamanan web server berbasis Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), penulis menggunakan aplikasi Portsentry dan IPTables. Portsentry dan IPTables berfungsi sebagai firewall terhadap serangan  seperti DDoS, Ping Attack, dan Portscanning, serta penggunaan OpenVAS dalam penerepanan metode Vulnerability Assesment dalam melakukan scannin terhadap sistem, untuk dapat mengetahui kekelemahan-kelemahan terhadap sistem yang dibangun, sehingga dapat dilakukan upaya perbaikan terhadap sistem agar menjadi lebih baik. Metodologi Penelitian yang penulis adopsi yaitu Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC), NDLC merupakan pendekatan proses dalam komunikasi data yang menggambarkan siklus yang tiada awal dan tiada akhir dalam membangun sebuah jaringan komputer mencakup sejumlah tahapan yaitu Analysis, Design, Simulation Prototype, Implementation, Monitoring dan Management

    Analisa Perbandingan Protokol PPTP dan L2TP Menggunakan Video Call Melalui Jaringan Virtual Private Network (VPN)

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    The existence of Internet as media is so needed by society in which technology information provides facilitation to people in communicating without thinking the distance that often becomes a barrier. Internet networkused as media of communication, whether as public or private media is called a Virtual Private Network (VPN). It functions is to perform tunneling in order to connect between two different networks. Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a virtual connection which is private. It is called VPN because this network is a network Virtual not physically. Virtual Private Network (VPN) is used to connect or interconnect people each other in long distance relationship, for example, the agency or office that the location is far away. Based on testing and analysis of throughput parameters can be concluded that using PPTP protocol to the H263 codec has a value lower than the L2TP protocol H263 codec. Therrefore, the value of the parameters of the test showed that using L2TP VPN protocol is better than using the PPTP protocol

    The Effectiveness of Training on Utilization of Internet Technology to Increase Sales of Home Industry Products on the Island of Lombok

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    The home industries in Lombok Island do not fully understand using internet technology in marketing their products. This study aims to see the effectiveness of the use of internet technology to increase the sales results of home industry products on the island of Lombok. Sampling using a questionnaire spread over 4 classes. Each class consists of 40 people. Furthermore, from the data obtained, a description, normality test, and homogeneity test were carried out. The method used in this research is the Wilcoxon test using the SPSS program. The results showed that after the training was held, there was an increase in understanding of the use of the internet as a means of increasing sales of home industrial products on the island of Lombok

    Developing Application in Anticipating DDoS Attacks on Server Computer Machines

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    The use of server computer machines in companies is primarily a web hosting server that is very easy to experience threats, especially external security threats such as attempts to infiltrate, hacking, viruses, and other malicious attacks. Having a secure server is indispensable for working online and especially if involved in business-related network transactions. The Server's realization to be safe from threats is to protect the server machine's security on the hardware and software side and pay attention to network security that goes to the server machine. Generally, firewall applications on router devices have configuration limitations in securing the network, namely non-integrated applications. In other words, it is necessary to manage the perfect firewall configuration to anticipate Distributed Daniel attacks of Service (DDoS) attacks. Therefore, this study aims to integrate existing firewall applications for router devices into an integrated program to secure the network. The methodology used is the Network Development Life Cycle (NDLC). The research results on this developed application program can overcome DDoS attacks without setting up a firewall on the router device and can automatically monitor DDoS attack activities from outside the Server. Securing servers from DDoS attacks without setting up a firewall on the router device and automating the monitoring of DDoS attack activity from outside the Server are the novelties of this study that have not been available in previous studies