363 research outputs found

    Pandangan Murid Terhadap Guru: 60 Tahun Prof. Dr. M. Amin Abdullah

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    This article discusses about M. Amin Abdullah\u27s thought (A professor at StateIslamic University Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta) in the field of Islamic Studies. The methodused in this paper is biographical-reflective method because the writer was his student.The focus of the writing is the heredity of the scientific methodology and its implication inthe study of Islam in Indonesia. This article concludes several Islamic scientific hereditiesfrom M Amin Abdullah majoring on the integrative-interconnectivity concept in Islamthat tends to be spaced out, especially in the study of Islamic classics. The other thoughtis about the importance of academic attitude in the development of the future Islamicstudy. In the scientific methodology aspect, he stresses the importance of the renewal inthe Islamic contemporary study to spread the teachings on the earth as the sky heredity,sacral and transcendental, to dive the needs to answer various worldly problems that areempiric and immanent. The implication of Amin Abdullah\u27s thought gives newinterpretation in the contemporary Islamic scientific study that is more contextualempiricaland different from textual-normative classic Islamic study format.Key Words: integration-interconnection; scientific methodology; Islamic study.Makalah ini membahas tentang pemikiran M. Amin Abdullah (Guru BesarUIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta) dalam bidang Islamic Studies. Metode penulisan yangdigunakan dalam makalah ini adalah metode biografis-reflektif karena penulis merupakansalah seorang mantan mahasiswanya. Fokus pembahasan makalah ini adalah warisanmeteodogi keilmuan dan implikasinya dalam kajian Islam di Indonesia. Makalah inimenyimpulkan beberapa warisan keilmuan Islam dari M. Amin Abdullah umumnyabermuara pada konsep integrasi-interkoneksi keilmuan dalam Islam yang selama inicenderung berjarak, khususnya dalam warisan studi keislaman klasik. Pemikiran lainnyaadalah tentang pentingnya sikap akademis dalam pengembangan studi keislaman masadepan. Dalam aspek metodologi keilmuan, beliau menekankan pentingnya pembaharuandalam studi keislaman kontemporer untuk membumikan ajaran Islam sebagai warisanlangit, sakral dan transendental, menukik pada kebutuhan untuk menjawab berbagaipersoalan duniawi yang empiris dan imanen. Implikasi pemikiran Amin Abdullah adalahmemberikan interpretasi baru studi keilmuan Islam kontemporer yang lebih kontekstualempiris,yang berbeda dengan format studi keislaman klasik yang tekstual-normatif

    Rekonstruksi Epistemologi Pemikiran Politik Islam Indonesia Kontemporer

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    The thought of Islamic politics which develops in Indonesia recently has various epistemology, either being viewed from the discourse of Islamic politics conveyed by Muslim politicians, or what contained on the basic stipulation/bylaws (AD/ART) of each party. It is a kind of plurality of Islamic political thought which is less influenced by the frame of Islamic political epistemology itself and by Islamic political paradigm which develops in Indonesia that has textual-idealistic, realistic and integral patterns. To further investigate the problem, the focus of this research was how is an ideal reconstruction of the contemporary thought of Indonesian Islamic politics? The results of the research showed that the epistemology frame of Islamic political thought that has classical and mid century pattern should be reconstructed suitable with the context of social life of 21st century, in which the interaction among Muslim community or non Muslim community has been closer each other. Of course, it needs a new theology of Islamic politics which is more tolerant and pluralistic, therefore, issues of contemporary politics related to the concept of hudûd, gender problem, muslim-non muslim positions, concept of dãrulharb, human rights, citizenship, a new relation pattern between Islam and the West, response of political philosophy on postmodernism and other issues can be responded and implemented according to the principle of Islamic politics

    Epistemologi Politik Islam Tentang Wewenang Dan Kekuasaan

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    The concept of authority and dominance bore political intrigues among Muslimcommunity throughout the history. The two concepts bore creative tense between Islamicpolitics that had Makkiyah characteristics that was myth-theological and Maddaniyah onethat was rational. After the prophet and the expansion of Islam, the Islamic dominancetended to be tyrannical. The application of the authority and dominance bore Islamicgovernment style that was repressive ((qawãn)n siyãsiyyah) andrational (siyãsah ‘aqliyyah)also the government stylethat had religious characteristics or caliphate (siyãsah diniyyah).WhileAsy-Syãtibi focused more on political dimension that had orientation on maqãþidasy-syari\u27ah and maslahah ‘ãmmah aspects. The next step emerged various interpretationsabout imamah, wilayah, khilafah, ummah, syura, amir concepts up to bai\u27ah and jihad. Inpsychological-sociological manner, the sacred dominance became unhindered.Key words: Caliphate, Imamah, Amir, Wilayatul Faqih, Syuradan Nation StateKonsep wewenang dan kekuasaan melahirkan intrik politik di kalangan umatsepanjang sejarah. Dua konsep tersebut melahirkan ketegangan kreatif antara politikIslam yang bercorakMakkiyyah yang mitis-teologis dan Madaniyyah yang rasionalistik.Pasca era Nabi kekuasan Islamcenderung tiranik setelah adanya perluasan kekuasaanIslam.Aplikasi wewenang dan kekuasaan melahirkan style pemerintahan Islam yangrepresif (qawãn)n siyãsiyyah), rasional (siyãsah ‘aqliyyah) dan yang bercorak agamisatau khilafah (siyãsah diniyyah).Sedangkan Asy-Syãtibi) lebih memfokuskan padadimensi politik yang lebih berorientasi pada aspek maqãþid asy-syari\u27ah dan maslahah‘ãmmah.Pada tahap selanjutnya muncul berbagai interpretasi tentang konsep-konsep:imamah, wilayah, khilafah, ummah, syura, amir, hingga bai\u27ah dan jihad. Secarapsikologis-sosiologis, sakralitas kekuasaan menjadi tak terhindarka

    Relasi Pengusaha-Penguasa dalam Demokrasi: Fenomena Rent Seeker Pengusaha Jadi Penguasa

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    Reform has opened up opportunities for entrepreneurs to fill vacancies in the government leadership. That is, because the election can not be denied in addition to requiring figures, intellectuals, also takes charge. The tendency is then driven by a ban on civil servants, military, police and politics since the reforms initiated. This success encouraged the expectation that the next number of employers who will be ruler of the greater. Some key findings in this paper, as analyzed in several phenomena: First, the recognition that entrepreneurs are middle class people who are needed to fill the vacancy of the public that in the past many occupied by civil servants, military and police. Second, the employer is considered to have more opportunities and capability compared with other community groups to win political support as well as in managing the administration of the state. Third, the future of Indonesias political future will be characterized by the role of the entrepreneur

    Kerusakan Ekologis Hutan Jati di Kabupaten Muna (Potret Pemujaan Pendekatan Anthroposentris)

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    Regional autonomy has been said as the key factor affecting forest degradation in Muna Regency. Local government policy in allowing both local community and bussines actors to exploit Jati forest in the name of local government income mirrors the domination of the logic of rational-anthropocentrism over local wisdom in managing natural resources. This paper suggests to bring back traditional values, root in the Local society, in managing the forest. Such way is believed to balance the need of economic resources and natural preservation

    Tingkat Keterlaksanaan Pendekatan Saintifik pada Mata Pelajaran IPA Berbasis Kurikulum 2013 Menurut Persepsi Siswa Kelas IX SMP Negeri Pekanbaru

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    This research aims to describe the level of implementation scientific approach in science based on Curriculum 2013 according to the perception of 9th grade student of SMP Negeri Pekanbaru. The research use survey method. The population is students of 9th grade SMP Negeri Pekanbaru, namely: SMPN 1 Pekanbaru, SMPN 6 Pekanbaru, and SMPN 23 Pekanbaru the totally is 771 students. The sample use Slovin with the error level is 5% of the population, while the sample is 263 students. The results of research the level of implementation scientific approach in science based on Curriculum 2013 according to the perception of 9th grade student of SMP Negeri Pekanbaru the score is 2.73 in the category quite well. It can be concluded that the application of the scientific approach to the learning process at schools with the maximum has not been done. It is caused by several factors, namely: the limited time, limited infrastructure such as infocus in the classroom, the teacher is less a creative learning

    Analisis Kualitas Butir Soal Try Out Fisika Kelas XII SMA Negeri Se-kota Pekanbaru dengan Program Analisis Butir Soal

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kualitas dari nilai reabilitas, validitas, tingkat kesukaran, daya pembeda, tingkat distaktornya dan sebaran butir soal try out fisika kelas XII SMA Negeri se-Kota Pekanbaru menggunakan program analisis butir soal. Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah lembar jawaban objektif soal try out siswa. Instrumen pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini adalah program analisis butir soal. Analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis butir soal. Dari analisis data menunjukkan : validitas soal hanya 28 soal (70%) yang valid dari 40 butir soal dan reabilitas tes 0.86. Hasil analisis data ini menunjukkan bahwa soal tidak valid tetapi realibel. Dengan demikian, kualitas soal try out harus lebih ditingkatkan

    Sikap terhadap Sains Siswa dalam Pembelajaran IPA Fisika melalui Penerapan Strategi Index Card Match pada Materi Kalor di Kelas VII 4 SMPN 20 Pekanbaru

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    The aim of this research was to determine the creasing of students\u27 attitudes toward science Physics in class VII4 SMPN 20 Pekanbaru by implementing in learning Index Card Match strategy in heat subject. The research subjects were students of class VII4 totalling 39 people consisting of 15 male students and 24 female students. Data collection instruments in this research a question of students attitudes towards science consisting of 24 items. Analysis of the data in this research is descriptive analysis to see changes in students attitudes toward science and use the gain. From the analysis of the data showed an increase in students attitudes towards science has increased by an average of 0.31. Thus, it can be concluded that the implementation of physics learning using the Index Card Match strategy can improve students\u27s attitudes toward science in class VII4 SMP 20 Pekanbaru

    Relay selection for multiple access relay channel with decode-forward and analog network coding

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    This paper presents a relay selection for decode-and-forward based on network coding (DF-NC) and analog-NC protocols in general scheme of cellular network system. In the propose scheme the two source node simultaneously transmit their own information to all the relays as well as the destination node, and then, a single relay i.e. best with a minimum symbol error rate (SER) will be selected to forward the new version of the received signal. Simulation results show that, the DF-NC scheme with considerable performance has exactness over analog-NC scheme. To improve the system performance, optimal power allocation between the two sources and the best relay is determined based on the asymptotic SER. By increasing the number of relays node, the optimum power allocation achieve better performance than asymptotic SER.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures; International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems (IJDPS) Vol.3, No.2, March 201
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