47 research outputs found

    Efficient method to detect and correct errors caused by radiation on digital filters

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    University Carlos III of Madrid in collaboration with University Antonio de Nebrija has developed a technique to protect digital filter implementations, frequently used in communications and signal processing against the errors caused by radiation. This solution provides both an effective protection against radiation and a competitive implementation cost in terms or area and power, those results in substantial cost savings when compared with traditional techniques such as Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR)

    Conmutador-enrutador de tramas autoconfigurable de direcciones jerárquicas MAC locales combinable y compatible con puentes 802.1D

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    La UC3M ofrece un protocolo de bridges combinados para encaminamiento y bridging estándar en capa dos, nivel de enlace OSI. Permite la construcción de redes Ethernet autoconfigurables, de bridges combinados y estándar 802.1D; proporciona una optimización completa de la infraestructura de la red de comunicaciones instalada que evita el bloqueo de enlaces. Es aplicable a redes de interconexión; se busca colaboración con fabricantes de routers y switches con independencia de su tamaño

    Método eficiente para la detección y corrección de errores producidos por los efectos de la radiación en filtros digitales

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    La Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y la Universidad Antonio de Nebrija han desarrollado una técnica para proteger implementaciones de filtros digitales, utilizadas en sistemas de comunicaciones y procesado de señal, frente a los errores causados por la radiación. Combina una protección eficaz con un coste competitivo en términos de área y potencia lo que permite implementar los filtros con una importante reducción de costes respecto a otras técnicas tradicionales como, Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR), etc

    Self Configuring Routing and 802.1D Bridging Bridge with automatic hierarchical local MAC addresses.

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    UCIII offers the first hierarchical routing protocol on layer two using self configured standard local MAC addresses. Makes Ethernet networks scalable without encapsulation. Compatible and self configurable within IEEE 802.1D standard bridges through a combined spanning tree protocol. Simple application of Up/Down routing and Distance Vector principles, enhanced Turn Prohibition mechanisms that allow last turn to destination branch to be permitted. Partner sought: big/small switch manufacturersContrato Programa de Comercialización e Internacionalización. Sistema Regional de Investigación Científica e Innovación Tecnológica. (Comunidad de Madrid; Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

    An Architecture for Network Layer Privacy

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    We present an architecture for the provision of network layer privacy based on the SHIM6 multihoming protocol. In its basic form, the architecture prevents on-path eavesdroppers from using SHIM6 network layer information to correlate packets that belong to the same communication but use different locators. To achieve this, several extensions to the SHIM6 protocol and to the HBA (Hash Based Addresses) addressing model are defined. On its full-featured mode of operation, hosts can vary dynamically the addresses of the packets of on-going communications. Single-homed hosts can adopt the SHIM6 protocol with the privacy enhancements to benefit from this protection against information collectors.IEEE Communications SocietyPublicad

    Efficient security for IPv6 multihoming

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    In this note, we propose a security mechanism for protecting IPv6 networks from possible abuses caused by the malicious usage of a multihoming protocol. In the presented approach, each multihomed node is assigned multiple prefixes from its upstream providers, and it creates the interface identifier part of its addresses by incorporating a cryptographic one-way hash of the available prefix set. The result is that the addresses of each multihomed node form an unalterable set of intrinsically bound IPv6 addresses. This allows any node that is communicating with the multihomed node to securely verify that all the alternative addresses proposed through the multihoming protocol are associated to the address used for establishing the communication. The verification process is extremely efficient because it only involves hash operationsPublicad

    Programa propio: incentivar la participación

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    Audiovisuales. Programa Propio de Investigación UC3M. Entrevista a Carlos Balaguer, vicerrector de Investigación y Transferencia de la Universidad. Disponible en: https://arcamm.uc3m.es/arcamm/?item=107efd2246dd7b321d6b4b1ca0ee8498 .-- Programa Propio de Investigación UC3M: Entrevista a Arturo Azcorra. Disponible en: https://arcamm.uc3m.es/arcamm/?item=e601e68dc5e5f5c208b5e651195dcc59El Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Transferencia cuenta con una serie de medidas y líneas de financiación, la mayoría encuadradas en el Programa Propio de Investigación (PPI). Con este programa se pretende fomentar la realización de actividades que se consideran estratégicas para la universidad, mediante la concesión, anualmente, de ayudas económicas que permitan financiar esas actividades y, así, promocionar la excelencia y la internacionalización de la actividad investigadora

    IPv6 Multihoming Support in the Mobile Internet

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    Fourth-generation mobile devices incorporate multiple interfaces with diverse access technologies. The current Mobile IPv6 protocol fails to support the enhanced fault tolerance capabilities that are enabled by the availability of multiple interfaces. In particular, established MIPv6 communications cannot be preserved through outages affecting the home address. In this article, we describe an architecture for IPv6 mobile host multihoming that enables transport layer survivability through multiple failure modes. The proposed approach relies on the cooperation between the MIPv6 and the SHIM6 protocols.Publicad

    5G-DIVE: eDge Intelligence for Vertical Experimentation

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    This paper has been presented at : Global Experimentation for Future Internet (GEFI) 2019 Workshop5G-DIVE targets end-to-end 5G trials aimed at proving the technical merits and business value proposition of 5G technologies in two vertical pilots, namely (i) Industry 4.0 and (ii) Autonomous Drone Scout. Its design is built around two main pillars, namely (1) end-to-end 5G connectivity including 5G New Radio, Crosshaul transport and 5G Core, and (2) distributed edge and fog computing integrating intelligence located closely to the user to achieve optimized performance, mproving significantly the business value proposition of 5G in each targeted vertical application.This work has been funded by the H2020 EU/TW joint action 5G-DIVE (Grant #859881)

    A practical approach to network-based processing

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    The usage of general-purpose processors externally attached to routers to play virtually the role of active coprocessors seems a safe and cost-effective approach to add active network capabilities to existing routers. This paper reviews this router-assistant way of making active nodes, addresses the benefits and limitations of this technique, and describes a new platform based on it using an enhanced commercial router. The features new to this type of architecture are transparency, IPv4 and IPv6 support, and full control over layer 3 and above. A practical experience with two applications for path characterization and a transport gateway managing multi-QoS is described.Most of this work has been funded by the IST project GCAP (Global Communication Architecture and Protocols for new QoS services over IPv6 networks) IST-1999-10 504. Further development and application to practical scenarios is being supported by IST project Opium (Open Platform for Integration of UMTS Middleware) IST-2001-36063 and the Spanish MCYT under projects TEL99-0988-C02-01 and AURAS TIC2001-1650-C02-01.Publicad