124 research outputs found

    Efficient method to detect and correct errors caused by radiation on digital filters

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    University Carlos III of Madrid in collaboration with University Antonio de Nebrija has developed a technique to protect digital filter implementations, frequently used in communications and signal processing against the errors caused by radiation. This solution provides both an effective protection against radiation and a competitive implementation cost in terms or area and power, those results in substantial cost savings when compared with traditional techniques such as Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR)

    Performance of active multicast congestion control

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    This paper aims to provide insight into the behavior of congestion control mechanisms for reliable multicast protocols. A multicast congestion control based on active networks has been proposed and simulated using ns-2 over a network topology obtained using the Tiers tool. The congestion control mechanism has been simulated under different network conditions and with different settings of its configuration parameters. The objective is to analyze its performance and the impact of the different configuration parameters on its behavior. The simulation results show that the performance of the protocol is good in terms of delay and bandwidth utilization. The compatibility of the protocol with TCP flows has not been demonstrated, but the simulations performed show that by altering the parameter settings, the proportion of total bandwidth taken up by the two types of flow, multicast and TCP, may be modified.Publicad

    Conmutador-enrutador de tramas autoconfigurable de direcciones jerárquicas MAC locales combinable y compatible con puentes 802.1D

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    La UC3M ofrece un protocolo de bridges combinados para encaminamiento y bridging estándar en capa dos, nivel de enlace OSI. Permite la construcción de redes Ethernet autoconfigurables, de bridges combinados y estándar 802.1D; proporciona una optimización completa de la infraestructura de la red de comunicaciones instalada que evita el bloqueo de enlaces. Es aplicable a redes de interconexión; se busca colaboración con fabricantes de routers y switches con independencia de su tamaño

    Método eficiente para la detección y corrección de errores producidos por los efectos de la radiación en filtros digitales

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    La Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y la Universidad Antonio de Nebrija han desarrollado una técnica para proteger implementaciones de filtros digitales, utilizadas en sistemas de comunicaciones y procesado de señal, frente a los errores causados por la radiación. Combina una protección eficaz con un coste competitivo en términos de área y potencia lo que permite implementar los filtros con una importante reducción de costes respecto a otras técnicas tradicionales como, Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR), etc

    Alternative Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (AMSTP) for Optical Ethernet Backbones

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    The availability and affordable cost of Gigabit and 10 Gigabit Ethernet switches has impacted the deployment of metropolitan area networks (MAN) and campus networks. This paper presents a new protocol, the alternative multiple spanning tree protocol (AMSTP), that uses multiple source based spanning trees for backbones using Ethernet switches. It provides minimum paths and more efficient usage of optical backbone infrastructure than currently proposed protocols such as resilient packet ring and rapid spanning tree. The protocol exhibits features similar to MAC routing protocols like Link State Over MAC (LSOM) such as optimum path and effective infrastructure usage, without requiring MAC routing due to the use of the spanning tree protocol paradigm. AMSTP is not restricted to specific topologies such as ring or tree, but performs efficiently in arbitrary topologies. Among the application areas are optical backbones of campus and MANs.Publicad

    Self Configuring Routing and 802.1D Bridging Bridge with automatic hierarchical local MAC addresses.

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    UCIII offers the first hierarchical routing protocol on layer two using self configured standard local MAC addresses. Makes Ethernet networks scalable without encapsulation. Compatible and self configurable within IEEE 802.1D standard bridges through a combined spanning tree protocol. Simple application of Up/Down routing and Distance Vector principles, enhanced Turn Prohibition mechanisms that allow last turn to destination branch to be permitted. Partner sought: big/small switch manufacturersContrato Programa de Comercialización e Internacionalización. Sistema Regional de Investigación Científica e Innovación Tecnológica. (Comunidad de Madrid; Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

    BGP-like TE Capabilities for SHIM6

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    In this paper we present a comprehensive set of mechanisms that restore to the site administrator the capacity of enforcing traffic engineering (TE) policies in a multiaddressed IPv6 scenario. The mechanisms rely on the ability of SHIM6 to securely perform locator changes in a transparent fashion to transport and application layers. Once an outgoing path has been selected for a communication by proper routing configuration in the site, the source prefix of SHIM6 data packets is rewritten by the site routers to avoid packet discarding due to ingress filtering. The SHIM6 locator preferences exchanged in the context establishment phase are modified by the site routers to influence in the path used for receiving traffic. Scalable deployment is ensured by the stateless nature of these mechanisms.Publicad

    An Architecture for Network Layer Privacy

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    We present an architecture for the provision of network layer privacy based on the SHIM6 multihoming protocol. In its basic form, the architecture prevents on-path eavesdroppers from using SHIM6 network layer information to correlate packets that belong to the same communication but use different locators. To achieve this, several extensions to the SHIM6 protocol and to the HBA (Hash Based Addresses) addressing model are defined. On its full-featured mode of operation, hosts can vary dynamically the addresses of the packets of on-going communications. Single-homed hosts can adopt the SHIM6 protocol with the privacy enhancements to benefit from this protection against information collectors.IEEE Communications SocietyPublicad