6 research outputs found

    New Reachable Horizons in the Fritz Jahr\u27s Bioethical Imperative

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    The present paper traces the scientific and Christian theological climate that led to the coining of the new word “ bioethics ” by the German Christian pastor Rev. Fritz Jahr in 1926. Miller and Professor Hans-Martin Sass’s English translation of Rev. Jahr’s works were used. There are a total of 22 Rev. Jahr’s thought-provoking original articles which were grouped into four major categories: (i) Ethics and Bioethics (ii) Radical Christian Theology and Bioethical Imperatives (iii) Sexual Ethics and (iv) Philosophy of Life and Death. Coining of the word “biotechnology” in 1917 precedes the word bioethics by ten years. The paper details significant advancement in science as well as the rise of moral issues. Significantly, within a short span of 10 years the influence of the power of science was such that the moral -width of Rev. Jahr’s society began to shrink to that extent that it disturbed him to coin a new word “Bioethics” to counter-balance the fast moral degradation. Rev. Jahr identified three contributing factors for moral defacement. Steinach’s gonad transplant experiments and Theologian F.D.E. Schleiermacher’s radical views of Christianity may have caused the moral crisis in his society resulting in the prevalence of syphilis. Jahr’s threefold bioethical imperative model of – Life, value and education – has been considered. A new educational policy of Life Oriented Value Education (love) has been suggested so as to revive social and moral values

    Moral Decay in Holy Matrimony Matters

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    The evolutionist considers human as “The Moral Animal”. But in the eyes of religiosity human being is “The Moral Person.” Both these worldviews recognize additional dimensions of ‘humanness’ such as sexuality. The paper traces the origin of moral America as well as the origins of sex, sexuality, nudity and pornography. The paper summarizes seven sex revolutions and highlights the emergence of the 8th sex revolution – polyamory. Sex revolution of 1960s paved the way for the onset of the golden year of pornography – 1970. Teaching evolutionary biology since 1960s, as attested by the renowned evolutionist Ernst Mayr (1988), has resulted in the erosion of moral education in schools. Human sex and sexuality have been “sexed- up” and hypersexualized with destigmatized-pornographication without warning the young adult viewers about the ill effects of such pornographication. The changing demography of America indicates the decline of Christians and the rise of ‘nones’ who are non-believers. The increase in ‘nones’ is due to Generation Y, the Millennials. Survey data of the Barna Research Group Ltd USA has shown that there is significant moral decay. A proposal has been made to launch a TV channel on bioethics, in the name of Rev. Fritz Jahr, in order to send the Millennials a message of moral education

    Variations in the inorganic ions and trace metals in the body parts of the Indian hemichordate Ptychodera flava [Hemichordata: Enteropneusta]

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    218-220Concentrations of trace metals and inorganic ions in proboscis and collar, branchiogenital, hepatic and anal parts of Ptychodera flava were investigated. Concentration levels of Fe, Cu and Mn were higher in the body parts of mature worms in comparison to juveniles. In general, maximum accumulation of trace metals and inorganic ions was observed in the branchio-genital region of mature worms, while Fe and Mg levels were higher in the anal part of juveniles

    Effect of 2,6 dibromophenol; 2,4,6 tribromophenol and the extract of <i>Ptychodera flava</i> (Eshscholtz) [Hemichordate: Enteropneusta] on the eggs of sand crab <i>Emerita asiatica</i> (Milne Edwards)

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    79-83Laboratory experiments were performed to study the effect of natural extract of Ptychodera flava and authentic compounds (2,6 dibromophenol and 2,4,6 tribomophenol) on respiratory rate of various developmental stages of the eggs of the sand crab Emerita asiatica. Fresh extract stimulated increased respiratory rate in Stage I eggs, while aged extract had an inhibitory effect causing decreased respiratory rate. Comparitive studies using authentic compounds indicate the likely occurrence of 2,6 dibromophenol and 2,4,6 tribromophenol in the natural extract. The compound 2,4,6 tribromophenol also enhances the respiratory rate in Stage I eggs, while 2,6 dibromophenol generally depresses the respiratory rate of eggs at all the three stages. The functional significance of the extract in altering the community structure and organisation in the habitat of P. flava is discussed