343 research outputs found

    Assessment tools measuring health-related empowerment in psychosocially vulnerable populations: a systematic review.

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    BackgroundMany programs are undertaken to facilitate the empowerment of vulnerable populations across the world. However, an overview of appropriate empowerment measurements to evaluate such initiatives remains incomplete to date. This systematic review aims to describe and summarise psychometric properties, feasibility and clinical utility of the available tools for measuring empowerment in psychosocially vulnerable populations.MethodsA systematic literature review following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines was completed. A descriptive approach was used for data analysis. Papers were eligible if they explored the development, validation, cross-cultural translation or the utility of an empowerment measurement tool in the context of psychosocially vulnerable populations.ResultsTwenty-six included articles described twenty-six separate studies in which 16 empowerment measurement tools were developed, validated/translated, or used. There was heterogeneity in empowerment constructs, samples targeted, and psychometric properties measured. The measurement of reliability of the included instruments was satisfactory in most cases. However, the validity, responsiveness, interpretability, feasibility and clinical utility of the identified measurement tools were often not adequately described or measured.ConclusionThis systematic review provides a useful snapshot of the strengths as well as limitations of existing health related empowerment measurement tools used with psychosocially vulnerable populations in terms of their measurement properties, and constructs captured. It highlights significant gaps in empowerment tool measurement, development and evaluation processes. In particular, the results suggest that in addition to systematic assessments of psychometric properties, the inclusion of feasibility and clinical utility as outcome measures are important to assess relevance to clinical practice

    Role of promoters in hoisting the catalytic performance for enhanced CO methanation

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    The increasing demand of natural gas and its rising cost have urged some countries to take initiatives to fulfil their energy needs. The production of substituted natural gas (SNG) by syngas (CO + H2) from coal or biomass is one of the most effective methods. As a promising source of energy, SNG has attracted much attention on research and applications due to the high demand for environmental protection. It is regarded as a clean energy source and an effective method for the application of coal resources, particularly in the regions with abundant coal resources but scarce natural gas such as in China [1-3]. SNG has attracted increasing attention due to its lower emission of sulphur and particulate matter. SNG is expected to be one of the main energy sources of the 21st century. It is environmentally friendly and less costly, has high calorific value, complete combustion, and smoke free compared to other energy sources. It has significant importance for the industrial level and transportation sectors

    Beiträge zur Herstellung von acetonlöslichen Celluloseacetaten

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    1. Beim Hydratisieren bei etwas höherer nicht geeigneter Temperatur verringert sich die Viskosität des Produkts oder vermehrt sich wenigstens nicht, während die Kupferzahl mit der Zeit des Hydratisierens zunimmt. Bei niederen, geeigneten Temperaturen ist das Umgekehrte der Fall. 2. Der Einfluss der Temperatur ist deutlicher während der Acetylierung als während des Hydratisierens, d. h. ein bei höherer Temperatur acetyliertes Produkt ergibt ein minderwertiges acetonlösliches Produkt, selbst bei darauf folgendem Hydratisieren bei niederer Temperatur, während auf ein bei niederer Temperatur acetyliertes Produkt die Temperatur des Hydratisierens einen verhältnismässig geringeren Einfluss ausübt. 3. Die geeignete Temperatur hängt mit der Menge der Schwefelsäure als Katalysator ab. Bei höherer Temperatur ist eine geringere Menge Katalysator nötig. Es gibt aber eine Minimalquantität. Mit einer zu geringen Quantität ist kein gutes acetonlösliches Produkt erzielbar. Das kommt daher, dass Verlängerung der Acetylierung einen schädlichen Einfluss ausübt. So muss man die Menge Katalysator so wählen, dass die Acetylierung ohne Fortschreiten der Depolymerisation innerhalb einer gewissen Zeit vollendet ist. Sind Katalysatormenge und Acetylierungsdauer bis zu einem gewissen Grade beschränkt, so kann man selbst bei etwas höherer Temperatur noch gute Resultate erzielen. 4. Abstumpfung der Schwefelsäure beim Hydratisieren ist zwecklos

    In Search of a Function for BCLAF1

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    BCLAF1 was originally identified as a protein that interacts with antiapoptotic members of the Bcl2 family. Initial studies indicated a role for this protein as an inducer of apoptosis and repressor of transcription. Subsequent studies have shown that BCLAF1 plays criticals roles in a wide range of processes that are not normally associated with actions of Bcl2 family members, including lung development, T-cell activation, and control of the lytic infection program of Kaposi's sarcoma–associated herpesvirus. Here, we provide an overview of findings from past studies that both support and challenge the role of BCLAF1 in cell death and transcriptional control. We also present recent findings from our laboratory and others indicating a role for BCLAF1 in post-transcriptional processes that impact mRNA metabolism, instead of a direct role for this protein in apoptosis or transcription

    Bilingual Learning for Second and Third Generation Children

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    Throughout the English-speaking world, children from bilingual backgrounds are being educated in mainstream classrooms where they have little or no opportunity to use their mother tongue. Second and third generation children, in particular, are assumed to be learning sufficiently through English only. This study investigated how British Bangladeshi children, learning Bengali in after-school classes but mostly more fluent in English than in their mother tongue, responded when able to use their full language repertoire within the mainstream curriculum. Through action research with mainstream and community language class teachers, bilingual literacy and numeracy tasks were devised and carried out with pupils aged seven to eleven in two East London primary schools. The bilingual activities were videorecorded and analysed qualitatively to identify the strategies used. The following cognitive and cultural benefits of bilingual learning discovered by researchers in other contexts were also found to apply in this particular setting: conceptual transfer, enriched understanding through translation, metalinguistic awareness, bicultural knowledge and building bilingual learner identities. The findings suggest that second and third generation children should be enabled to learn bilingually, and appropriate strategies are put forward for use in the mainstream classroom

    From Bengali to English: sequential bilingualism of a second-generation British Bangladeshi

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    The paper discusses sequential language acquisition of the researcher's daughter Safa who transformed from a monolingual Bengali speaker to an almost monolingual English speaker in a few months after moving to the UK. Safa was born in Bangladesh and was a monolingual Bengali speaker until she was three years and nine months when the family moved to the UK. Unlike most research on sequential bilingualism, Safa's transition from Bengali to English went through a period of an invented language, which she developed and used for a few months. Safa then underwent language shift as Bengali became her passive language. Safa's loss of fluency in Bengali was mainly due to the absence of Bengali linguistic environment, because her family lived outside the community. Safa's mother's indifference to Bangladeshi ethnicity and her parents’ positive attitude towards Britishness meant that her decline in Bengali did not cause them much concern. Despite the lack of proficiency in Bengali, Safa still retains a strong ethnic Bangladeshi identity. Tabors and Snow’s four-stage developmental process of sequential second-language acquisition has been applied to find the similarities and differences in Safa's case, while language maintenance and shift theories have contributed to the analysis of the process of her language shift

    Effect of ZSM-5 acidity in enhancement of methanol-to-olefins process

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    The skyrocketing demand for olefins especially propylene, have necessitated continuous efforts in finding alternate route for olefins production. Hence, methanol to olefins (MTO) was recognized as a feasible process since methanol could simply be mass produced from any gasifiable carbon-based feedstock, such as natural gas, coal, and biomass. Essentially, obtaining a more stable catalyst would improve economy of the MTO process. Acidity of catalyst has major influence in MTO, thus it is an indispensable parameter for conversion of methanol into value-added products. The present paper discusses the reactions involved in MTO process and the effect of acidity in enhancement of light olefin selectivity and catalytic stability. The paper also captured perspectives of crucial research and future direction for catalysts development and technologies that can potentiallly boost olefin production and make it competitive with the conventional olefin production processes

    A contemporary assessment on composite titania onto graphitic carbon nitride-based catalyst as photocatalyst

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    Titanium dioxide (TiO2) has drawn widespread interest by researchers as a precious semiconductor that is responsive towards photodegradation of various pollutants. This catalyst has its own limitations such as fast electron-hole recombination, wide band gap, and can only be utilised under ultraviolet (UV) region. In order to overcome these problems, the addition of a metal-free dopant is a common practice to prevent electron-hole recombination and enhance photodegradation under visible light. Among various types of metal-free catalysts, carbon nitride material has received much attention due to its numerous benefits such as good in terms of physical and chemical strength, as well as an attractive electronic band combined with a band gap (2.7 eV). This review summarised recent works in the development of titania incorporated with graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) for enhanced photocatalytic activity

    NMR investigations of the interaction between the azo-dye sunset yellow and Fluorophenol

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    The interaction of small molecules with larger noncovalent assemblies is important across a wide range of disciplines. Here, we apply two complementary NMR spectroscopic methods to investigate the interaction of various fluorophenol isomers with sunset yellow. This latter molecule is known to form noncovalent aggregates in isotropic solution, and form liquid crystals at high concentrations. We utilize the unique fluorine-19 nucleus of the fluorophenol as a reporter of the interactions via changes in both the observed chemical shift and diffusion coefficients. The data are interpreted in terms of the indefinite self-association model and simple modifications for the incorporation of a second species into an assembly. A change in association mode is tentatively assigned whereby the fluorophenol binds end-on with the sunset yellow aggregates at low concentration and inserts into the stacks at higher concentrations