3 research outputs found

    Awareness, Attitude, and Performance of Residents in Using Disinfectants to Prevent COVID-19 in 2022: A Case Study in Iran

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    Introduction: It is essential to adopt preventive measures to reduce the prevalence and severity of COVID-19. Given the insufficient information about the use of disinfectants against the virus, which leads to various risks, this study aims to investigate awareness, performance, and attitudes of the residents of Yazd city regarding using disinfectants to prevent COVID-19. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive study, the sample consisted of 271 people residing in Yazd using convenience sampling method. The tool used was a researcher-made questionnaire, which was reliable, valid, and was divided into two parts; after that the collected data was analyzed using descriptive and analytical statistical tests. SPSS software was used for data processing, and Amos software was used for model design. Results: Most participants (51.3%) were female. The majority of participants (117 (43.2%)) aged between 30-40, and with an average age of 34.39 ± 9.6. The highest level of education attained by most participants was master's degree by 83 (30.6%) people. The mean and standard deviation for awareness (10.59 ± 2.7), attitude (40.74 ± 7.1), and performance (17.50 ± 5.1) were obtained.  Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis showed that the total effect had the greatest impact on the use of disinfectants, with performance (β = 0.032) and education (β = 0.068) having the strongest effects. Increase in disinfection and having a higher level of education increased the use of disinfectants as well. Conclusion: As increasing people's awareness, attitude, and performance can help prevent the spread of COVID-19, implementing educational programs and timely comprehensive information dissemination about the use of disinfectants is recommended

    Pharmaceutical Pollution in the Environment and Health Hazards

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    بررسي اپيدميولوژيک عوامل مؤثر در تصادفات عابرين پياده در شهر يزد

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    Background and Objectives: Pedestrians are considered to be the most vulnerable road users. In Yazd, about 32 percent of traffic fatalities are accounted for pedestrians. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to identify the effective factors in pedestrian accidents in the city of Yazd. Materials and Methods: The present study is a cross-sectional descriptive study. The method of collecting information was obtained in the field and by reviewing the files in the database of the traffic department. Results: The results show that most accidents that lead to injury were among the young people with a mean age of youths 24.8 years of the male gender (57.3%). while the highest accident leading to death is related to older adults with a mean age of 28.1years of the male gender (65.6%). Most pedestrian accidents occurred in the month of Mehr (21.4) and in places without facilities (58.5) and main streets (58.6). In this study, the variables of age, education, and job of passersby have a significant relationship with the occurrence of traffic accidents leading to death or injury. Conclusion: By providing facilities and facilities for pedestrians to cross the road, training, developing and practicing safe behavior for users, increasing pedestrian awareness and improving their performance, changing drivers' attitudes and behavior, and reducing vehicle speed will increase pedestrian safety. How to cite this article: Tarfiei A, Jafari R, Tarfiei m, Ghaneian MT. Identification and Investigation of Affecting Factors in Pedestrian Accidents in Yazd. J Saf Promot Inj Prev. 2020; 8(1):30-6.  سابقه و هدف: عابرين پياده به عنوان آسيب‌پذيرترين گروه در ميان كاربران حوزه ترافيک محسوب مي‌شوند. حدود 32 درصد از جرح و فوت ناشي از حوادث ترافيکي در شهر يزد در بين عابرين پياده است. از اين‌رو هدف اين مقاله شناسايي اپيدميولوژيک عوامل موثر در تصادفات عابرين پياده در سطح شهر يزد بود. روش بررسي: پژوهش حاضر يک مطالعه توصيفي مقطعي است. روش جمع‌آوري اطلاعات، به صورت ميداني و با بررسي پرونده‌هاي موجود در پايگاه داده‌هاي اداره‌ي راهنمايي و رانندگي بود. نتايج: بيشترين حادثه‌ي منجربه جرح در جوانان (8/24%) مذکر (3/57%) بود. حال آن‌که بيشترين حادثه فوت مربوط به افراد مسن (1/28%) مذکر (6/65%) بود. اکثر حوادث عابرين پياده در مهرماه ((4/21%) و درمحل‌هاي فاقد امکانات (5/58 %) و خيابان‌هاي اصلي (6/58 درصد) رخ داده بود. دراين مطالعه متغيرهاي سن، تحصيلات و شغل عابرين ارتباط معناداري با وقوع سوانح ترافيکي منجر به مرگ يا مصدوميت داشت. نتيجه‌گيري: با فراهم کردن تسهيلات و امکانات براي عبور عابرين از جاده، آموزش، توسعه و تمرين رفتار ايمن به کاربران، افزايش آگاهي عابرين و بهبود عملکرد آن‌ها، تغيير نگرش‌ها و رفتار رانندگان، و کاهش سرعت وسايل نقليه سبب افزايش ايمني عابران خواهد شد. How to cite this article: Tarfiei A, Jafari R, Tarfiei m, Ghaneian MT. Identification and Investigation of Affecting Factors in Pedestrian Accidents in Yazd. J Saf Promot Inj Prev. 2020; 8(1):30-6. &nbsp