13 research outputs found

    Activation maps for the comparison between mental and motor verbs.

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    Graphical representation of GLM’s results, brain regions activated in the contrast mental > motor verbs in red, same contrast when the effect of visual processing (i.e., symbols) is removed, in green, and when the effect of phonological processing (i.e., pseudo-verbs) is removed, in blue. Coordinate z of multislices in cerebellum: a = : a = -24, b = -29, c = -34, and d = -39. Color bars show z scores. LH: left hemisphere; RH: right hemisphere.</p

    PPI results for motor, mental and pseudo verbs with respect to symbols.

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    Graphical representation of PPI results with seeds in L-LOC, L-MTG, L-SMA, and R-cerebellum, brain regions functionally connected in the contrast motor > symbols in red, mental > symbols in green, and pseudo-verbs > symbols in blue. Color bars show z scores. LH: left hemisphere; RH: right hemisphere.</p

    Brain areas exhibiting significant connectivity during motor > pseudo verbs and mental > pseudo verbs, according to PPI analysis with seeds in L-LOC, L-SMA and R cerebellum.

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    The x, y, and z coordinates are in MNI space, regions were labelled according to Harvard-Oxford Cortical and Subcortical Atlases in FSLVIEW. L = Left region or hemisphere. R = Right region or hemisphere. (PDF)</p

    Brain areas exhibiting significant connectivity during motor > symbols, mental > symbols and peudo verbs > symbols contrasts, according to PPI analysis with seeds in L-LOC, L-MTG, L-SMA and R cerebellum.

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    The x, y, and z coordinates are in MNI space, regions were labelled according to Harvard-Oxford Cortical and Subcortical Atlases in FSLVIEW. L = Left region or hemisphere. R = Right region or hemisphere. (PDF)</p

    PPI results for the comparison between mental and motor verbs.

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    Graphical representation of PPI results with the R-cerebellum seed, brain regions functionally connected in the contrast mental > motor green. Color bar shows z scores. Coordinate z slice in cerebellum = -29. LH: left hemisphere; RH: right hemisphere.</p

    Activation maps for the comparison between verbs and pseudo-verbs.

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    Graphical representation of GLM’s results, brain regions activated in the contrast verbs > pseudo-verbs in red, and pseudo-verbs > verbs in aqua. Coordinate z of multislices in cerebellum:: a = -24, b = -29, c = -34, and d = -39. Color bars show z scores. LH: left hemisphere; RH: right hemisphere.</p

    Brain areas exhibiting significant activation in whole brain analysis during verbs > pseudo verbs and pseudo-verbs > verbs contrasts according to GLM analysis.

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    The x, y, and z coordinates are in MNI space, regions were labelled according to Harvard-Oxford Cortical and Subcortical Atlases in FSLVIEW. L = Left region or hemisphere. R = Right region or hemisphere. (PDF)</p

    Brain areas exhibiting significant activation in whole brain analysis during [motor > symbols] > [mental > symbols] and [mental > symbols] > [motor > symbols] contrasts, according to GLM analysis.

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    The x, y, and z coordinates are in MNI space, regions were labelled according to Harvard-Oxford Cortical and Subcortical Atlases in FSLVIEW. L = Left region or hemisphere. R = Right region or hemisphere. (PDF)</p

    Activation maps for verbs and pseudo-verbs with respect to symbols.

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    Graphical representation of GLM’s results, brain regions activated in the contrast verbs > symbols in red, and pseudo-verbs > symbols in aqua. Coordinate z of multislices in cerebellum: a = -24, b = -29, c = -34, and d = -39. Color bars show z scores. LH: left hemisphere; RH: right hemisphere.</p

    Correlations among scores on behavioral tasks.

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    Vocabulary task of WAIS-IV, verb, semantic, and phonological fluency (f).</p