3 research outputs found

    Analisis Dampak Meditasi Terhadap Kemampuan Mengelola Emosi Diri Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 1 Bubusan

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    students' emotional abilities and have a positive impact on emotional management. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of meditation on the ability to manage students' self-emotions at SD Negeri 1 Bubusan, especially for class V so that they can train their minds to focus or practice calm so they can divert attention. negative energy to positive activity. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative methods using data collection techniques in this study, namely observation, interviews, and documentation. Qualitative descriptive method is a method with data collected in the form of words or sentences as well as pictures that have concrete meaning and understanding. Based on the results of the research conducted, it was shown that meditation which was carried out at SD Negeri 1 Bubusan class V, which consisted of 24 students and 5 students as samples, had a good impact on managing students' self-emotions by applying meditation to children. can have a positive impact on students' abilities. students in managing their own emotions, children are able to manage emotions in class and can train concentration and the mind becomes calmer then can improve moral behavior and mental health to be better than before.   &nbsp

    Pendampingan Pendidikan Non-Formal di Desa Wisata Hijau Bilebante dalam Kelompok Belajar “Bale Cerdas”

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    Bilebante dalam Kelompok Belajar “Bale Cerdas” melalui kegitan KKN Terpadu era new normal bertujuan untuk menambah atau melengkapi pendidikan formal (di sekolah) yang didapatkan oleh anak-anak terutama di masa pandemi Covid-19. Pembentukan kelompok belajar di masa pandemi Covid -19 diharapakan menjadi solusi dalam mengisi kekosongan aktivitas anak-anak di rumah. Selain itu, Kegiatan Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) bertujuan untuk memberikan pengalaman kerja nyata lapangan. Pelaksanaan KKN ini dimulai dari tanggal 23 November 2020 sampai dengan 7 Januari 2021 di Desa Bilebante Kecamatan Pringgarata Kabupaten Lombok Tengah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Bentuk kegiatan Pendampingan Pendidikan Non-Formal ini berupa: 1) Pembentukan Kelompok belajar “Bale Cerdas” 2) Mengajar di TPQ dan 3) Edukasi Kebersihan melalui kegiatan jumat bersih. Hasil dari program ini adalah terbentuknya kelompok belajar bersama yang dinamakan “Bale Cerdas” yang mampu menjadi salah satu pendampingan pendidikan secara Non-Formal bagi anak-anak di Desa Bilebante

    Pengaruh Beban Kerja Dan Kompensasi Terhadap Turnover Intention Karyawan Dengan Stress Kerja Sebagai Variabel Intervening : Studi Kasus Pada Karyawan Swasta Di Wilayah Kabupaten Tangerang

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of workload on work stress. Analyzing the effect of workload on employee turnover intention. Analyzing the Effect of Compensation on Work Stress. Analyzing the Effect of Compensation on Employee Turnover Intention. Analyzing the Influence of Work Stress on Employee Turnover Intention. Analyzing the mediating role of Work Stress on the effect of Workload on Employee Turnover Intention. Analyzing the mediating role of Job Stress on the effect of Compensation on Employee Turnover Intention. The analytical method used is SEM-PLS analysis. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire distributed questionnaires to private employees in the Tangerang Regency area of 120 employees. The sampling technique used a random sampling method. The results of the study show that workload has a positive and significant effect on work stress and employee turnover intention. Compensation has a positive and insignificant effect on work stress and employee turnover intention. Work Stress can mediate the effect of Workload on Employee Turnover Intention. Work Stress cannot mediate the effect of Compensation on Employee Turnover Intentio