11 research outputs found

    STING signalling is terminated through ESCRT-dependent microautophagy of vesicles originating from recycling endosomes

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    STING炎症シグナルの終結分子機構 --新規細胞内分解システムの発見--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2023-03-14.Stimulator of interferon genes (STING) is essential for the type I interferon response against a variety of DNA pathogens. Upon emergence of cytosolic DNA, STING translocates from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi where STING activates the downstream kinase TBK1, then to lysosome through recycling endosomes (REs) for its degradation. Although the molecular machinery of STING activation is extensively studied and defined, the one underlying STING degradation and inactivation has not yet been fully elucidated. Here we show that STING is degraded by the endosomal sorting complexes required for transport (ESCRT)-driven microautophagy. Airyscan super-resolution microscopy and correlative light/electron microscopy suggest that STING-positive vesicles of an RE origin are directly encapsulated into Lamp1-positive compartments. Screening of mammalian Vps genes, the yeast homologues of which regulate Golgi-to-vacuole transport, shows that ESCRT proteins are essential for the STING encapsulation into Lamp1-positive compartments. Knockdown of Tsg101 and Vps4, components of ESCRT, results in the accumulation of STING vesicles in the cytosol, leading to the sustained type I interferon response. Knockdown of Tsg101 in human primary T cells leads to an increase the expression of interferon-stimulated genes. STING undergoes K63-linked ubiquitination at lysine 288 during its transit through the Golgi/REs, and this ubiquitination is required for STING degradation. Our results reveal a molecular mechanism that prevents hyperactivation of innate immune signalling, which operates at REs

    Overcoming the limitations of screening mammography in Japan and Korea: a paradigm shift to personalized breast cancer screening based on ultrasonography

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    Screening mammography programs have been implemented in numerous Western countries with the aim of reducing breast cancer mortality. However, despite over 20 years of population-based screening mammography, the mortality rates in Japan and Korea continue to rise. This may be due to the fact that screening mammography is not as effective for Japanese and Korean women, who often have dense breasts. This density decreases the sensitivity of mammography due to a masking effect. Therefore, the early detection of small invasive cancers requires more than just mammography, particularly for women in their 40s. This review discusses the limitations and challenges of screening mammography, as well as the keys to successful population-based breast cancer screening in Japan and Korea. This includes a focus on breast ultrasonography techniques, which are based on histopathologic anatomical knowledge, and personalized screening strategies that are based on risk assessments measured by glandular tissue components

    Source Identification Analysis of Lead in the Blood of Japanese Children by Stable Isotope Analysis

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    Considering the negative effect of lead (Pb) on children’s neurodevelopment, Pb exposure should be minimized to the lowest extent possible, though the blood Pb (BPb) concentrations in Japanese children are among the lowest in the world. To identify the sources of Pb in blood, isotope ratios (IRs: 207Pb/206Pb and 208Pb/206Pb) of Pb (PbIR) in whole blood from eight Japanese children were measured by multi-collector ICP mass spectrometry. Further, samples of house dust, soil, duplicate diet, and tobacco, collected from home environments, were also measured and were compared with PbIR of blood case by case. The relative contribution of Pb in the home environment to BPb were estimated by linear programming (finding an optimal solution which satisfy the combination of IRs and intakes from various sources) when appropriate. Source apportionment for three children could be estimated, and contributions of diet, soil, and house dust were 19–34%, 0–55%, and 20–76%, respectively. PbIR for the remaining five children also suggested that non-dietary sources also contributed to Pb exposure, though quantitative contributions could not be estimated. Non-dietary sources such as soil, house dust, and passive tobacco smoke are also important contributors to Pb exposure for Japanese children based on PbIR results