6 research outputs found


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    Building designed has 1 to 8 floors with the quality of concrete f'c of 33.2 MPa, steel quality (fy) 400 MPa, and shear stress of 240 MPa. The building is analyzed by 3D structure modeling through ETABS Version 9.7 program by following all the rules and regulations applicable in Indonesia, such as the guidance of building structure and non-building, SNI 1726: 2012. This building design system is a high-rise building structure planned with a portal frame system with beams and columns as the main elements of structures made of conventional concrete. The beam carries the load transversely of its length and transfers the load to the vertical columns that accumulate it. The column accepts the load axially by the beam and transfers the load to the foundation. This building structure uses a special moment frame structure system (SRPMK) structure, considering that the hospital building is safe against earthquakes and complains about the strong column weak beam concept


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    The Gorontalo Community still rely on tables and chairs furniture made from rattan, but along with the time, tables and chairs from rattan is already becoming obsolete, one reason is growing furniture design that more convincing than other materials such as wood and aluminum. The society Devotion (IBM) will provide re-design solutions for a table and chairs made from rattan by considering three main concepts, namely efficiency, aesthetic, and functional. With this concept can produce tables and chairs that are more innovative, powerful, and has a higher aesthetic so that it becomes a product of superior competition. Specific targets to be achieved is the increase: 1) knowledge and skills about designing tables and chairs from rattan using three concepts, namely efficiency, aesthetic, and functional, 2) increased revenue artisans from rattan tables and chairs. In addition to these targets, also the administrative improvement craftsmen and marketing management. The method used is the training and assistance directly to the artisans of the strategies and techniques in the manufacture of tables and chairs made of rattan. The results are expected to be an increase in the sale price so that the welfare of artisans tables and chairs to be better in the future

    Application of Capacity Spectrum Method (CSM) for non-symmetrical reinforced concrete high-rise buildings as a tool for seismic design

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    The development of earthquake resistance design of structures in the last decade has been critically changing from strength and ductility to performance criteria, where the structure is decided for various levels of structural performance. To understand the structural performance because, at time, a large earthquake load on the structure will experience structural yielding, non-linear analysis with the capacity spectrum method will be performed. The relationship between roof displacement and base shear force is described by a curve that describes the structural capacity is a capacity curve. To determine the behavior of the structures under review for a given earthquake intensity, the capacity curve is then compared with the performance demand based on various earthquake intensities. The results of the case studies for reinforced concrete portals non-symmetrical 3D concluded that the convergence obtained at the point of the structure performance is   and . The displacement results for the actual structure () were 286.71 mm and building base shear coefficient was 15.46 %

    Review of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforced Material in Concrete Structure

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    Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) is a material that is lightweight, strong, anti-magnetic and corrosion resistant. This material can be used as an option to replace the steel material in concrete construction or as material to improve the strength of existing construction. CFRP is quite easy to be attached to the concrete structure and proved economically used as a material for repairing damaged structures and increase the resilience of structural beams, columns, bridges and other parts of the structure against earthquakes. CFRP materials can be shaped sheet to be attached to the concrete surface. Another reason is due to the use of CFRP has a higher ultimate strength and lower weight compared to steel reinforcement so that the handling is significantly easier. Through this paper suggests that CFRP materials can be applied to concrete structures, especially on concrete columns. Through the results of experiments conducted proved that the concrete columns externally wrapped with CFRP materials can increase the strength. This treatment is obtained after testing experiments on 130 mm diameter column with a height of 700 mm with concentric loading method to collapse. The experimental results indicate that a column is wrapped externally with CFRP materials can achieve a load capacity of 250 kN compared to the concrete columns externally without CFRP material which only reached 150 kN. If the column is given internally reinforcing steel and given externally CFRP materials can reach 270 kN. It shows that CFRP materials can be used for concrete structures can even replace reinforcing steel that has been widely used in building construction in Indonesia


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    Building designed has 1 to 8 floors with the quality of concrete f\u27c of 33.2 MPa, steel quality (fy) 400 MPa, and shear stress of 240 MPa. The building is analyzed by 3D structure modeling through ETABS Version 9.7 program by following all the rules and regulations applicable in Indonesia, such as the guidance of building structure and non-building, SNI 1726: 2012. This building design system is a high-rise building structure planned with a portal frame system with beams and columns as the main elements of structures made of conventional concrete. The beam carries the load transversely of its length and transfers the load to the vertical columns that accumulate it. The column accepts the load axially by the beam and transfers the load to the foundation. This building structure uses a special moment frame structure system (SRPMK) structure, considering that the hospital building is safe against earthquakes and complains about the strong column weak beam concept

    Pengembangan Usaha Pengrajin Anyaman Rotan di Desa Luwoo, Kecamatan Telaga Jaya, Kabupaten Gorontalo

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    Usaha Pengrajin anyaman rotan (UD. ROTAN INDAH) yang berdomisili di Jl. Cempaka Desa Luwoo, Kecamatan Telaga Jaya, Kabupaten Gorontalo memproduksi berbagai anyaman rotan seperti meubel rotan (kursi dan meja), anyaman tas (handbag), assesories (hiasan), tirai rotan, barang souvenir, rangka parsel, tempat tidur bayi, dan rangka karangan bunga. Berdasarkan survei dan wawancara yang telah dilakukan bahwa dari sekian produk anyaman rotan yang diproduksi oleh UD. ROTAN INDAH hanya produk meubel rotan yang masih bertahan sampai sekarang walaupun produksinya semakin hari semakin kurang diminati oleh masyarakat Kabupaten Gorontalo dan sekitarnya.  Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian ini fokus pada pemecahan masalah meubel rotan (Kursi dan Meja) dengan tujuan melakukan redesain yang memperhatikan kursi dan meja  yaitu konsep nilai artistik, konsep nilai fungsional, dan konsep kekuatan konstruksinya. Hasil kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini menghasilkan kursi dan meja berbahan rotan variasi eceng gondok dengan memodelisasi model perkuatan struktur kursi dan meja untuk bisa bertahan jangka panjang. Dengan konsep maksimal variasi rotan dengan eceng gondok diyakini akan menghasilkan produk meubel rotan (kursi dan meja) lebih inovatif, kuat, memiliki estetika yang lebih tinggi, dan lebih diminati oleh masyarakat