22 research outputs found
UTA method for the consulting firm selection problem
The market conditions change due to the introduction of new products, unforseen demand fluctuations, rapid change of the life cycle of products and profit margins. Therefore, companies try to survive in a competitive environment by making their operational decisions strategically and systematically. Selection problems play an important role among these decisions. In the literature there are many robust MCDM (Multi Criteria Decision Making) methods that consider the conflicting selection criteria and alternatives. In this paper the consulting firm selection problem is solved with UTA (UTility Additive) method which is one of the MCDM methods. This method considers preference of the decision makers on alternatives and uses linear programming model to obtain a utility function having a minimum deviation from the preferences. In order to illustrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the method, a real case study is presented
An alternative approach based on fuzzy PROMETHEE method for the supplier selection problem
In this paper, an alternative version of the fuzzy PROMETHEE (Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluations) method is proposed. Differently from other studies, preference functions used in PROMETHEE method are handled in terms of fuzzy distances between alternatives with respect to each criterion. In order to indicate the applicability of this method, it is applied for a supplier selection problem in the literature. Ranking results are similar obtained by TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) and fuzzy ELECTRE (ELimination Et Choix Traduisant la REalité) methods. The implementation of the proposed method indicates that the amount of computations is decreased and decision makers can easily reach to desirable solution. © 2016 Growing Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Personnel Selection In Health Sector With EVAMIX and TODIM Methods
Nowadays human is the most important factor that affects the success of production and service companies. Different jobs and positions exist within the structure of the companies require different knowledge, talent and personality characteristics. In this manner operating efficiently and productively is affected by the selection of proper personnel to these jobs and positions. In the personnel selection process there are many criteria that the companies consider. These types of problems may be solved by Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods. In this study the nurse selection problem of a private hospital is handled and this problem is solved by EVAMIX (EVAluation of MIXed Data) and TODIM (Iterative Multi Criteria Decision Making) methods which are MCDM methods. At the end of the study ranking order of nurse alternatives is provided to the hospital management after performing necessary operations and results are compared
EVAMIX ve TODIM Yöntemleri İle Sağlık Sektöründe Personel Seçimi
Günümüzde üretim ve hizmet işletmelerinin başarısını etkileyen faktörlerin başında insan gelmektedir. İşletmelerin yapısında yer alan farklı işler ve pozisyonlar; farklı bilgiyi, yeteneği ve kişilik özelliklerini gerektirmektedir. Bu durumda işletmelerin etkin ve verimli şekilde faaliyet göstermesi, bu işlere ve pozisyonlara uygun personelin seçiminden oldukça etkilenmektedir. Personel seçim sürecinde işletmelerin dikkate alması gereken birçok kriter bulunmaktadır. Bu seçime ilişkin problem, literatürde önerilen Çok Kriterli Karar Verme (ÇKKV) yöntemleri ile çözülebilmektedir. Bu çalışmada özel bir hastanenin hemşire seçim problemi dikkate alınmış ve bu problem, ÇKKV yöntemlerinden EVAMIX (EVAluation of MIXed Data) ve TODIM (Iterative Multi Criteria Decision Making) yöntemleri ile çözülmüştür. Çalışmanın sonunda hastane yönetimine, bu yöntemlerden elde edilen hemşire adaylarına ilişkin sıralamalar sunulmuş ve sonuçlar karşılaştırılmıştır
ARAS method based on Z-numbers in FMEA
Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is one of the risk assessment methods, and is widely applied to the various areas in real life. The method has two main phases. In the first phase, the potential failure modes of products, processes, systems, and services are determined, whereas in the second phase, the risk assessment and prioritization of these failure modes are made, and preventive and corrective actions are taken to prevent the emergence of failure modes with relatively higher risk. Although the method is widely used over the years, researchers have used FMEA together with different theories and methods to overcome several shortcomings of the method. In this study, a new method, Z-ARAS (Additive Ratio ASsessment), is proposed on a risk analysis in FMEA to eliminate uncertainty information in decision-making practice. This method is the modification of ARAS method by integrating with Z-numbers. Z-numbers are performed to reflect the reliability of decision makers' evaluations. A real case covering a cable company's production failures that is adopted from the literature is solved to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed method. A sensitivity analysis is performed, and also a comparative analysis is presented with Z-MARCOS (Measurement Alternatives and Ranking according to the COmpromise Solution) and Z-CODAS (COmbinative Distance-based ASsessment) methods to highlight the effectiveness of Z-ARAS method. It can be concluded that Z-ARAS is an alternative method to detect and analyze critical failure modes, and assist decision makers in implementing a reliable preventive strategy
Kalite Fonksiyon Göçeriminde Markov Zincirleri: Otomotiv Sektörü Örneği
Kalite Fonksiyon Göçerimi (KFG), müşteriyi tatmin etmeyi ve müşterinin talep ettiklerini tasarım hedeflerine ve üretim sırasında kullanılacak başlıca kalite güvence noktalarına dönüştürmek amacıyla tasarım kalitesini geliştirmeyi amaçlayan bir yöntemdir. Bu yöntemin bir aşaması, müşteri gereksinimleri ile teknik gereksinimler arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemektir. Bu çalışmada ilişkinin modellenebilmesi için Markov zincirlerinden yararlanılmış ve otomotiv sektöründe otomobil sahiplerinin isteklerine yönelik otomobil tasarımı için kalite fonksiyon göçerimi uygulanmıştır. Bu anlamda Markov zincirlerinin temelinde bulunan olasılık ve geçiş matrisleri yardımıyla müşteri gereksinimleri ile teknik gereksinimler arasındaki ilişki, beklenen değerler bazında değerlendirilmiş ve teknik gereksinimlerin gelecekte farklı dönemlerde alacağı değerler gözlemlenerek bir analiz yapılmıştır
Group decision making in best-worst method when the best and worst are not unique: case study of scholar selection
Scholarships for the students are the financial supports provided by the government or institutions. There may be a great number of competing applicants with the knowledge, skills and abilities to successfully fulfill the scholarship needs. So, it is difficult to select the most suitable students among multiple applicants for these providers. In this study, scholarship students' selection is handled as a complex decision making problem, and this problem is solved by integration of two Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods, Best-Worst Method (BWM) and COmbined COmpromise SOlution (CoCoSo). In order to demonstrate the applicability of these methods to the scholarship student selection problem, a real problem is solved. This problem is designed as a group decision making problem, and BWM, the improved Analytic Hierarchy Process method, is employed to derive the criteria weights. A solution to the problem where decision makers' best and worst criteria are not common and unique is suggested. On the other hand, CoCoSo method is used for the ranking purposes of the applicants. The novelty of this study is that scholarship selection problem is solved with BWM and CoCoSo methods for the first time. The integrated usage of BWM and CoCoSo methods is thought as suitable and effective methods to rank or select the best candidate or alternative among a number of candidates or alternatives because of satisfactory results
Fuzzy Rank Ordering Weight Based Fuzzy MARCOS Method for Solving Internet Service Provider Selection Problem
Internet service is offered to individuals and institutions by the Internet Service Provider (ISP) for a certain fee. There are many ISPs in the world and in our country, and there is an intense competition between ISPs due to the rapid developments in the electronic communication sector. In this case, users are faced with ISP selection problem. Considering all qualitative and quantitative criteria that meet the needs of the user, the choice of ISP that will provide the best service can be designed as a Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) problem with uncertainty. In this study, fuzzy set theory is used to model uncertainty. In the study, the ISP selection process of home users who want to get fiber technology service is made in two stages. In the first stage, the criteria that affect the users' ISP selection are determined and the weights of these criteria are calculated using Fuzzy Rank Sum (FRS), Fuzzy Rank Reciprocal (FRR) and Fuzzy Rank Order Centroid (FROC). In the second stage, ISP alternatives that provide fiber technology services for the same users are listed by fuzzy MARCOS method, taking into account the criteria determined in the first stage. In this way, the fuzzy MARCOS method is evaluated together with different fuzzy rank ordering weighting methods and a comparative analysis is made and the results are interpreted
Analitik Ağ Süreci Yöntemi ve Kombi Seçim Probleminde Uygulanabilirliği
Günlük yaşamda insanlar, karar verme sorunu ile karşı karşıya kalmaktadır. Verilmek zorunda olunan bir kısım kararlar oldukça basit iken; büyük bir kısmı, verilen kararı etkileyen faktörler arasında etkileşimler nedeniyle analiz yapmayı gerektirmektedir. Bu durumda çok kriterli karar verme kavramı ortaya çıkmıştır. Analitik Ağ Süreci (AAS), çok kriterli karar verme yöntemlerinden biridir. AAS, Analitik Hiyerarşi Sürecinin daha genel biçimi olup bileşenler arasındaki ilişkileri ve yönleri tanımlayarak bir serim şeklinde ifade etmektedir. Çalışmada, çok kriterli karar verme yöntemi olan AAS yöntemi ile ülkemizde gün geçtikçe yaygınlaşan doğalgaz yakmak üzere geliştirilmiş olan kombi kat kaloriferlerinin 2006 yılında doğalgaz ile tanışan Denizli ilindeki seçim problemi üzerinde durulacaktır. Bu anlamda müşteri memnuniyeti ile çok yakından ilgili olan kombi seçimi problemi, AAS yöntemi ile modellenmeye çalışılacak ve seçim modeline giren kriterlerin ağırlıkları bulunmaya çalışılacaktır