902 research outputs found

    WASP family proteins, more than Arp2/3 activators.

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    Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP) family proteins have been extensively characterized as factors that promote the nucleation of actin through the activation of the protein complex Arp2/3. While yeast mostly have a single member of the family, mammalian cells have at least six different members, often with multiple isoforms. Members of the family are characterized by a common structure. Their N-termini are varied and are considered to confer spatial and temporal regulation of Arp2/3-activating activity, whereas their C-terminal half contains a polyproline-rich region, one or more WASP homology-2 (WH2) actin-binding domains and motifs that bind directly to Arp2/3. Recent studies, however, indicate that the yeast WASP homologue Las17 is able to nucleate actin independently of Arp2/3 through the function of novel G-actin-binding activities in its polyproline region. This allows Las17 to generate the mother filaments that are needed for subsequent Arp2/3 recruitment and activation during the actin polymerization that drives endocytic invagination in yeast. In this review, we consider how motifs within the polyproline region of Las17 support nucleation of actin filaments, and whether similar mechanisms might exist among other family members

    Investigation of the bacterial mechanosensitive ion channel of large conductance within bacterial membrane mimetics in response to simple antimicrobial molecules

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    This thesis describes the use of neutron and X-ray scattering and reflectivity to characterize the structure of the Mechanosensitive Ion Channel of Large Conductance, MscL, within bilayer constructs. MscL is known to gate with increased surface tension in the lipid bilayer. In bacteria, mechanosensitive ion channels such as MscL protect cells against osmotic shock. The channel has also been shown to gate in the presence of amphiphilic molecules. By investigating the response of MscL to two different amphiphilic antimicrobials in three different bacterial membrane mimetics, we explore whether gating of the channels triggered by interaction with these molecules can play a role in their antimicrobial behaviour. Cell-free expression of MscL directly into 3:1 POPC:POPG liposomes was optimised to produce proteoliposomes, that are the basis of the membrane mimetics used in this study. Small angle scattering provided evidence that single MscL channels were successfully expressed into liposomes. The response of the proteoliposomes to the antimicrobial peptide pexiganan and the naturally occurring antimicrobial surfactant, lyso-PC was investigated. We have shown through scattering experiments that we can observe a conformational change in MscL in the presence of lyso-PC and pexiganan that could be a signature of MscL gating. Reflectivity measurements require a planar membrane of about 10 cm² and we have developed a novel membrane mimetic, in which a POPC:POPG bilayer is suspended beneath a cationic surfactant monolayer. Our neutron reflectivity experiments show that a high quality bilayer can be formed and that there is a water layer between the surfactant monolayer and the lipid bilayer. This water gap means that the suspended bilayer can fluctuate and there is sufficient space to allow for membrane proteins inserted into the suspended bilayer to protrud out from the bilayer. We have also developed an experimental system in which the POPC:POPG:MscL bilayer is tethered to a gold layer, which sits on top of a thin permalloy film coated onto a silicon block. The silicon block acts as a neutron window, and the permalloy layer means that we can exploit the two spin states of the neutron to measure polarised reflectivity from the tethered bilayer system, allowing two data sets, with slightly different structural sensitivities, to be measured simultaneously . Using our planar membrane mimetics, we were able to investigate changes in the membrane and the MscL on addition of pexiganan. We observed a decrease in the distance that the proteins protrude out from the membrane from 50-60 ˚A to 30 ˚A, which we suggest is evidence that the channel has gated in response to the interaction of pexiganan with the membrane mimetic. In addition to further insight into the gating mechanism of the MscL this highlights the potential benefit of further investigating the channel as an antimicrobial target

    Differential requirements for actin during yeast and mammalian endocytosis

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    Key features of clathrin-mediated endocytosis have been conserved across evolution. However, endocytosis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is completely dependent on a functional actin cytoskeleton, whereas actin appears to be less critical in mammalian cell endocytosis. We reveal that the fundamental requirement for actin in the early stages of yeast endocytosis is to provide a strong framework to support the force generation needed to direct the invaginating plasma membrane into the cell against turgor pressure. By providing osmotic support, pressure differences across the plasma membrane were removed and this reduced the requirement for actin-bundling proteins in normal endocytosis. Conversely, increased turgor pressure in specific yeast mutants correlated with a decreased rate of endocytic patch invagination

    The fluidised roasting of pyritic ores.

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    Depletion of the actin bundling protein SM22/transgelin increases actin dynamics and enhances the tumourigenic phenotypes of cells

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    Background SM22 has long been studied as an actin-associated protein. Interestingly, levels of SM22 are often reduced in tumour cell lines, while they are increased during senescence possibly indicating a role for SM22 in cell fate decisions via its interaction with actin. In this study we aimed to determine whether reducing levels of SM22 could actively contribute to a tumourigenic phenotype. Results We demonstrate that in REF52 fibroblasts, decreased levels of SM22 disrupt normal actin organization leading to changes in the motile behaviour of cells. Interestingly, SM22 depletion also led to an increase in the capacity of cells to spontaneously form podosomes with a concomitant increase in the ability to invade Matrigel. In PC3 prostate epithelial cancer cells by contrast, where SM22 is undetectable, re-expression of SM22 reduced the ability to invade Matrigel. Furthermore SM22 depleted cells also had reduced levels of reactive oxygen species when under serum starvation stress. Conclusions These findings suggest that depletion of SM22 could contribute to tumourigenic properties of cells. Reduction in SM22 levels would tend to promote cell survival when cells are under stress, such as in a hypoxic tumour environment, and may also contribute to increases in actin dynamics that favour metastatic potential

    Insights into dynamin-associated disorders through analysis of equivalent mutations in the yeast dynamin Vps1

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    The dynamins represent a superfamily of proteins that have been shown to function in a wide range of membrane fusion and fission events. An increasing number of mutations in the human classical dynamins, Dyn-1 and Dyn-2 has been reported, with diseases caused by these changes ranging from Charcot-Marie-Tooth disorder to epileptic encephalopathies. The budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae expresses a single dynamin-related protein that functions in membrane trafficking, and is considered to play a similar role to Dyn-1 and Dyn-2 during scission of endocytic vesicles at the plasma membrane. Large parts of the dynamin protein are highly conserved across species and this has enabled us in this study to select a number of disease causing mutations and to generate equivalent mutations in Vps1. We have then studied these mutants using both cellular and biochemical assays to ascertain functions of the protein that have been affected by the changes. Specifically, we demonstrate that the Vps1-G397R mutation (Dyn-2 G358R) disrupts protein oligomerization, Vps1-A447T (Dyn-1 A408T) affects the scission stage of endocytosis, while Vps1-R298L (Dyn-1 R256L) affects lipid binding specificity and possibly an early stage in endocytosis. Overall, we consider that the yeast model will potentially provide an avenue for rapid analysis of new dynamin mutations in order to understand the underlying mechanisms that they disrupt

    Apm4, the mu subunit of yeast AP-2 interacts with Pkc1, and mutation of the Pkc1 consensus phosphorylation site Thr176 inhibits AP-2 recruitment to endocytic sites.

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    The AP-2 endocytic adaptor has been extensively characterized in mammalian cells and is considered to play a role both in cargo binding and in formation of endocytic sites. However, despite our detailed knowledge of mechanistic aspects of endocytic complex assembly and disassembly in the model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae, no function of AP-2 had been described in wild-type yeast under normal growth conditions. A recent study however revealed that disruption of the complex caused by deletion of the gene encoding its mu subunit (APM4) caused defects in cell polarity such that responses to pheromone, nutritional status and cell wall damage were affected. Furthermore, a homozygous deletion of the mu subunit gene in Candida albicans affected its ability to grow hyphae. Direct binding to the yeast cell wall stress sensor Mid2 was detected, and in an apm4 deletion strain Mid2 showed reduced re-localization to the mother bud neck region following cell wall damage with calcofluor or to the mating projection tip. Here we demonstrate an interaction between Apm4 and the yeast cell wall integrity pathway component Pkc1 and show that mutation of the predicted Pkc1 site in the Apm4 hinge region affects recruitment of the AP-2 complex to endocytic sites

    Amino acid substitution equivalent to human chorea-acanthocytosis I2771R in yeast Vps13 protein affects its binding to phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate

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    The rare human disorder chorea-acanthocytosis (ChAc) is caused by mutations in hVPS13A gene. The hVps13A protein interacts with actin and regulates the level of phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P) in the membranes of neuronal cells. Yeast Vps13 is involved in vacuolar protein transport and, like hVps13A, participates in PI4P metabolism. Vps13 proteins are conserved in eukaryotes, but their molecular function remains unknown. One of the mutations found in ChAc patients causes amino acids substitution I2771R which affects the localization of hVps13A in skeletal muscles. To dissect the mechanism of pathogenesis of I2771R, we created and analyzed a yeast strain carrying the equivalent mutation. Here we show that in yeast, substitution I2749R causes dysfunction of Vps13 protein in endocytosis and vacuolar transport, although the level of the protein is not affected, suggesting loss of function. We also show that Vps13, like hVps13A, influences actin cytoskeleton organization and binds actin in immunoprecipitation experiments. Vps13-I2749R binds actin, but does not function in the actin cytoskeleton organization. Moreover, we show that Vps13 binds phospholipids, especially phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PI3P), via its SHR_BD and APT1 domains. Substitution I2749R attenuates this ability. Finally, the localization of Vps13-GFP is altered when cellular levels of PI3P are decreased indicating its trafficking within the endosomal membrane system. These results suggest that PI3P regulates the functioning of Vps13, both in protein trafficking and actin cytoskeleton organization. Attenuation of PI3P-binding ability in the mutant hVps13A protein may be one of the reasons for its mislocalization and disrupted function in cells of patients suffering from ChAc

    The Pex3–Inp1 complex tethers yeast peroxisomes to the plasma membrane

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    A subset of peroxisomes is retained at the mother cell cortex by the Pex3–Inp1 complex. We identify Inp1 as the first known plasma membrane–peroxisome (PM-PER) tether by demonstrating that Inp1 meets the predefined criteria that a contact site tether protein must adhere to. We show that Inp1 is present in the correct subcellular location to interact with both the plasma membrane and peroxisomal membrane and has the structural and functional capacity to be a PM-PER tether. Additionally, expression of artificial PM-PER tethers is sufficient to restore retention in inp1Δ cells. We show that Inp1 mediates peroxisome retention via an N-terminal domain that binds PI(4,5)P2 and a C-terminal Pex3-binding domain, forming a bridge between the peroxisomal membrane and the plasma membrane. We provide the first molecular characterization of the PM-PER tether and show it anchors peroxisomes at the mother cell cortex, suggesting a new model for peroxisome retention