45 research outputs found

    Diaspora Philanthropy: The Colombia Experience

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    Examines the scope, causes, and challenges of giving by the Colombian diaspora in the United States back to Colombia. Explores the diaspora's characteristics, giving patterns and practices, and suggestions for strengthening the Colombian nonprofit sector

    Diaspora Philanthropy: The Colombian Experience

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    This study is part of a series on diaspora philanthropy commissioned by The Philanthropic Initiative, Inc. and the Global Equity Initiative at Harvard University and supported by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. The principal aims of this paper are to document and analyze diaspora giving from the United States to Colombia and to provide recommendations to enhance diaspora giving to this country

    Latino Immigrant Employment Trajectories During and After the Great Recession in the U.S. and Spain

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    The Great Recession is considered the deepest economic crisis since the Great Depression. Aysa-Lastra will compare the experiences of Latino immigrants in the U.S. and Spain during the crisis and recovery periods, including a focus in changes in the labor market

    Quantitative Reasoning for the Social Science Classroom

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    Twenty five years ago the Mathematical Sciences Education Board (Scheaffer 1990) stated that “Citizens who cannot properly interpret quantitative data are, in this day and age, functionally illiterate” Quantitative reasoning then should not be reduced to the ability to perform arithmetic functions but must be conceived as “a habit of the mind, competency and comfort in working with numerical data” (AACU 2015). Moreover, quantitative reasoning is essential for the development of higher order level skills such as analyzing, evaluating and creating. In a world, in which data is produced more rapidly than it can be analyzed, employers note that students will need a wide range of high level quantitative skills to complete their work responsibilities regardless of their field choice. For these reasons, quantitative literacy should be incorporated across the curriculum. Students cannot develop quantitative literacy by only taking isolated courses in mathematics or statistics. Students must be constantly exposed to substantive and contextualized quantitative information so they can achieve quantitative competency. This presentation aims at providing sources, examples, and class assignments, as well as assessments on how to incorporate quantitative reasoning across the social science curriculum

    Segmented Occupational Mobility. The Case of non-European Union Immigrants in Spain

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    Literature regarding immigrant economic integration tends to highlight a U-shaped economic mobility pattern. Our article challenges this argument based on labor market segmentation theories and an occupational mobility analysis made from a “class structure” perspective. Data from the 2007 National Immigrant Survey in Spain was used to create mobility tables indicating immigrants’ occupational mobility fluidity from their last employment in their country of origin to their first employment in Spain (n = 7,280), and from their first employment in Spain to their current employment (n = 4,031), estimating odds ratios in order to examine the relative mobility. Two labor market segments were identified as having frequent occupational mobility within them and limited mobility outside of them. Our analysis suggests the existence of a segmented U-shaped pattern of immigrant occupational mobility

    Latino Immigrant Employment During the Great Recession: A Comparison Of the United States and Spain

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    Latino Immigrant Employment During the Great Recession: A Comparison of the United States and Spain

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    The Great Recession profoundly impacted labor markets in the United States and Spain, the two most important destinations for Latin American immigrants. Unemployment rates doubled within two years and increased at an even greater rate for Latino immigrants. Using national labor force surveys (Encuesta de Población Activa for Spain and Current Population Survey for the U.S.), this article compares employment trends of natives, immigrants in general, and Latino immigrants in both countries by sectors. We conclude that despite the differences in the Spanish and U.S. economies and the historical distinctions between immigration flows from Latin America to both countries, the crisis\u27s effects on employment have similar features and show the greater vulnerability of immigrants in general and Latino immigrants in particular

    Immigration Experience and Labor Remittance Recipients in the Western-Central Metropolitan Area

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    El contenido comprende los resultados del estudio que tuvo por objetivo principal caracterizar el perfil de la población migrante, de sus hogares de origen, el uso y el impacto de las remesas, así como las redes sociales de migración. La publicación plantea elementos fundamentales para la generación de políticas públicas, privadas y proyectos específicos que contribuyan a dinamizar el papel de las remesas al tiempo que beneficien a las comunidades con altos índices de migración y otras poblaciones vulnerables

    Determinantes de la movilidad ocupacional segmentada de los inmigrantes no comunitarios en España

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    La literatura sobre la integración económica de los inmigrantes ha destacado la existencia de un patrón de movilidad en forma de «U». En este artículo discutimos esta argumentación partiendo de las teorías de la segmentación del mercado de trabajo y del análisis de la movilidad desde la perspectiva de la «estructura de clase». Se analizan los datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Inmigrantes de 2007 para elaborar tablas de movilidad ocupacional de los inmigrantes entre su última ocupación en origen a la primera ocupación en destino (n = 7.280), y desde la primera a la última ocupación en España (n = 4.031), estimando razones de probabilidad para estudiar la movilidad relativa. Se han identificado dos segmentos del mercado laboral dentro de los cuales la fluidez ocupacional es frecuente y fuera de los cuales es limitada. Nuestro análisis sugiere la existencia de un patrón de movilidad ocupacional segmentada de los inmigrantes en forma de «U