55 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the quality of malted acha-soy breakfast cereal flour

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    Breakfast cereals are increasingly in demand for health reasons and are primarily made from different cereal grains. Acha (Digitaria exilis Stapf) cereal grain and malted soybean flours (MSFs) were used in the ratio 100:0, 90:10, 80:20, 70:30, and 60:40 to produce five Acha-soy breakfast cereal (ASC) products. Acha grains were cleaned, washed, dried, milled and sieved through 600 ÎĽm sieve to obtain wholemeal flour. The soybean was soaked (24 hr), drained, germinated (96 hr), dried using cabinet drier at 60oC for 8 hr, devegetated, winnowed, dry milled and sieved to obtain flour. The quality of ASC flour products was assessed in terms of proximate analysis, energy content and microbial analysis. Significant differences (p<0.05) existed in all the proximate and energy compositions. There was a general increase in protein, fat and ash contents as the proportion of malted soybean increased while crude fibre, moisture and carbohydrate contents decreased. The energy contents increased with increase in the proportion of malted soybean. Microbial analysis showed no count at first week for both bacteria and fungi. Microbial growth began during the second week after production and increased with storage time. Sensory evaluation was conducted on gruel (thin porridge) made from ASC products. There were significant differences (p<0.05) in aroma, flavour, texture and overall acceptability amongst the products. A general decrease existed in the mean scores of the breakfast gruel in all the parameters monitored with increase in MSF. Whole meal Acha breakfast gruel (100%) had the highest mean values except in flavour while ASC gruel (60:40%) had the lowest mean value in all the parameters. Gruel made from 10 and 20% MSFs had the best sensory qualities. These results showed the potential utilization of this unique cereal grain (Acha/fonio) in enriched breakfast cereal production targeting diabetic individuals and the efforts made to introduce a semi-finished Acha product in the market.Keywords: Proximate, Sensory, Microbiological qualities, breakfast, Cereal flour, Gruel, Acha, Malted soybea

    Effect of drying methods on the physicochemical properties of waterleaf (Talinum triangulare)

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    This study investigated the effects of sun drying and oven drying at three different temperatures (60 0C, 70 0C and 80 0C) on the physicochemical and sensory properties of waterleaf (Talinum triangulare). About 2000 g of freshly harvested leaves were obtained, sorted, chopped into small pieces and sub-divided into five portions of 400 g each; with one portion used for initial analysis, while the remaining four portions were sundried and oven-dried at 60, 70 and 80 0C respectively. Panelists were assigned to assess the samples as well. The results of the proximate composition of the samples showed that moisture content ranged from 6.14 to 92.53% (49.34); ash content, 1.03-21.9% (11.47); crude fat, 1.13-5.89% (3.51); crude fibre, 3.59-6.21% (4.9) and crude protein, 2.73-32.29% (17.51). The mineral content of the samples showed that phosphorus content ranged from 92.43-265.59 mg/100 g (179.08); iron content, 0.10-4.50 mg/100 g (2.30); calcium content, 9.26-89.76 mg/100 g (49.51); zinc content, 0.06-5.15 mg/100 g (2.61) and potassium content, 65.54-108.11 mg/ 100 g (86.83). Ascorbic acid content ranged from 13.70-24.90 mg/100 g (19.3). The result of the sensory evaluation showed that oven-dried samples at 60 0C was significantly preferred to others. It is therefore concluded that waterleaf could be best dried using oven drying method at 60 0C, in order to retain much of the nutritional and sensory properties

    Microbiological Evalation Of “Kunun Zaki” And “Zoborodo” Drink (Beverages) Locally Produced And Sold In A Polytechnic Community In Nigeria

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    Samples of “ kunun zaki'' , and “zoborodo” drink produced and sold in the polytechnic community were collected as packed in sachets from the two main centers – hostel (recreation center) and the library, on weekly basis for five consecutive weeks. The microbial load was evaluated and the microorganism isolated and identified. The mean total count, staphylococcus and coliform range from 8.4 X 101 to 1.11 X 105, 1.30 X 101 to 1.08 X 103 and 1.0 X 101 to 6.70 X 102 cfu cm-3, respectively, for the two beverages. Organism isolated and are common to the two beverages include: - Enterbobacter, Shigella, Escharichia Coli, Klebsilla, Micrococcus and Staphylococcus while proteous, leuconostoc, Bacillus and citrobacter are peculiar to “kunun zaki”. Key words:- Microbiological, Evaluation, “Kunun-zaki”, “Zoborodo”, Beverages, Polytechnic. Nigerian Food Journal Vol.22 2004: 119-12

    Effect of Buchholzia coriacea (Wonderful kola) on Microflora of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

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    The Buchholzia coriacea (wonderful kola) was washed, extracted (using water and ethanol) and screened for phytochemical compounds. Swaps collected from banana, guava, tomato and spinach were cultured using nutrient agar, microorganisms characterized culturally and morphologicallyand subjected to biochemical tests to identify principal microorganisms. The antibacterial microbial sensitivity of Buchholzia coriacea extract was evaluated using the microorganism isolated from the selected fruits and vegetables. Principal microorganisms identified from the selected fruits and vegetables swabs included Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis andStreptococcus feacalis. Flavonoids, terpenoids, glycosides, steroids, saponin, tannins were principal phytochemical compounds identified from Buchholzia coriacea extract. The anti-microbial activity of Buchholzia coriacea extract was shown as zones of inhibition. Greater zone (7.4/9.5cm) of inhibition was observed on Bacillus subtilis, Streptococcus feacalis (6.4/8.1cm) and Staphylococcus aureus ( 6.9 / 7.0cm) and at 100% concentration of aqueous and ethanol extracts, respectively

    Effect Of Dough Improvers On The Physical And Sensory Quality Of Acha (Digitaria exilis) Flour Bread

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    Acha bread was produced from acha-grain flour and potato starch flour (11:4) with other principal ingredients (10% sugar, 1.0% salt, 1.5% yeast and 2.5% fat). Improvers (Arabic gum, CMC, egg white) at varied percentages (0 – 10%) were added to the above mentioned ingredients and the dough produced using a straight dough method. The dough was baked at 220oC for 30 –35 minutes to produce bread. The effect of the improvers on the specific loaf volume and sensory quality were evaluated. The specific loaf volume of the acha bread ranges from 1.88-2.70, 1.75-2.07, 1.84-3.0 with increase in the concentration of Arabic gum, CMC and egg white, respectively. The improvers have a high and positive correlation coefficient (r = 0.5 – 0.9) with the specific loaf volume. The egg white among other improvers used had strongest effects on the taste (6.9) and odour (6.84) and colour (6.9) of the bread and compared favorably with that of 100% wheat bread ( 8.0, 7.7. and 8.1 for taste, odour and colour respectively)
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