39 research outputs found

    First report of Erysiphe corylacearum causing powdery mildew on Corylus avellana in Spain

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    In the Mediterranean basin area, powdery mildew disease on hazelnut is commonly caused by Phyllactinia guttata. The disease occurs in late summer-autumn causing limited damage or economic impact. In April 2021, an unusual outbreak of the disease was observed on lower leaves of hazelnuts (cvs, Negret and San Giovanni) leading to rapid leaf desiccation in two commercial orchards (CamĂ­ de la Serra and Mas de la Coma), both located at La Selva del Camp, Tarragona, in north-eastern Spain. Unlike P. guttata, roundish spots of white mycelium appeared on the adaxial side of the leaves (Figure 1). Fruit was also infected and damaged.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparative analysis of distinct phenotypes in gambling disorder based on gambling preferences

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    Background: Studies examining gambling preferences have identified the importance of the type of gambling practiced on distinct individual profiles. The objectives were to compare clinical, psychopathological and personality variables between two different groups of individuals with a gambling disorder (strategic and non-strategic gamblers) and to evaluate the statistical prediction capacity of these preferences with respect to the severity of the disorder. Method: A total sample of 2010 treatment-seeking patients with a gambling disorder participated in this stand-alone study. All were recruited from a single Pathological Gambling Unit in Spain (1709 strategic and 301 non-strategic gamblers). The design of the study was cross-sectional and data were collected at the start of treatment. Data was analysed using logistic regression for binary outcomes and analysis of variance (ANOVA) for quantitative responses. Results: There were significant differences in several socio-demographic and clinical variables, as well as in personality traits (novelty seeking and cooperativeness). Multiple regression analysis showed harm avoidance and self-directedness were the main predictors of gambling severity and psychopathology, while age at assessment and age of onset of gambling behaviour were predictive of gambling severity. Strategic gambling (as opposed to non-strategic) was significantly associated with clinical outcomes, but the effect size of the relationships was small. Conclusions: It is possible to identify distinct phenotypes depending on the preference of gambling. While these phenotypes differ in relation to the severity of the gambling disorder, psychopathology and personality traits, they can be useful from a clinical and therapeutic perspective in enabling risk factors to be identified and prevention programs targeting specific individual profiles to be developed

    Homopolymer tract length dependent enrichments in functional regions of 27 eukaryotes and their novel dependence on the organism DNA (G+C)% composition

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    BACKGROUND: DNA homopolymer tracts, poly(dA).poly(dT) and poly(dG).poly(dC), are the simplest of simple sequence repeats. Homopolymer tracts have been systematically examined in the coding, intron and flanking regions of a limited number of eukaryotes. As the number of DNA sequences publicly available increases, the representation (over and under) of homopolymer tracts of different lengths in these regions of different genomes can be compared. RESULTS: We carried out a survey of the extent of homopolymer tract over-representation (enrichment) and over-proportional length distribution (above expected length) primarily in the single gene documents, but including some whole chromosomes of 27 eukaryotics across the (G+C)% composition range from 20 – 60%. A total of 5.2 × 10(7 )bases from 15,560 cleaned (redundancy removed) sequence documents were analyzed. Calculated frequencies of non-overlapping long homopolymer tracts were found over-represented in non-coding sequences of eukaryotes. Long poly(dA).poly(dT) tracts demonstrated an exponential increase with tract length compared to predicted frequencies. A novel negative slope was observed for all eukaryotes between their (G+C)% composition and the threshold length N where poly(dA).poly(dT) tracts exhibited over-representation and a corresponding positive slope was observed for poly(dG).poly(dC) tracts. Tract size thresholds where over-representation of tracts in different eukaryotes began to occur was between 4 – 11 bp depending upon the organism (G+C)% composition. The higher the GC%, the lower the threshold N value was for poly(dA).poly(dT) tracts, meaning that the over-representation happens at relatively lower tract length in more GC-rich surrounding sequence. We also observed a novel relationship between the highest over-representations, as well as lengths of homopolymer tracts in excess of their random occurrence expected maximum lengths. CONCLUSIONS: We discuss how our novel tract over-representation observations can be accounted for by a few models. A likely model for poly(dA).poly(dT) tract over-representation involves the known insertion into genomes of DNA synthesized from retroviral mRNAs containing 3' polyA tails. A proposed model that can account for a number of our observed results, concerns the origin of the isochore nature of eukaryotic genomes via a non-equilibrium GC% dependent mutation rate mechanism. Our data also suggest that tract lengthening via slip strand replication is not governed by a simple thermodynamic loop energy model

    The propeller DNA conformation of poly(dA).poly(dT).

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    Physical properties of the DNA duplex, poly(dA).poly(dT) differ considerably from the alternating copolymer poly(dAT). A number of molecular models have been used to describe these structures obtained from fiber X-ray diffraction data. The recent solutions of single crystal DNA dodecamer structures with segments of oligo-A.oligo-T have revealed the presence of a high propeller twist in the AT regions which is stabilized by the formation of bifurcated (three-center) hydrogen bonds on the floor of the major groove, involving the N6 amino group of adenine hydrogen bonding to two O4 atoms of adjacent thymine residues on the opposite strand. Here we show that it is possible to incorporate the features of the single crystal analysis, specifically high propeller twist, bifurcated hydrogen bonds, and a narrow minor groove, as well as the close interstrand NMR signal between adenine HC2 and ribose HC1' of the opposite strand, into a model that is fully compatible with the diffraction data obtained from poly(dA).poly(dT)

    Molecular structure of nicked DNA: a substrate for DNA repair enzymes.

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    A novel β-hairpin peptide derived from the ARC repressor selectively interacts with the major groove of B-DNA

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    Transcription factors (TFs) have a remarkable role in the homeostasis of the organisms and there is a growing interest in how they recognize and interact with specific DNA sequences. TFs recognize DNA using a variety of structural motifs. Among those, the ribbon-helix-helix (RHH) proteins, exemplified by the MetJ and ARC repressors, form dimers that insert antiparallel β-sheets into the major groove of DNA. A great chemical challenge consists of using the principles of DNA recognition by TFs to design minimized peptides that maintain the DNA affinity and specificity characteristics of the natural counterparts. In this context, a peptide mimic of an antiparallel β-sheet is very attractive since it can be obtained by a single peptide chain folding in a β-hairpin structure and can be as short as 14 amino acids or less. Herein, we designed eight linear and two cyclic dodeca-peptides endowed with β-hairpins. Their DNA binding properties have been investigated using fluorescence spectroscopy together with the conformational analysis through circular dichroism and solution NMR. We found that one of our peptides, peptide 6, is able to bind DNA, albeit without sequence selectivity. Notably, it shows a topological selectivity for the major groove of the DNA which is the interaction site of ARC and many other DNA-binding proteins. Moreover, we found that a type I’ β-hairpin folding pattern is a favorite peptide structure for interaction with the B-DNA major groove. Peptide 6 is a valuable lead compound for the development of novel analogs with sequence selectivity