111 research outputs found

    Prevalence of High-Risk Human Papillomavirus (HR-HPV) Infection among Women with Normal and Abnormal Cervical Cytology in Myanmar

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    This study aimed to determine the prevalence of normal and abnormal cervical cytology in women who attended the cervical cancer screening clinic of the Department of Medical Research in Lower Myanmar, and to determine the proportion of high-risk (HR) human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and HPV genotypes in women with normal and abnormal cervical cytology. A total of 1,771 women were screened from 2010 to 2011. Among them, 762 women (43.0%) had a normal smear, and 866 (48.9%) and 87 (4.9%) were diagnosed with inflammatory smears and atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS), respectively. Diagnoses of low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL) and high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) numbered 42 (2.3%) and 11 (0.6%) respectively. Three cases of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) (0.2%) were detected. Cervical swabs were collected from 96 women with abnormal cervical cytology and 20 with normal cytology. HR-HPV DNA testing was performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with pU1M/pU2R primers. HR-HPV were identified in 35.5% (22/62) of inflammatory smears, 60% (6/10) of ASCUS, 86.7% (13/15) of LSIL, 50% (3/6) of HSIL, 100% (3/3) of SCC and 5% (1/20) of normal cytology. In PCR-positive cases, HPV genotyping was analyzed by the cleaved amplification polymorphism method. The most prevalent HPV genotypes were HPV-16 (60.4%) followed by HPV-31 (14.6%), HPV-18 (12.5%) and HPV-58 (12.5%). Women with abnormal cervical cytology were 10 times more likely to be HR-HPV positive than those with normal cytology (p=0.0001). This study suggests that the implementation of a cervical cytology screening program and routine vaccination against HPV in preadolescent and adolescent groups are needed to reduce the burden of HPV-associated cervical cancer

    Determination of Oncogenic Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Genotypes in Anogenital Cancers in Myanmar

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    Molecular and epidemiologic investigations suggest a causal role for human papillomavirus (HPV) in anogenital cancers. This study identified oncogenic HPV genotypes in anogenital cancers among men and women in a 2013 cross-sectional descriptive study in Myanmar. In total, 100 biopsy tissues of histologically confirmed anogenital cancers collected in 2008-2012 were studied, including 30 penile and 9 anal cancers from Yangon General Hospital and 61 vulvar cancers from Central Women's Hospital, Yangon. HPV-DNA testing and genotyping were performed by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism. Overall, 34% of anogenital cancers were HPV-positive. HPV was found in 44.4% of anal (4/9), 36.1% of vulvar (22/61), and 26.7% of penile (8/30) cancers. The most frequent genotypes in anal cancers were HPV 16 (75%) and 18 (25%). In vulvar cancers, HPV 33 was most common (40.9%), followed by 16 (31.8%), 31 (22.7%), and 18 (4.6%). In penile cancers, HPV 16 (62.5%) was most common, followed by 33 (25%) and 18 (12.5%). This is the first report of evidencebased oncogenic HPV genotypes in anogenital cancers among men and women in Myanmar. This research provides valuable information for understanding the burden of HPV-associated cancers of the anus, penis, and vulva and considering the effectiveness of prophylactic HPV vaccination

    Aesthetic Evaluation of Royal Palace in Yadanapon Period (Eastern Royal Zone)

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    Mandalay is one of the old cities in Yadanapon Period (1858.AD-1885.AD), and the last devastating war had seriously destroyed the palace buildings and left with only the memories of the past grandeur of the seat of the two kings: reign Mindon and Thibaw. In Yadanapon Period, the Royal Architecture or Palace Architecture arouse the desire to visualize the glittering halls and spires that they stood on the platform in the center of the fort. It remains many architectural significant of Myanmar Architecture for our future generation. Therefore, the author traces back the style of Mandalay Old Palace at first, which is derived from which previous styles and then he studies on the layout, functional relationships and spatial relationships of Palace Buildings which are mainly taken into consideration. Then, the author analyzes the architectural aspects and design elements of Palace Buildings. The purpose of this paper is to conserve the ritual expression, architectural styles, and characteristics of Myanmar Architecture. Moreover, the author would like to figure out the aesthetic evaluation of Royal Architecture in Yadanapon Period with systematic analysis which is based on literature review, site studies, observations and his opinions


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    Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is a class ofheuristic search algorithms that have beensuccessfully applied to solving combinationaloptimization (CO) problems. The traveling salesmanproblem (TSP) is among the most importantcombinatorial problems. ACO has very good searchcapability for optimization problems. But it still hassome drawbacks such as stagnation behavior, longcomputational time, and premature convergenceproblem of the basic ACO algorithm on TSP. Thoseproblems will be more obvious when the complexitiesof the considered problems increase. The proposedsystem based on basic ACO algorithm based on wellpositionedthe ants on the initiation and informationentropy which is applied to tuning of the algorithm’sparameters. Then, ACO for TSP has been improvedby incorporating local optimization heuristic.Therefore, the proposed system intends to reachsuperior search performance over traditional ACOalgorithms do

    Statistical Machine Translation between Myanmar Sign Language and Myanmar Written Text

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    This paper contributes the first evaluation of the quality of automatic translation between Myanmar sign language (MSL) and Myanmar written text, in both directions. Our developing MSL-Myanmar parallel corpus was used for translations and the experiments were carried out using three different statistical machine translation (SMT) approaches: phrase-based, hierarchical phrase-based, and the operation sequence model. In addition, three different segmentation schemes were studies, these were syllable segmentation, word segmentation and sign unit based word segmentation. The results show that the highest quality machine translation was attained with syllable segmentations for both MSL and Myanmar written text

    Development of Natural Language Processing based Communication and Educational Assisted Systems for the People with Hearing Disability in Myanmar

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    Information and communication technologies (ICTs) provide people with disabilities to better integrate socially and economically into their communities by supporting access to information and knowledge, learning and teaching situations, personal communication and interaction. Our research purpose is to develop systems that will provide communication and educational assistance to persons with hearing disability using Natural Language Processing (NLP). In this paper, we present corpus building for Myanmar sign language (MSL), Machine Translation (MT) between MSL, Myanmar written text (MWT) and Myanmar SignWriting (MSW) and two Fingerspelling keyboard layouts for Myanmar SignWriting. We believe that the outcome of this research is useful for educational contents and communication between hearing disability and general people

    Myanmar dengue outbreak associated with displacement of serotypes 2, 3, and 4 by dengue 1

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    Published version is free to read on publisher website In 2001, Myanmar (Burma) had its largest outbreak of dengue—15,361 reported cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome (DHF/DSS), including 192 deaths. That year, 95% of dengue viruses isolated from patients were serotype 1 viruses belonging to two lineages that had diverged from an earlier, now extinct, lineage sometime before 1998. The ratio of DHF to DSS cases in 2001 was not significantly different from that in 2000, when 1,816 cases of DHF/DSS were reported and dengue 1 also was the most frequently isolated serotype. However, the 2001 ratio was significantly higher than that in 1998 (also an outbreak year) and in 1999, when all four serotypes were detected and serotypes 1, 2, and 3 were recovered in similar numbers. The large number of clinical cases in 2001 may have been due, in part, to a preponderance of infections with dengue 1 viruses

    Study on Processing of Rare Earth Oxide from Monazite, Mongmit Myitsone Region

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    The present study investigates to support the production of rare earth oxide, which has been used for next research work of individual rare earth elements purification process from monazite, Mongmit Myitsone Region. The processing of rare earth oxide in this study involves four main parts, digestion of monazite concentrate, selective precipitation of rare earth hydroxide, precipitation of rare earth oxalate and calcination of rare earth oxide. The chemicals used in this study were commercial grade from local market. The products from each processing process were characterized by XRD and XRF. The final product contained (> 95 %) of total rare earth oxide and fulfilled to apply next purification process. This paper review the cheaper and easily way to extract rare earth oxide from Myanmar monazite

    Study on the Treatment of Liquid Waste from Rare Earth Processing by Chemical Precipitation

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    This paper describes treatment of liquid waste from rare earth processing by chemical precipitation. Monazite ore from Moemeik Myitsone area was used as raw material for rare earth processing. Large amount of solid and liquid wastes were generated after rare earth oxide processing. Solid waste was stored in the storage tanks and liquid waste needed further treatment before discharges to the environment. Research process serves the purpose of reducing the volume of the waste as much as possible to protect men and the environment from any undesirable effects for the present and future generation. Treatment methods are selected based on the composition, quantity and form of the waste materials. The used method is chemical precipitation method. For liquid waste treatment, the most coagulation treatment used is the Fe +++ co-precipitation followed by settling, decantation and filtration of the supernatant liquid. The efficiency of the process can be improved by careful control of the pH and the settling the decantation procedure. The sludge was filtered, dried in oven and collected in plastic bags and temporary stored in 100 liters plastic drums.   Finally all of the decontaminated effluents are safety discharged to the environment. All of the experiments were analyzed by the X- ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (XRF). Before treatment, thorium and uranium contained <2000 ppm,  < 300 ppm and this is in the low level waste. After treatment result in decant water gives uranium (< 1 ppm) and thorium (< 10 ppm).According to the threshold limits for the UK radioactive classification system,   liquid waste from rare earth processing was less than (0.4 Bq/g) and this range is in exempt waste and can be discharge to drain and to the environment safety. The safety regime was in place and improved simultaneously by survey monitoring by using Alert Monitor 4 meter Scale in USV/H