3 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Dependency Parsing for Myanmar Language using Part-of-Speech Information

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    In this paper, we present the preliminary experimentsof unsupervised dependency parsing on rawsegmented and part-of-speech (POS) tagged corpusof Myanmar language. This experiment is aimed tosupport building treebank and get ann-otated corpuswith dependency structures of My-anmar words. Thereferenced word dependency schemes are alsoexplained. We present the expr-imental results ontrees of unsupervised parsed annotated corpus interms of unlabeled and labe-led attachment scores(UAS and LAS) by UDPi-pe 89.79 % and 85.56% fortest and 98.25% and 97.89% for trained datarespectively

    English-to-Myanmar Statistical Machine Translation Using a Language Model on Part-of-Speech in Decoding

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    In this study, we investigate English-to-Myanmarstatistical machine translation (SMT) by usingpart-of-speech (POS) as linguistic inform-ationwhich is valuable for statistical machine translationsystems to extract translation rules. This paperpresents the POS tagger which is also used assegmenter, how to add POS to the phrase-based SMTand the experiment. The experimental results showedthat the baseline SMT with POS that used POStagged language model could outperform thebaseline system in terms of BLEU and RIBES scores

    New Record on the Occurrence of Cyst Nematode, Heterodera cajani Koshy, 1967 on Sesame, Sesamum indicum in Myanmar

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    Sesame, Sesamum indicum L. occupies for nearly half of the area sown to oilseed crops in Myanmar. It is cultivated for domestic consumption and export. During 2003, sesame cultivars, Sinyadnar3, Sinyadanar5, Magway7/9 and Khwaylayni grown in Oilseed Crop Research Farm, Department of Agricultural .Research, Magway were found to be heavily infected with Heterodera cyst nematodes. In 2004, cysts were also found from the soil samples collected from the previously infested plots. Infested field showed patches in which the plants were stunted, chlorotic, and caused wilting. When the infected plants were uprooted, curving of tap root, and red-girdling and dark browning of lateral and tap roots were observed. Lemon-shaped cysts were found attaching to the root surface. Young females were white or creamy colour whereas old cysts with eggs were tan colour. A few bullae were found on the posterior portion of the female. Larvae were vermiform with elongate conoid tail. Males were cylindrical or elongated with short tail without bursa. According to the morphological characters of the nematode and disease symptoms of sesame, the nematode was supposed to be identified as Heterodera cajani. There was no report o cyst nematode, Heterodera spp. in Myanmar. The present finding, the occurrence of Heterodera cajani on sesamum, is the first record of Heterodera spp. in Myanmar