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    Studying the history of science could help develop an understanding of the contributions made by ancient nations towards scientific advances. Although Iranians had an important impact on the improvement of science, the history of Iranian medicine seems not to have been given enough attention by historians. The present study focused on the history of anesthesia and pain management in Iranian medical history. In this regard, related books such as Avesta and Shahnameh were studied in order to obtain the history of anesthesiology in Iranian pre Islamic era. This subject was also studied in the famous books of Rhazes, Haly Abbas, Avicenna, Jorjani, MomenTunekaboni and Aghili from different times of the Islamic era. Scientific data bases such as PubMed, Scopus and Google Scholar were searched using key words “Iranian”, “Persian”, “pain management” and “anesthesia”. It was discovered that pain management and anesthesiology were well known to the Iranians. Rhazes and Avicenna had innovations in this regard. Fourteen Mokhader (anesthetic) herbs, which were included in the collection of the previous knowledge of the 18th century entitled Makhzan al-Advieyh and used as the Persian Materia Medica, were identified and listed. This study introduces the history of anesthesiology and pain management at different periods in the history of Iran.Proučavanje povijesti znanosti može pomoći razvoju razumijevanja doprinosa drevnih naroda znanstvenom napretku. Iako su Iranci imali značajan utjecaj na unapređenje znanosti, čini se da povjesničari nisu pridali dovoljno pozornosti povijesti iranske medicine. Ova studija usredotočena je na povijest anestezije i liječenje boli u iranskoj medicinskoj povijesti. U tom smislu povezane knjige kao što su Avesta i Šahname proučavane su kako bi se istražila povijest anesteziologije u iranskoj predislamskoj eri. Navedena je tema također istraživana i u poznatim knjigama Razesa, Haly Abbasa, Avicenne, Jorjanija, Momen Tunekabonija i Aghilija iz različitih doba islamske ere. Znanstvene baze kao što su PubMed, Scopus i Google pretraživane su pomoću ključnih riječi ‘iranski’, ‘perzijski’, ‘liječenje boli’ i ‘anestezija’. Otkriveno je da su kontrola boli i anesteziologija bile dobro poznate Irancima. Razes i Avicena također su doprinijeli razvoju u tom pogledu. Identificirano je i navedeno četrnaest Mokhader (anestetičkih) biljaka koje su sadržane u zbirci dotadašnjeg znanja iz 18. stoljeća naslovljenoj Makhzanal-Advieyh te korištenoj kao perzijska Materia Medica. U tom kontekstu ovaj rad predstavlja povijest anesteziologije i liječenja boli u različitim razdobljima povijesti Irana

    An investigation in the correlation between Ayurvedic body-constitution and food-taste preference

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    Studying the history of science could help develop an understanding of the contributions made by ancient nations towards scientific advances. Although Iranians had an important impact on the improvement of science, the history of Iranian medicine seems not to have been given enough attention by historians. The present study focused on the history of anesthesia and pain management in Iranian medical history. In this regard, related books such as Avesta and Shahnameh were studied in order to obtain the history of anesthesiology in Iranian pre Islamic era. This subject was also studied in the famous books of Rhazes, Haly Abbas, Avicenna, Jorjani, MomenTunekaboni and Aghili from different times of the Islamic era. Scientific data bases such as PubMed, Scopus and Google Scholar were searched using key words “Iranian”, “Persian”, “pain management” and “anesthesia”. It was discovered that pain management and anesthesiology were well known to the Iranians. Rhazes and Avicenna had innovations in this regard. Fourteen Mokhader (anesthetic) herbs, which were included in the collection of the previous knowledge of the 18th century entitled Makhzan al-Advieyh and used as the Persian Materia Medica, were identified and listed. This study introduces the history of anesthesiology and pain management at different periods in the history of Iran.Proučavanje povijesti znanosti može pomoći razvoju razumijevanja doprinosa drevnih naroda znanstvenom napretku. Iako su Iranci imali značajan utjecaj na unapređenje znanosti, čini se da povjesničari nisu pridali dovoljno pozornosti povijesti iranske medicine. Ova studija usredotočena je na povijest anestezije i liječenje boli u iranskoj medicinskoj povijesti. U tom smislu povezane knjige kao što su Avesta i Šahname proučavane su kako bi se istražila povijest anesteziologije u iranskoj predislamskoj eri. Navedena je tema također istraživana i u poznatim knjigama Razesa, Haly Abbasa, Avicenne, Jorjanija, Momen Tunekabonija i Aghilija iz različitih doba islamske ere. Znanstvene baze kao što su PubMed, Scopus i Google pretraživane su pomoću ključnih riječi ‘iranski’, ‘perzijski’, ‘liječenje boli’ i ‘anestezija’. Otkriveno je da su kontrola boli i anesteziologija bile dobro poznate Irancima. Razes i Avicena također su doprinijeli razvoju u tom pogledu. Identificirano je i navedeno četrnaest Mokhader (anestetičkih) biljaka koje su sadržane u zbirci dotadašnjeg znanja iz 18. stoljeća naslovljenoj Makhzanal-Advieyh te korištenoj kao perzijska Materia Medica. U tom kontekstu ovaj rad predstavlja povijest anesteziologije i liječenja boli u različitim razdobljima povijesti Irana

    Myrrh a traditional medicine or a multipurpose pharmaceutical excipient

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    A drug dosage form contains excipients as well as active pharmaceutical ingredients. Formerly, excipients were considered inert components that were used by a formulator to provide the suitable volume, weight and consistency of a dosage form. Today, however, excipients are expected to perform multifunctional roles such as enhancing physical, chemical and microbial stabilities of the dosage form, improving the color or odor of the formulation, and influencing the release and bioavailability of the active ingredient. Among various excipients, natural ones seem to be more beneficial to use, since they are economical, safe, biodegradable, and biocompatible. In this article, myrrh oleo-gum-resin is introduced as a potential natural multipurpose excipient that can perform many useful roles in pharmaceutical dosage forms. Scopus and Google scholar electronic databases were searched to find different properties of myrrh as an excipient. Moreover, ten famous traditional Iranian medicine books were studied to find semisolid formulations named Sabgh, which contained myrrh. One of these formulations was prepared, and its physical and microbiological stabilities were assessed. The role of myrrh as an excipient in this formulation is discussed here. Antibacterial and preservative effects shown in the formulation were related to the essential oil of myrrh. The gum portion was found to be a potential surfactant. In addition, myrrh is a natural muco-adhesive and film forming material. These properties were observed for myrrh in the Sabgh formulation in this study as well. So we can conclude that myrrh could be a potential multipurpose excipient in pharmaceutical industries, which needs further research

    Traditional Persian Medicine and management of metabolic dysfunction in polycystic ovary syndrome

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    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age. Its cause is unknown and it remains the most enigmatic of reproductive disorders. The extant written documents of Traditional Persian Medicine (TPM) – with holistic approaches towards human health – contain remedies used for centuries. Before further experimental research on any of these treatments, it is appropriate to study current related scientific evidence on their possible pharmacological actions. This work aims to study PCOS and its treatments in TPM. To collect data from medieval medicinal texts, six of the most famous manuscripts of Persian medicine were studied. Medicinal treatments for a problem similar to PCOS were searched for in these books. The plants were listed and their authentications were confirmed in accordance with botanical books. PubMed and ScienceDirect databases were searched for related mechanisms of action or pharmacological activities of the medicinal plants reported. From numerous articles, the current work tried to cite the latest publications with regard to each reported plant and PCOS-related mechanisms of action. We studied herbal treatments recommended by ancient Persians to treat a condition called Habs-e-tams, which had the same symptoms of PCOS. It could be concluded that ancient physicians not only wanted to treat the irregular menstrual cycle—which is the most obvious symptom of PCOS—but also their treatment options were aimed at ameliorating the related underlying metabolic dysfunctions. The recommended herbs, which have the most scientific proof for their related actions, can be studied further in experimental analyses